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About living in a wet area



--- Quote from: SamSkjord on March 29, 2015, 10:32:46 AM ---Just outside of Bristol, England

Our roads in summer:

Our roads in winter:

--- End quote ---

SamSkjord, I'm reacting a month later to your pictures.
And didn't want to hijack the "where do you live?" post

Bristol looks much like Belgium, but worse :)

Do you ride the whole year?
Do you clean your bike each time?
Do you have to change bearings(other parts?) regularly?

Are there any others who ride in the wet too(cold or warm)?
How do you cope with it?

It's raining in San Diego today, we don't ride in the rain because our soil doesn't hold water well.

That picture is a little different than what you posted from Bristol.  Our trails stay dryer than that.   One trail I ride often has a creek crossing.  When approaching this crossing, the rider can choose to ride through the water, about 10 meters, or hop the rocks and walk or carry your bike across.  In the picture, you enter from the left side of the in the back of the photo, and exit just in front of where I took the photo (over the rocks).  Needless to say, less than half the people ride across.

I think there is plans for a bridge someday but it's been this way for over 10 years so I am not expecting any changes in the near future.

This trail also has a smaller water crossing that everyone rides through since the water is at the bottom of a fast downhill.


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