thank you guys
hopefully I'm fine - that's the most important thing
if I new that it would have lasted so long.... I'd have called Peter to get another frame quicker
but my reseller was less and less sharp about the new frame delivery... and finaly said that it's going to be delivered for September
3 long months to wait....
worst than for my first purchase

concerning the failure I want to stay positive if it's the real first one failure like this (and even I was not lucky... because unfortunatly it happened to me... that's life )
one out of several samples... that remains maybe a law %
last night I met a guy who's best friend is doing some repair on carbon stuff including some frames - pure hazard but a very good and interesting meet ;-)
I learnt from him that he already repaired several Specialized Stumpjumper HT frames - issues with the BB - aloy part does not remain fixed with the carbon around it....
never heard about it before... and never seen such issue with Chiner frames either.....
so even if I met another kind of failure on mine... on statistics point of vue... we can say that they are as good as other well known brands... or could even be better on some poitn of views
(I hope I'll keep this way of thinking after too :-) )
now, I'm just looking forward receiving mine.... but I need to stay patient... very patient
as soon as I get news, I'll update you on that