Hi all
some words about my CS196 bought from Peter...
I'm still very happy about that frame, i don't really count hours and total distance made with it since I got it but..... it becomes something between 2500 and 3000km
I like long distance rides/races, not for being the winner but more for the long distance itself and wild areas
already done this season several 80-85km rides, one 120km, and next week-end another 100km race
average positive elevation is between +1500 to +2500 for each ride/race according to the location
some other long rides will come end of summer

I find this CS196 comfortable - I had a FS bike previously and got some pains on my back and wanted to try again a hardtail one... and I'm really happy of that change
for the summer build I use a 2.25" rear tire (which is more a 2.2 in real, but some brands like saying that they made the lightest tire for this size :-) ) , this tire section certainly helps to give some comfort
I often experience people asking "what brand is your bike? " and they are surprized about the answer but still look interested

I recently put some stickers on it showing the frame reference and Peter's company name.... but I'll change (it's not as good as I expected but I have other ideas). I'll share when I'm happy with the result
anyway, if I have to resume: I'm fully happy with that frame