Author Topic: Velobuild quality & pricing  (Read 1745 times)


Velobuild quality & pricing
« on: March 17, 2025, 03:24:29 AM »
Hi all,
After reading countless threads of many happy customers with chinese carbon frames (I have never bought or even seen one).. I am very intrigued :)

Specifically, I am looking at the Velobuild TT bike (VB-TT-023). Klein Concept on Youtube made an incredible looking bike!
I've also seen other on the forum that build up a great looking with this frame... everyone seems to be satisfied..

I just don't get why they could be so much cheaper than other big brands? Is the quality below par? Or is it just a hit an miss with these kinds of purchases? (i.e. or you get a superb bike, or you get a cracked frame)


Re: Velobuild quality & pricing
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2025, 04:11:42 AM »
Velobuild is a good frame. Maybe not the best, but the price can't be beat. Specifically, I'd say: get the frame, get it painted elsewhere. I was happy with everything but the paint job. They even did an RMA on my fork when it developed a hairline crack, around a year after.


Re: Velobuild quality & pricing
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2025, 08:55:26 AM »
I just don't get why they could be so much cheaper than other big brands? Is the quality below par? Or is it just a hit an miss with these kinds of purchases? (i.e. or you get a superb bike, or you get a cracked frame)

In essence, this is why this forum exists.
If you buy from long teng, you buy from a factory that doesnt even have a brand, its marketing budget is zero, and the 268 that i ride is open mould, so it cost them absolutely nothing to develop. They OEM for various brandes, including Argon 18.
At the other extreme, you have pinarello, that is owned by the same conglomerate that owns louis vuitton. They sell a brand, they develop their own designs, they sponsor teams, they test stuff in wind tunnels, and so on.

This forums helps identify where to spend your money, based on what you value. If you buy a yeoleo frame, you pay 1000, you could get the same frame from 500 from someone else who doesnt pay influencers. for example.

If the VB TT023 appeals to you, order with confidence. You will receive a road worthy frame. If you happen to be the 1/100 who receives a bad frame, complain and get your problem fixed. But you can confidently assume you'll receive something safe to ride that will put a smile on your face. I've built 4 VB frames, had zero issues.
Fast on the flat. And nowhere else.


Re: Velobuild quality & pricing
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2025, 10:25:25 AM »
My first chinese frame was through velobuild back when it was a forum similar to this. Then it was handed over (or sold) to Zhongwei and it became their storefront. It actually was a zhongwei frame and I rode it for thousands of miles. Sold it and it is still being ridden locally.

Serge summed it up pretty concisely. We skip the middle man and overhead costs buying direct.
While I don't believe these frames are the same quality as high end big brands, they're getting closer and closer.


Re: Velobuild quality & pricing
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2025, 09:56:57 AM »
Thanks for your insights!
Definelty gonna give it a try then :)

Imo the frame just looks incredible!
Can't wait to build my own bike for the first time


Re: Velobuild quality & pricing
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2025, 03:49:51 AM »

I ordered the VB-TT-023 last year an dI'm very happy with it. I had a problem with the fork, the steerer tube hole was not "drilled enough" to install the expander but they sent me a new fork very fast  8)

I also like the riding feeling, it's more like a road bike than a TT bike... i prefer that (I had the orbea ordu omx before)



Re: Velobuild quality & pricing
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2025, 04:22:32 AM »

I ordered the VB-TT-023 last year an dI'm very happy with it. I had a problem with the fork, the steerer tube hole was not "drilled enough" to install the expander but they sent me a new fork very fast  8)

I also like the riding feeling, it's more like a road bike than a TT bike... i prefer that (I had the orbea ordu omx before)


Wow that bike looks amazing! Did you get it custom painted?


Re: Velobuild quality & pricing
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2025, 04:29:53 AM »

Yes, I chose the custom paint option from Velobuild. It's way cheaper than a custom paint in France.


Re: Velobuild quality & pricing
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2025, 11:24:49 AM »

I ordered the VB-TT-023 last year an dI'm very happy with it. I had a problem with the fork, the steerer tube hole was not "drilled enough" to install the expander but they sent me a new fork very fast  8)

I also like the riding feeling, it's more like a road bike than a TT bike... i prefer that (I had the orbea ordu omx before)


Not a huge fan of TT bikes, but that looks great! What wheels are those?


Re: Velobuild quality & pricing
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2025, 04:31:16 PM »
Not a huge fan of TT bikes, but that looks great! What wheels are those?

Its a custom wheel build with lightbicycle rims, the model is "Turbo 78", with 25mm internal rim width... very confortable!