Depends how hardcore you want to go. The RF25/G056 is more than adequate to handle a few days bike packing in areas here in California like Catalina Island, Death Valley or Joshua Tree. Also I prefer a gravel bike that has more in common with road standards making it easier to swap parts with. I've bumped into a few Japanese cross-country bike tourers and those guys are just on simple Surly steel frames that are fully loaded while towing a cart!
I guess that that "bikepacking" needs to be better defined by the OP. In the original definition/meaning of "Bikepacking" is an event where the rider is attempting to ride and achieve the BKT. (Best known time) The distances are usually 500KM to 1000KM. (500 miles is a typical bikepacking distance in the USA.) The distances have to be long enough that the rider should spend a minimum of 2 nights sleeping somewhere on the course.
These days, the more common meaning of bikepacking in the US has become "any multiday ride you ride where you camp and ride on mixed surface roads, and trails.
- You wrote "bike packing", and to me this is the proper way to write that you are not participating in a timed multiday event.
I can state that this is one reason I have 3 different bikes I can use for rides that require camping. Gravel, 29er hardtail and my custom TI frame slacker for heavy duty off-road camping and distance riding where comfort is king over speed and weight. (The 4th sub category of this is known as "CC" multiday riding. "Credit card" rides where you sleep in hotels, warm showers, hostels and carry a minimal amount of gear on the bike and riding speed is your primary objective to cover long distances.