Author Topic: Niner Jet9 RDO - $1153.99  (Read 2905 times)


Niner Jet9 RDO - $1153.99
« on: May 05, 2015, 08:44:16 AM »
I know we are all about Chinese Carbon, however, here is a sweet deal on a name brand FS frame with shock.  This price is about the same as I paid for my IP-036 + Fox CTD shock so you get a lot for your money.  However, it does not have a BSA BB or 12x142 thru axle  :-\.

2019 Stumpjumper Expert 29/27.5+
2017 Santa Cruz Stigmata
2017 Trek Stache 9.8 (29+)
2016 Specialized Stumpjumper FSR Carbon Comp 6Fattie (27.5+) (Sold)
2016 Trek Stache 9 (29+) w/upgrades (Sold)
2014 -036 Full Suspension Chiner (Sold)
2013 -057 Hardtail Carbon Chiner (Sold)
Atlanta, GA


Re: Niner Jet9 RDO - $1153.99
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2015, 09:10:33 AM »
I know we are all about Chinese Carbon

I think we are about getting the best deals on carbon without spending needlessly on branding and advertising. This is a a sweeeet deal! However.. I am not a fan of pf30 BB and am a huge fan of thru axles so those are kinda deal breakers for me, unfortunately. If those work for someone looking to do a new build, this frame is a no brainer. Do your research about pf30 BB tho, it seems lots guys have issues with it.

Also, you can get an 036 frame with shock a lot cheaper than this. You have an upper end shock and custom paint job on yours if I remember correctly, CD? Just thought I'd point that out to guys reading this and considering the 036 as an option.


Re: Niner Jet9 RDO - $1153.99
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2015, 06:55:30 PM »
I know we are all about Chinese Carbon, however, here is a sweet deal on a name brand FS frame with shock.  This price is about the same as I paid for my IP-036 + Fox CTD shock so you get a lot for your money.  However, it does not have a BSA BB or 12x142 thru axle  :-\.

Wow, I didn't really need to see that. Been looking for a replacement for the old '11 Rumblefish for a while, and that might just fill the bill, but I have to unload more bikes first. Just not enough room in the shop. :D


Re: Niner Jet9 RDO - $1153.99
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2015, 06:57:13 PM »
You are right Oolak, you can probably get an IP-036 w/o custom paint and a lower priced shock for about $250-$300 less, and you would have your choice of a BSA bottom bracket and 12x142 thru axle.

However, it is a sweet looking frame  :)>
2019 Stumpjumper Expert 29/27.5+
2017 Santa Cruz Stigmata
2017 Trek Stache 9.8 (29+)
2016 Specialized Stumpjumper FSR Carbon Comp 6Fattie (27.5+) (Sold)
2016 Trek Stache 9 (29+) w/upgrades (Sold)
2014 -036 Full Suspension Chiner (Sold)
2013 -057 Hardtail Carbon Chiner (Sold)
Atlanta, GA


Re: Niner Jet9 RDO - $1153.99
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2015, 12:52:41 PM »
The PF30 BB seems like a failure of a design.  BB30 or BSA are much more robust in my experience.  There is a reason everyone is dropping PF30.

Through axle is a most in my book too; the added rigidity is worth it.

Lastly, I'm not entirely certain of the details on that rear shock, but if it's similar to the RC on my Anthem, it's really not that great.  Minimally adequate I think.


Re: Niner Jet9 RDO - $1153.99
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2015, 10:55:46 AM »
The PF30 BB seems like a failure of a design.  BB30 or BSA are much more robust in my experience.  There is a reason everyone is dropping PF30.

Funny, I've heard the opposite from a frame builder - BB30 has ridiculously high tolerances that are harder to hit and PF30 is much more reliable.

What's funniest is that the thread-in standard that dates back to - I don't even know when but it's a looong time - and it still seems to be the best answer.