Author Topic: Circus Monkey stems or any other cheap anodized ones  (Read 1880 times)


Circus Monkey stems or any other cheap anodized ones
« on: August 19, 2015, 04:57:38 PM »
So I am looking for parts for my inbound Workswell 062 frame. I'm going with blue and yellow parts as those are the favorite colors of my daughters. Blue or gold name brand stems under $50 are hard to find. So I'm looking at the Circus Monkey stems on eBay. They are in the $30 range and seem to be pretty light. Anybody on here used them before? Are there other options I am missing? They need to be blue or gold/yellow and under $50.


Re: Circus Monkey stems or any other cheap anodized ones
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2015, 05:06:40 PM »
Riding buddy of mine has a circus monkey stem on his bike and so far no issues. I've looked at it up close and all the metal and screw holes looked clean and of high quality. Seems like a good choice for you since you need a specific color on a budget. I say go for it.