Author Topic: Smud-carbon saddle  (Read 2897 times)


Smud-carbon saddle
« on: June 13, 2016, 03:58:27 AM »
Hi guys,
After running into smud-carbon in a post related to bottle cage I decided to buy a saddle from them. I really don't need it, really satisfied with my Selle Italia SLR, but I've been too tempted to drop the weight of my bike by 115g.
I'm going here to share my experience with you!

So... I don't get the saddle yet but already get some interesting stuff for you.

- Smud-carbon is based in Poland, most likely a one-man company, Piotr.
- Their product look amazing to me: both very nice looking and incredibly light. Not too expensive either (still far from being cheap!).
- It is difficult to buy from them. You can't buy online (it's not a web shop) and they are not fast to reply to email (multiple days, if not weeks). The only way to buy is by email.
- So, after waiting a long time, I finally got feedback from Piotr and have ordered a saddle (with custom paint) and a top cap (not for weight saving, but because it looks really cool!). I paid by Paypal (they don't even send a PP invoice, you have to get online and send a payment after agreeing on the total cost).

Now I need to wait 2-3 weeks to receive my parts :)

EDIT: I realize that I have missed the most obvious, their address:
« Last Edit: June 13, 2016, 04:01:28 AM by SportingGoods »


Re: Smud-carbon saddle
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2016, 09:14:52 AM »
Thank you for sharing.
I just sent an email asking about a seatpost.

To re-build my CS-041 I need a seatpost of 420-430mm to be sure it goes far enough.
A 400mm is ok, but I would prefer it a bit more inside the frame.


Re: Smud-carbon saddle
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2016, 11:51:46 AM »
I'm not affiliated with them in any way, yet I'm very happy that this small company known almost only in Poland will get some wider recognition. Hope you are happy with their stuff ;)


Re: Smud-carbon saddle
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2016, 08:03:42 PM »
Thank you for sharing.
I just sent an email asking about a seatpost.

To re-build my CS-041 I need a seatpost of 420-430mm to be sure it goes far enough.
A 400mm is ok, but I would prefer it a bit more inside the frame.

Holy crap... if a 400mm seat post isn't long enough, you sure you're on the right size frame?