Chinese Carbon MTB > 29+ & 27+

IMust 27.5+ full suspension frame

<< < (2/2)

@Carbon_Dude, @JohnSpeed, thanks for the details.
The 041 frame is more like a blade you launch in a direction, the 062 is more twitchy/playful, while the 256 seats somewhere in between.
I thought there was some new kind of modern/best geometry all frames are going to tend to, but no, all subjective impressions, like the above :)

If you guys look at the pictures it would appear that the IMUST and all the other text and even the paint splatter is just a vinyl sticker that is lined up with the paint. There's a slight difference in color and you can sort of see an edge in the close up images. If you're interested in the frame I'd send the link to Peter and see if he can get it, and if not just know that you can probably remove those stickers with a little rubbing alcohol and elbow grease.

IMUST is the same company as ICAN. Go figure... Same manufacturer. I have personally spoken with them. Hope that helps.

"IMust, ICan... IWill, ICan't, IMight, we can keep going with this. 


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