Author Topic: Xiamen Carbon Full Suspension fattie  (Read 23097 times)


Xiamen Carbon Full Suspension fattie
« on: August 01, 2016, 11:15:54 AM »
I am looking to upgrade my Aluminum full suspension eFat Bike to a carbon Full Suspension using the CS-001 newest full suspension fat bike frame 26er for 177*12mm axle.

My current E-ride is the 19" BikesDirect Sniper with a Bafang BBS-HD pulling 52v from HobbyKing LiPo's... SEE ATTACHED

The plan is to build a 21" Xiamen  CS-001 full suspension fat bike frame 26er for 177*12mm axle using a 3000 watt electric motor

If someone has experience with this new frame, it would be nice to hear comments

« Last Edit: August 20, 2016, 09:29:45 AM by element »


Re: Xiamen Carbon Full Suspension fattie
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2016, 11:57:02 AM »
No experience with the frame, but out of curiosity why would you want to upgrade to a carbon frame? What is this bike used for primarily?


Re: Xiamen Carbon Full Suspension fattie
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2016, 04:59:54 PM »
I am looking at carbon because I can't find another full suspension Fattie that meets my motor mounting configuration.  I like the sniper and after riding it, my hard tail Fatties feel like log trucks. 
I only trail ride and having a second full suspension Fattie is my only excuse... and I never owned a carbon bike before. 
Logic has not been part of the thought process


Re: Xiamen Carbon Full Suspension fattie
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2016, 08:46:17 PM »
I only trail ride and having a second full suspension Fattie is my only excuse... and I never owned a carbon bike before. 
Logic has not been part of the thought process

Sounds valid enough to me! Honestly if the frame fits your specifications I wouldn't be hesitant to order from Peter. I'm pretty sure most people on here would agree that he stands by his products. If you're more worried about components fitting I would just see if there are any other threads on other sites like pinkbike, mtbr.. etc, where someone has built one. I've never seen an E-Mountain bike before. I did a little reading and it sounds like if you don't mind a little extra weight they can be a blast. I hope you build one up and share with us what it's like. I haven't been through all the threads on here, but as far as I know you're the only one to have mentioned building one on a chiner frame!


Re: Xiamen Carbon Full Suspension fattie
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2016, 11:25:00 PM »
I have had the pleasure of building this bike up with two different builds.... one with a Bluto Fork and then with the Lefty. It is by far the best bike I have ever owned and I have owned some pretty nice bikes... I had a Santa Cruz Tall Boy LTc Enve Package and then also a Bronson (same build).... this bike is more stable descending and it climbs like a beast.  If I had it all to do over again, I would order this bike again without question... Peter has been very professional and always got back to me very quickly with all of my questions.  There is not another bike on the market currently that I know of that is built this good and for the price there is absolutely nothing that compares.  I am recommending this bike to all of my friends... currently my bike is taken apart because I just added a Carbon Supermax Lefty Fork for it and I am installing the new Eagle XX1 next week on it... I can't wait to get out on this thing again and ride... it really is a true work of art.


Re: Xiamen Carbon Full Suspension fattie
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2016, 07:34:39 AM »
Thanks, and now I am excited about building my eCarbon....I sent an email to Bella ask for a quote.
Another question.... should I consider xm carbon wheels for my Pennsylvania woods and trails or will aluminum be more durable?
Either way I will need a rear wheel because I don't have any 177x12 stuff
FYI, I will be using 120mm Bluto...
« Last Edit: August 20, 2016, 09:19:24 AM by element »


Re: Xiamen Carbon Full Suspension fattie
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2016, 08:08:53 AM »
Awesome choice with the Bluto. I haven't heard anything bad yet. You might want to check out this thread,756.30.html. The frame didn't have enough clearance for the fork, so he had to get this crown race / spacer combo machined. It sounds like it was affordable and works well! Honestly, reading through all these forums and talking with people around the trails I'd say go carbon on the wheel set if your budget permits. A lot of people make good claims that carbon is actually stronger and better. I'm waiting on my set to arrive from Peter this week, but I've heard nothing but good things.


Re: Xiamen Carbon Full Suspension fattie
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2016, 01:20:40 PM »
Why carbon, attached are better pictures of an Aluminum Full Suspension Fattie. 

Consider those the BEFORE pictures

The Purple Mountain Majesty (BikeDirect Sniper) is an awesome bike and the attached pictures show the small LiPo batteries next to a dollar bill... carried in a hydration backpack.
These batteries when connected to the Bafang HD gives a 10 to 20 mile woods ride that is best described as silent Motor Cross or a very exciting mountain bike ride!

Ok, so where the the XM carbon come in?...

1. I liked riding the eSniper but they are no longer available and it's a fairly heavy bike
2. Because I carry the LiPo batteries in a backpack, means any real weight reduction of the fat bike improves it handling dynamics

Bottom Line, going from an alloy bike to a carbon bike that weighs nothing when compared to the Sniper

eCarbon...  ;D It is going to be hard to take the smile off my face
« Last Edit: August 20, 2016, 09:31:02 AM by element »


Re: Xiamen Carbon Full Suspension fattie
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2016, 01:36:30 PM »
Wow... that looks like a post oil era motocross bike :)


Re: Xiamen Carbon Full Suspension fattie
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2016, 10:14:07 AM »
You are correct, XM has good service.

They shipped the frame and gave a tracking number the same day as receiving payment.  :)

I also ordered seat tube, headset and a spare derailleur hanger, to avoid fitment problems

I did not order XM wheels because of their long lead times, but little did I know wheels would not be the problem... see below

Now the bad news...

I cannot find any bike local shops that stocks a 37mm seat tube clamp so I needed to order from Ebay

Unfortunately that means the eCarbon project stops until late August when the clamp is scheduled to arrive from China

This is the same lesson as posted before on this forum.  It is the little stuff that can makes building a Carbon bike more difficult. 

I never guessed a $12.00 part would halt this expensive $$$ project. I assume that is why some carbon frame builders include the seat tube clamp  :-\

Found a cool Stainless Steel clamp

« Last Edit: August 04, 2016, 12:15:43 PM by element »


Re: Xiamen Carbon Full Suspension fattie
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2016, 02:57:58 PM »
Wow, really fast shipping from Bella and Peter

Frame was packed very well and what you see in the picture only took one hour to assemble

 :D very-very please with the frame, I can recommend it 100%

Using Aluminum Rims until the Carbon wheels ship, the Aluminium wheels will be used for muddy trails

The Carbon wheels will have a less knobby tires for summer dry tail riding, the carbon wheels are being built by team Peter

The knobby mud tires are not mounted on the aluminum wheels because the Orange 75mm Tubeless rim tape has not arrived

« Last Edit: August 20, 2016, 09:13:51 AM by element »


Re: Xiamen Carbon Full Suspension fattie
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2016, 09:59:18 AM »
Very impressed with XM, Peter and Bells

As noted in previous replies the frame is amazing, but the 80mm x 35mm Club Carbon 80 wheels are the best

Yes they are light and the excellent tolerance relating to rim dimensions made tubeless setup a breeze.

One layer of 75mm Orange Seal Fat Bike Tubeless Tape, 46mm American Classic Bicycle Tubeless Wheels Valve Stems and and 4 oz of sealant... done

NOTE: Only use one layer of thin Orange Seal Tape, Gorilla Tape would be too thick and the valve stems must be 46mm or longer


For a large size frame FULL SUSPENSION FAT BIKE... this is a light fattie thanks to Peter and Bella

21" frame
4.7" Sno Tires
120mm Bluto forks
200mm Rear Shock (120mm RW travel)
Front and rear fenders
heavy duty aluminum handle bars
120mm high-rise stem
many headset spacers

only weighs 32#

... change the seat and bars it would be around 30#...  But with rider weight of 255# light handle bars are risky

Motor in transit, stay tuned


Re: Xiamen Carbon Full Suspension fattie
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2016, 03:54:51 PM »
Looks really good so far. I'm glad you decided to go with the carbon wheels. Yesterday my dad and I were loading bikes into the car and he picked up one of my wheels and it blew his mind. I'm convinced and very happy with mine. Your build looks really slick. Do you have your cranks yet? Will it be a 1x11? Where will you mount batteries for this build?


Re: Xiamen Carbon Full Suspension fattie
« Reply #13 on: August 25, 2016, 08:43:14 PM »
See attached picture of the 48# wheelie monster. 

Just finished making the custom brackets and installing a Cyclone 3000 inside the frame

The only testing was in the shop using 34t to 11/36 cassette and a backpack battery holding Hobbyking 1600M ampHr lipo's

eCarbon wheelies very easily at 48v and gets wild with 52v... feels like it could climb a tree

Can't imagine 72v... concerned the huge torque could break something :-\

Bike is surprisingly light at 48# ... when compared to my other ebikes,..

IMHO, This Full Suspension eCarbon fattie with carbon wheels, 4.7' tubeless tires, 3000 watt cyclone motor and a high amperage Lipo backpack has all the right elements to be the ultimate woods bike...

As it now stands, nobody can keep up with the now "old and obsolete" PMM (Purple Mountain Majesty) so the eCarbon will be like a Star Wars in the woods... but it needs a name ...
« Last Edit: August 26, 2016, 08:37:11 AM by element »


Re: Xiamen Carbon Full Suspension fattie
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2016, 08:20:29 AM »
I'm afraid you crossed the motorbike border with this monster :)