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Re: Tideace 2022 FS-AM831 Groupbuy C order with new Triangle Why? Are you hoping that between the two frames you will have enough functional pieces to have one good frame?
Because that's not really a given.

February 28, 2022, 06:26:16 PM
Re: FM1001 / FM1156 - 135mm frame
That's the route Rockshox intended and the same way everyone else routes it?
When you say it is the way everyone routes it, who do you mean by that? I have seen exactly nobody ever route their brake hose external to the fork. If you do a Google search for rockshox lyrik, you won't find a picture of the brake hose routed external, all of them internal. As rockshox intended.
Which brings me to that other point - when you say it is the route rockshox intended, what do you mean by that? Because if you look at the rockshox guide you will see that is the opposite of what they suggest.

October 25, 2022, 11:56:56 PM
Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts Setting the sniper up for 120 is as simple as a shock and fork.
I haven't had any of those issues. My bike is a large and fits two bottles easily in the front triangle. The 936 has one bottle mount. Sure, you need a wrench to replace the hangar. You need one for the 936 as well, but a small allen wrench rather than a larger open end wrench.
Sounds like you're simply wanting a change, so go for it. Mine is a T, so it has the extra brace on the rear triangle. Other than that the frames are identical from XC to T.
As for setup, I used the same components on both bike builds. Fork, wheels, drivetrain, cockpit, dropper, saddle.
Only thing different was the shock. Well, headset and bottom bracket too. I built the 936 with a fox DPS factory that I sent to Fox and had changed to 42.5 travel. I used a fox DPS performance elite on the sniper so I didn't have to see that annoying gold color. Functionally the exact same shock without the gold.
I built mine a couple years back, when the frame with shipping to my door was under $800.
At that price I might do it again. But really waiting for something else, and for prices to be back where they belong.
The sniper climbs and descends better. Noticeably. If you don't like whatever flex you are feeling with the sniper, I doubt you'll like the 936.

But get the frame. It's what you want to do, so go for it.

March 01, 2023, 09:12:57 AM
Re: Spcycle 2023 New Travel 120mm Super Light 29er full suspension frame Biggest issue I have with it is the headset cable routing. I won't build a bike with that garbage.
Head angle could be a degree more slack, but since it has headset routing I am out either way.

May 05, 2023, 03:02:22 PM