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Re: EDS electronic rear Derailleur Since the EDS has 13s capability, has anyone found many options for a 13speed cassette that ISN'T HG or Campi?     Specifically hoping to find something in 10-52 XD.

I sent have a couple messages to ZTTO about their HG 11-51 13s cassette asking if it will ever be available in XD but haven't heard back.

I don't need 13 speeds, my 12speed 10-52 xx1 cassette is just fine, but hey, if I have the "room" for 13, why not try it right?

December 22, 2023, 09:17:27 AM
Re: XD 12 speed cassette options I should have a SPEDAO cassette in my hands today or tomorrow and be riding on it over the weekend.  I'm using a WheelTop EDS OX  derailleur.

SPEDAO 12s cassette
Model : WSD-8012-1050-A1
12 speed: 10-12-14-16-18-21-24-28-32-36-42-50T
Weight: approx. approximately 398g
12 speed compatible with XD freehubs

I've had good luck in the past with SunRace and Sunshine on my gravel and MTBs but wanted to try something different this time around and the SPEDAO seemed to have a decent amount of positives said about it around the internet.

UPDATE— I received the cassette and chain today.  Super scientific hand weighing against the SRAM XG1299 cassette it’s replacing makes  the 50g difference feel nonexistent.

Slapped the cassette on, cut the chain (I stripped and waxed the fancy looking lightweight hollow chain it arrived with) and spun it through the gears.  The WheelTop EDS didn’t miss a beat and needed no adjustments.  Went up and down the road, everything seems perfect.  Will hopefully get in a nice long ride this weekend if the weather holds out.

January 29, 2024, 08:38:07 AM
Seraph TanTan GV201 Spotted this new frameset on their social media,  no more information yet.

February 20, 2024, 12:43:25 PM
Re: Chinese cycling clothes
Do you have a link to the model you picked ?

Looks like the ones I ordered are longer available.  Shame, I really liked the zippers on the leg cuffs and just above the front chamois. (why isn't that a bigger thing?)

I wound up with some thermal bibs from YKYW that are nice, but not as comfy as my DeMarchi summer bibs.  The smallest size is still a tiny bit too big in the chamois/waist area.

February 28, 2024, 08:20:07 AM
Re: XD 12 speed cassette options
Do you have good shifting in 3 lowest gears?

Yes.  Everything shifting fine and running smoothly.

March 21, 2024, 11:46:10 AM
Re: XD 12 speed cassette options
Interesting. What derailleur/shifter combo are you using? I've been riding exactly the same cassette but with Sroad branding since 2022 and both of my SLX and Deore derailleurs paired with GX shifter seems to "overshoot" on lowest gears. Whis causes chain rub on second gear and exceptionally bad downshifting from first gear. The derailleur hanger was trued and I also tried 2 new hangers with the same result.

I'm using the WheelTop EDS mtb system.

March 28, 2024, 02:32:26 PM
Re: Short Dropper Posts (sub 100mm travel) I ran across that 80mm the other day after posting as well.     I'm looking to get a dropper for my daughters bike.   I tested my 100mm dropper on her bike and it is too long by a couple inches so an 80mm *might* be right on the limit. 
April 29, 2024, 03:21:06 PM