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Re: RYET carbon MTB wheels/hubs Hi all!

I also own a Ryet 33mm XC Carbon wheelset, just want to leave some feedback.

The delivery took ages so I sold my bike before the set arrived and the new bike had different freehub (MS not XD as ordered).
I sent a message to Ryet askin for a new MS freehub they were quick to respond and posted it ASAP. The freehub delivery was 1 week to Europe.

Changing the freehub was not easy as the axle cap on the drive side is reverse threaded, keep that in mind if you ever want to service it :)

The different freehubs all fit to the hub and there is only one seal fitted to the hub itself meant to keep the dust, water and mud away from the pawls (mine is the 6 pawl version).
While changing the freehub I noticed that there is no threadlock applied to the axle so I kept it that way...BIG MISTAKE!

After about 150km MTB usage the shifting performance became inconsistent and a few miles later the freehub started skipping. Took it apart and found that the rear axle started to came apart pushing the freehub out from the hub body. The rubber seal came out as well exposing the pawls to the elements. Luckily nothing was damaged.

I wrote Ryet customer service about the problem and they sorted out a new MS freehub but I had to pay the shipping costs. By Ali's standards that's good customer service ;)

After fitting the new freehub, this time with threadlock applied everything was fine for a few hundred kilometers but then the rubber seal fell out from the hub, again exposing the pawls...
I guess it damaged when the freehub pushed it out before ad its no longer a tight fit inside the hub.
I tried to glue it back to the hub body hopefully it will hold.

Some other points to consider:
+6 pawl hub engagement is pretty impressive
+rims are holding up so far (83 kg rider, XC/Trail)

-Factory bearings are crap after only few hundred km
-Front wheel spokes making sound during hard braking...not enough tension???

To sum it all up I advise against these wheels. I will give the rear hub a final chance but might end up changing the hub to a DT.

August 06, 2023, 05:49:11 AM