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Topics - collinrudolph

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29er / Drops on an MTB Chiner?
« on: August 09, 2017, 09:48:44 AM »
Hello All,

Just want to start off by saying this is a great community with a ton of knowledge. Been reading up for the past few weeks here and there and I’m very impressed!

So I am looking to open up some options with my riding and buying into the whole chiner thing. I want to ride an mtb (maybe max of 2.3 inch) tire on something with drop bars. I see a lot of the cross bikes with 40c max, but I honestly don’t feel that is big enough to warrant me doing a full buildout. I am picturing a frame with something like a Salsa Cutthroat geometry so I can avoid the weird super high rise stems.

I have been looking primarily at the Tideace FM-M009, but I am open to anything.
So, has anyone put some drop bars on a fatter chiner yet? What frame would you recommend?


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