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Re: Interesting Aliexpress finds! - good deals, interesting stuff, new products etc! racework crankset with dub spindle and self extracting crankbolts.

Are they new? Or did i miss them

Edit: just saw this pic of them with the new 105 three bolt chainrings! Lol

May 04, 2024, 08:53:06 PM
Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
Really wondering if these increased prices are because of the contractions in the industry so they have to raise prices, or they think their product is equal to west brands so they want to price the same?

Keep in mind that retail price in china is 11500rmb(usd1600) and 14500rmb(usd2000), not pandapodium prices

And i think a lot of these chinese brand's target market are in china, not overseas so theyre priced accordingly to the market there

May 05, 2024, 11:16:15 AM
Re: Tavelo Aero Frame What makes you so sure? I live in and race(not professionally) in china and i think otherwise. Sure, they often are not as popular as internationally known brands but they definitely have a larger following than internationally.

most of the top chinese professional teams are sponsored by chinese brands and a lot of the brands discussed on this forum actually sponsor a team

I went to hangzhou for a race last month(unfortunately cancelled last minute due to rain) and saw a few people tavelo frames being ridden

May 05, 2024, 07:46:50 PM
Re: Tavelo Aero Frame Im not talking about velobuild either haha. Maybe we're misunderstanding each other. I dont think velobuild target domestic chinese market at all by the way. In fact, in my 5 years living here ive never seen anyone riding an unbranded open mold frame

Im talking about exactly the brands you listed. Tavelo, bross, pardus, seka, winspace,  etc and even brands like onirii all sponsor professional teams here in china. These brands, whether using open mold or not, are all spending money on marketing, sponsorships and creating brand presence in china. Winspace even have a physical store

Chinese customers don't value chinese frames much higher than we do

So in response to this, yes i think they do

I'm not saying they are bad bikes at all, I wouldn't mind riding one, just not worth the pricepoint along with all the other downsides that come with buying from the other side of the world.

I totally get that. I definitely dont think i would either if i were still living outside of china!

My main point was targeted at people here and on ww questioning these 'increased prices' from brands like tavelo, bross and seka and quoting pandapodium prices

May 05, 2024, 09:47:04 PM
Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
But this is way more expensive than any other catalogue frame from a Chinese brand. 

I don't see how they can sell these at either the PP or domestic Chinese price.  Disregarding the frame itself, just look at the paint jobs ... they look awful for this price.

look at this graph and think about all the people that complain about the price of high end western bikes and components increasing over the years, yet people are still buying them. Just because theyre chinese doesnt mean they have to be 'cheap' to sell.

Search 'tavelo' on 小红书(redbook) and you can scroll for hours seeing all the people that buy and post pictures of their tavelo bikes if you dont believe me haha

Dont forget china has a population of 1.4+ billion. 3.5x united states. There are bound to be some people that like the paintjobs that you think are awful XD

May 07, 2024, 09:23:07 AM
Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
To reiterate: again, no other pret a porter molds are being sold this expensive by a Chinese brand

Not exactly true. Here are some examples in this price range:

Tavelo attack 9800(no bars) / 11800rmb('ice crack' paint job)

Tavelo arow 9800rmb(11500rmb with one piece bar)

Seka exceed 9990rmb

Elilee blize 10800rmb

Pardus spark evo 11000-13000rmb(resell price on 闲鱼. Not sold frameset only)

Winspace t1550 12500rmb

Tavelo arow SL 12800rmb(14500rmb with one piece bar)

Seka spear 15990rmb

Bross zenith plume 15999rmb

and the existing customers are paying much less for the Attack than the Arrow.

Attack and arow non SL are same price. SL is 3000rmb($415) more to save 110g. Pretty steep but im sure thats not going to stop people from buying it(in china)

And it looks shite vs stuff like Seka / Bross etc.

Thats just your opinion. Not a fact

May 09, 2024, 06:25:44 AM
Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
Their exorbitant markup for non-chinese market is because..

Just to be clear, its not exactly tavelo's markup. Its pandapodium's markup

As i stated above,

Tavelo arow retail price  is 9800rmb (USD$1360) and Pandapodium's price is $1880

SL is 12800rmb (USD$1770) and PP's price is $2380

And i would guess Pandapodium are getting the frames for wholesale price(less than retail)

If Tavelo wanted to sell their frames internationally, they could sell them for closer to domestic retail and still be making a profit(they already make profit selling at their domestic retail price). But PP's gotta make money too hence the 'exorbitant markup'

May 10, 2024, 01:14:55 AM
Re: Interesting Aliexpress finds! - good deals, interesting stuff, new products etc! Pass quest put out a carbon crankset too!

2200rmb(~$300) for crank arms only, dub spindle, 326g

May 15, 2024, 07:10:42 PM