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Re: various questions about custom build vs brand road bike (cost, issues, warranty) Id recommend having a bike shop cut it, its like $5. Ive learned not to mess with something like that (and front derailleurs). A caledonia 5 with 8020 is $5k-$5500 i think? If you go with dengfu, you can literally buy a complete 8020 bike for $2700 with carbon wheels. Can probably get less with veobuild but outsource the carbon wheels and have to pay more. Most warranties i know if are at least two years so if it takes you longer than two years to complete a build, we got other issues.
June 30, 2021, 12:37:55 PM
Re: various questions about custom build vs brand road bike (cost, issues, warranty) #1

As a first-time bike builder, my experience closely matches Schumo's. Bike was ~$2500 USD in parts & shipping:

* $560 for VB-R-186 from Velobuild (similar to SL7)
* $615 for 55mm ICAN wheelset off Amazon
* $1000 for Shimano R7020 groupset off Aliexpress
* $150 for tubeless tires (Goodyear Eagle F1 Tubeless)
* ~$200 pedals + saddle + bottle cages + wheels mfg BB + accessories

Tools were another $250: bike stand, torque wrench, brake bleed kit, wheels mfg BB wrench, cassette removal tool, barb press, chain tool, tubeless tape & sealant.

All-in-all, you should plan for roughly a $3k spend for R7020. I thought about upgrading to Ultegra/R8020, and that's simply another $500 from what I saw on Aliexpress.

It's a matter of perspective, but your savings from doing it yourself (valuing your own time at $0/hr) range from minor to maybe $1,000 (valuing warranties at $0). To be fair, I first thought about building my own bike 7 years ago, and at the time, it seemed common knowledge that building wasn't economical; the recent shortage has helped if anything.

The learning experience was super rewarding, which was my primary motivation. I also figured I could amortize some of the tool costs and learning costs since my wife needs a new road bike too.


My warranty request for my first wheelset from Velobuild that ruptured doesn't seem to be doing well. You should probably only undertake this endeavor if you won't be upset by flimsy warranties and setbacks that cost you extra money and time.


Easy to do it yourself. Get a hose clamp ( to help yourself cut straight and a small hacksaw. Don't breathe in the dust.

July 01, 2021, 08:42:18 PM
Re: various questions about custom build vs brand road bike (cost, issues, warranty)
Thats a nice wheel !
Can you provide the link to the alibaba vendor ?   I am interested to buy them.


No problem, here is the manufacturer's Alibaba store

July 06, 2021, 05:10:13 PM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame I am certain they will.  There is a cost for decals.  For me it was $30.  Do not know if this varies depending on how many you get. I requested decals for the downtube, headtube, top tube, and seat tube.

Originally I asked if I could add 中国制造, which means Made in China.
They would have let me have that on the house. Lol

I'd totally lean into it though and call it "C-Works"    ;D

July 06, 2021, 05:31:31 PM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame
Good choice ;). That is actually the frame which is on it's way to me. My paint job was put together as follows, I asked Chris to paint the frame as much as possible like:

Which translated to the following mockup made by Chris:

Mine is made up out of two colours: gloss black and gloss green chameleon. The gloss green chameleon is green / purple based on the angle. I had to pay for 4 colours (1 for gloss black, 3 for gloss green chameleon).

im really interested in how this will turn out in comparison! the tone wont be spot on but if its good a normal eye hopefully wouldnt be able to see the difference. Dengfu wont put brand decals on, which im curious why. copyright infringement? theyre a decently sized company so i bet they have more to lose than velobuild for example. Since the paint is never going to be perfect i personally opt for single colors from a name brand frame, its hard for these guys to perfectly replicate one.

July 06, 2021, 08:56:04 PM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame

Is it possible to ask velobuild to put the same decal, S-works  on the frame  ??

I doubt they could do that. Generally, to these open mold vendors, custom design is a OK, real brand is not.

You can try asking them directly, but if they can't, you can always order some at your local sticker shop.

July 06, 2021, 09:24:38 PM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame Had confirmation from Chris this morning that the Chameleon paint colours are indeed pre-mixed and cannot be customised in the way I wanted. They are only available in Green, Red, Blue and Purple.

I'm a bit stumped with what I'd like now and might go the complete other end of the spectrum, and just get raw carbon with a high gloss clear coat like the Cervelo example below. Would expect this to also be a few grams lighter than a painted frame  ::)

I don't know about the decals, I explicitly asked to only follow the color scheme and not add the decals as I don't want it to be a fake s-works.

For the decals, I think it's just a flat fee of $30. I have only asked for 1x small sticker near the head tube and also paid $30.

July 07, 2021, 03:18:54 AM
Re: your thought on Shimano Ultegra grouset on aliexpress ??? I haven't purchased any Shimano components through AliExpress, but I'd confidently buy ones if I couldn't find them in my country.

From what I know, AliExpress is against fakes. Sure, you can find fake frames, etc., but the key is in how they sell them.

If they state that it's a Shimano R8020 groupset, you can be sure that it's a legit Shimano R8020 groupset. If they don't mention the brand and the model even though the pictures show that they look like Shimano R8020 groupset, avoid them.

If you look at fake frames sold there, they won't show the complete picture, and they won't say the brand.

Also, better to look at those which have the most purchases.

If you received a fake when the seller had declared that it's not a fake, you can report them to AliExpress. You should be able to receive a refund.

Edit: here's their rules for sellers regarding counterfeit items:

July 07, 2021, 09:34:34 PM
Re: your thought on Shimano Ultegra grouset on aliexpress ??? Have bought from 007bike before with no issues. They have a very good rep here. That's assuming they have what you are looking for, the last couple of times I have looked they seemed to be suffering from stock shortages like everyone else.

July 08, 2021, 07:02:57 AM
Sensah Empire Pro Carbon 2x12 photos and weights For anyone interested, here are the weights associated with the Sensah Empire Pro Carbon 2x12 groupset.

This is from the Sensah Store on Aliexpess.
The cassette has been swapped for a heavier one after complaints of pre-mature wear from the lightweight one.  This has increased the weight by 160 grams, but still is in line with an equivalent 105 cassette.

The chain is YBN.

July 10, 2021, 04:04:20 PM