Chinese Carbon MTB => 29er => Topic started by: Sitar_Ned on April 11, 2014, 06:27:06 PM
Hi all...
In my quest to build myself the ultimate carbon hardtail mountain bike on a budget, I found myself drowning in information overload! Mainly due to the fact that pretty much all of the information about these direct from China carbon frames is all buried in one huge thread over at If you're here, I assume you're probably familiar with the threads I'm referring to, but I'll link 'em anyways for reference:
Here's the 4 year old, over 200 hundred page long hardtail thread:
And here's the quickly growing dual-suspension Chinese carbon thread:
It seems pretty apparent that there's enough demand for these products that discussion shouldn't be relegated to a handful of threads. So.. The birth of came about. Hopefully, it can grow into an organized and plentiful information resource for anyone that may be interested in building a top of the line carbon bike... without the big name brand price tag.
So, welcome to Chinertown!
Thanks for reading,
Thanks for starting this up, I think there is much to be discussed in the realm of Chinese direct to market bicycle products. Look forward to seeing more members come over from MTBR to post and find more information that is setup in a thread and folder structure that is way more orgainzed.
No problem CD.. And yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to getting more people in on the discussion. I cringe every time I have to go digging through the hundreds of pages of the carbon Chinese 29er thread.. I literally have bookmarks in my browser set for about 10-20 different pages of that thread.
Glad you built this site and glad to be part of it!
I found your link over in and headed this way.
I am currently awaiting delivery of an IP-036 from Peter over at XMIPLAY and their 650b hard tail. I placed the order March 27 and with custom painting it takes 40 days so I should have them by May 6. I am very excited and can't wait. I ordered them with extra hangars, handlebars and headsets. I already have everything else waiting in boxes to be installed.
it will be a 1 x 10 X9 build with marz fork, Spinergy wheels, elixir brakes and carbon cockpit. Trying to build light but keep it on a budget. Using the race face narrow wide chainring, Geax Mezcals and Ergon grips.
Can you tell I'm excited?! Will post pics in a few weeks when I get it built.
Thanks again for the forum!
Andy. :)
Hey Andy. Welcome to Chinertown.. Good to have you!
The 036 is a sweet frame.. good reason to be excited. Can't wait to try one for myself. It is kinda funny how just plain damn giddy I get over a mountain bike. I mean.. I've had cool stuff before (motorcycles, cars) but wasn't excited as I am about this bike build! Lol. I think something about bikes just taps into the kid left inside all of us. Either way.. tons of fun and can't wait to see your build.
Be sure to check out CD's 036 build thread if you haven't already.. You'll be even more excited.
Thanks SN! Like you I get very excited about these bikes. They are just so cool and so affordable. I currently ride a LTK 023 from LT bikes that I just love. Killer bike and I built it for so reasonable it's ridiculous. I even work in a bike shop selling big brands but it's the chiner bikes That I just love.
I was on the start line of a local mtb race last weekend and the guy next to me was on a $7900 hard tail. I think I'd rather have my bike AND a nice car. :)
Don't know why people are still paying the big bucks for the big names. I really just don't understand. But to each his own and I say live and let live.
Thanks again for this forum, it's gonna be just great!
Andy. :)
Andy, it's interesting to me that you work in a bike shop. While I was shopping around deciding what FS bike I wanted, I looked seriously at the Specialized EPIC Expert Carbon but I could not see $7k for a new bike that didn't have the XT brakes, carbon bars, or carbon seat post. To be equivalent to my IP-036 build I would need to spend another $500 and I would have paid tax on the EPIC so I'd be in for $8k. I built the IP-036 for half that. Granted I don't have a Brain shock front and rear but the last review from Bike Magazine was not all that favorable and they decided the bike worked best with the rear suspension locked out the whole ride.
Admittedly the big name brands do have high quality frames, probably use better bearings in the pivots, nice paint jobs with lots of graphics with letters and numbers but they don't ride twice as good. 8)
Yes been working there for 6 yrs and I've ridden many nice bikes. The Chinese bikes are right up there with them. Our local big race team is all on Chinese road bikes custom painted to their team colors and get great results. Some of our local top level mtn bike races have been won on the Chinese frames. my buddy just built a Carbonal Titan that weighs 22 lbs and doing real well in his new Cat 1 class. He rode a Hong Fu hard tail the last 2 seasons and took 2nd place in cat 3 and 2nd place car 2 for those seasons.
I know ALOT of this is the legs on these guys but still these bikes are not holding them back and they are very competitive with them at a fraction of the cost.
Your bikes are sic. As good looking and as well specced as any mtn bike I've ever seen. And I'm sure they rides excellent. A few more weeks and I will know for myself. :) And we will have all saved a ton of money. Good times!
Andy. :)
Our local big race team is all on Chinese road bikes custom painted to their team colors and get great results. Some of our local top level mtn bike races have been won on the Chinese frames. my buddy just built a Carbonal Titan that weighs 22 lbs and doing real well in his new Cat 1 class. He rode a Hong Fu hard tail the last 2 seasons and took 2nd place in cat 3 and 2nd place car 2 for those seasons.
I gotta be honest.. I'm pretty surprised by how prevalent these seem to be, especially by guys that compete.
If I owned a bike shop you better believe I'd have a Chinese Carbon HT and FS bike on the sales floor with my company name on the frame. I"d offer a decent warranty and of course free tune-ups. However, I would bet the big name brands would not be happy seeing their product compete against an IP-057 & Ip-036 and would want to pull their brand out of the dealership.
If I owned a bike shop you better believe I'd have a Chinese Carbon HT and FS bike on the sales floor with my company name on the frame. I"d offer a decent warranty and of course free tune-ups. However, I would bet the big name brands would not be happy seeing their product compete against an IP-057 & Ip-036 and would want to pull their brand out of the dealership.
Agree 100%.. I gotta think that I'd even go so far as to say that I wouldn't pull out the house brand carbon bikes even if the big names decided to do so. The trend will inevitably continue. People forget that we are just starting to see the effects of a fully connected, digital world and we aren't going backwards anytime soon. In fact, it will increase exponentially.
To be clear.. I am not saying that I am at all happy about the trend. If I had my choice, I'd much rather buy a US made carbon frame from a small time local fabricator for $500 - But the economics just aren't there to make such a thing possible, and the burden simply cannot be placed on the consumer to buy American when the price disparity is so significant. Simply doesn't work that way.. Never has.
I gotta agree with most of the above sentiment. The global economy is upon us, like it or not.
Whoever's idea it was to start this forum hit the nail on the head. Great idea, and I'll be hanging around to see how it progresses. Also, the name cracks me up! Good luck!
Whoever's idea it was to start this forum hit the nail on the head. Great idea, and I'll be hanging around to see how it progresses. Also, the name cracks me up! Good luck!
That would be Sitar_Ned, I'm just an invited guest :). I agree, he's doing a great job with the website.
Thanks CD, I appreciate that.. but I'd say it's pretty much 50/50 at this point.
The whole reason I even had the idea to start this forum was due to one of your posts on mtbr.. Someone had posted suggesting that the Chinese carbon 29er thread needed to be organized into separate threads.. I think you replied back saying something along the lines of "If I had mod status, then I would"..
I only gave you the mod status and added a bit of online marketing experience to the mix. A forum is nothing without knowledgeable and helpful members that have a passion for the topic at hand, and that you are.
Thanks for hanging around and contributing CD.. hopefully we can build something cool here :)
SN, thanks and your welcome. I am not crazy about the free-for-all that is on MTBR, people post all kinds of questions in the wrong forums, I've yet to see a topic moved over there. Seems the only thing the people that run MTBR care about is advertising. I'm sure that website takes in lots of advertising revenue.
Yeah.. I don't really mind some advertising, I mean.. if I had a website, I'd for damn sure throw up some ads. but mtbr is getting a little ridiculous with it's pop up ads and complete lack of mod involvement.
That said.. I bet they make a killing so, I'm not hatin!
Everyone wants to get their panties in a bunch over this whole emergence of direct buying Chinese carbon, but I really have no clue why. The name brands that people are defending ALL PRODUCE THEIR FRAMES OUT OF THE US ANYWAYS. Some of these guys act like the Chinese carbon trend is sending jobs overseas or something. Lol... not even close. The outsourcing trend has been a long time coming. If anything, the big name brand manufacturers ARE THE ONES THAT MADE THIS ALL POSSIBLE BY OUTSOURCING THEIR MANUFACTURING IN THE FIRST PLACE. Granted, it wasn't really their fault as they were incentivized to do so via rising costs and taxes here, combined with lots of questionable tax breaks for companies that do choose to outsource. The only people really at risk here are the local bike shops, a few small time manufacturers, and some marketing dollars. Not saying I don't feel for those guys getting hit by the trend, bc I do, just saying that we're not talking about the outsourcing of America's manufacturing base here (long past that unfortunately).. Just a loss in some of our service related businesses, and that the consumer can't be held liable for this.. they are the very end of the chain.
Not trying to get political, but it just cracks me up to see those posts over at mtbr where people are literally verbally attacking people that are interested in these Chinese frames. Are you kidding me? Of course we're interested in them.. it's called economics. The ABSOLUTE LAST person to blame for this trend is the end consumer that is trying to make his dollars go farther in THE EXACT SAME WAY that the big name bike manufacturers are when they outsource their frame production outside of the US. The hypocrisy is absurd.
That said, MTBR is full of local bike shop owners and advertisers. Which is why this forum is needed and will be a success in my opinion. The trend of individual outsourcing will continue just as corporate outsourcing has, and there will have to be a venue for which the information gap is connected.. but there is an absolute conflict of interest over at MTBR and there is really nothing they can do about it. That place is funded by big name companies that undoubtedly do not want to see you skip them and buy a carbon frame direct from the manufacturer for about the SAME PRICE AS THEY PAY FOR IT, yet it is full of users that want a cheap Chinese carbon frame and rims.
Chinertown is pretty smart idea in my opinion.. SN spotted a gap in the market that wasn't being capitalized on and acted on it.. Good for him.
I agree. Our company outsourced production of our products to Asia about 15 years ago. All companies want to maximize their profit margins but there is a limit to what consumers will tolerate. Big US companies no longer take pride in employing US workers, instead they take pride in how they can line their pockets and the pockets of share holders. US CEO's are paid exorbitant salaries for what? So they can run to another company when the one they are running starts loosing money?
The big name bike manufacturers are charging at least 4X the cost for their frames in the retail market. It's just bonkers. Free market economics dictate that if there is another company willing to accept a lower profit margin, that company will bring products into the marketplace. To me I'm seeing a bit of a conspiracy in the bike world, seems all the big name manufactures price their product similarly to their competitors rather than calculating their overhead and reasonable profit margin.
Yes, there is design innovation, testing, warranty, and liability costs that most Asian manufacturers don't have. However, I don't see much design innovation these days, most FS bikes are either DW-Link or Single Pivot. There are minor variations on those two designs with the possible exception of the Niner RDO that has been discussed in another thread on this forum. I've seen videos of Asian companies doing testing, and they offer a similar warranty. I've seen big name carbon frame warranties anywhere from 2 years to Lifetime, however, that is only to the original owner which I say is total BS! Are they warrantying just the purchase or their product? As a long time reader of the forums, I've seen plenty of warranty denials from the big name companies.
That leaves liability, which the Asian suppliers to not need to worry about since they do not have a presence in the US. It would be very difficult to bring a lawsuit against someone like HongFu, while I'm sure Trek has an extensive legal staff.
So in my opinion it comes down to cost and innovation. If the big names continue to sell only slightly better products at 4X the price, they will continue to loose market share to the Chendors :). The big name companies are very lucky that right now the Chendors or only selling frames and not complete bikes. Imagine what would happen if Dick's sporting goods started selling complete Chinese Direct Carbon 29er bikes for $1,500? I'm not seeing it yet but I bet it's not too far off.
I agree with the sentiments here. IMO its a bit of xenophobia combined with the already present elitism that cycling/mtb has embedded in it. If you were getting the same exact frame from michigan for $600 noone would have an issue. If you were spending $3000 on the frame few would have issue. But someone spending $7000 on there "american" brand bike seeing someone build similar often better for half the price from china!...ooh boy that makes them unhappy.
As someone who deals with snobbery all the time living in NYC people attach there egos to there bikes. Here people are spending over a grand for hideously heavy steel framed custom bikes , or retro fitting rusty frames into trendy fixies almost entirely for fashion and bragging. They'll cover there bikes with stickers etc to not be seen as label buyers. Yet at the end of the day they turn there noses up at trek/giant or "geared" they just end up just as snobby as the roadies they seem to want to mock.
Bottom line for me these companies outsource to china anyway. I totally respect that they spend a fortune on sponsoring , ads , and RnD. So if they complain thats one thing....but these chiner bashers are the same ones insulting people for shopping at bikesdirect so who cares. Clearly its not about expanding the hobby , or maximizing your fun for them.
As for people importing and selling the full bikes...I believe thats what these guys do
Im not going to lie. If it wasnt for the chance something could snap and Id potentially be liable Id be doing it myself. Unfortunately Im not sure theres a market for that here.
Welcom manmythlegend, thanks for joining Chinertown!
Interesting video. Just goes to show that the Chiners continue to be talked about with praise, not just price but ride quality as well. I was surprised the weight of theirs wasn't even a bit less than 19 lbs with the Lefty Fork and plastic seat. Mine came in at 19.5 lbs with a conventional fork and WTB seat. Although, I know my DT Swiss wheels are much lighter than a set of Stans Crest wheels. The video also gives a lot of kudos to the SRAM Gripshifter, I had one, didn't like it and that's a long post for another topic.
I've seen Lamerecycles post a bit on MTBR but for those of us who have the technical ability to build their own bike, I saw no point in buying one of their builds. Watching the video, I thought to myself that you don't need to be a Single Speed Champion to build your own awesome bike!
Thanks for posting.
Does any of you guys know which supplier it is they got that seat from? It's obviously a knock off of the Tioga:
Also, damn, that carbon Lefty continues to be one of the sexiest piece of kit imo.
Maybe something like this?
Damn those are equally gorgeous as they are painful looking lol.
Id be saving 230 grams but man a chamois is a must on even the lightest of rides.
The tioga gave some people issues with snagging the knockoffs may have same issue or resolved with smoother holes.
Whats everyone's experience with alibaba ? For that price Id give them a whirl on a few easy rides just to see.
I've got the same experience as on eBay. They're doing everything to get a good rating. No problem with aliexpress/alibaba. The only disavantage is the delivery time (to the Netherlands) of minimum four weeks.
This one is even cheaper:
Thanks fellas!
$10-$20 is about what these little cheap plastic seats SHOULD cost lol.
For that price I will definitely buy one to try out. If I don't like it - No biggie.
Aliexpress and Alibaba are good to go. They are basically like the eBay for China.
Welcome to the forum Luis!
Just saying hello after signing up !
Came across this forum after googling the hell out of Chinese Carbon 29er ! Seems like this is going to be the place to go after trawling through 300+ page threads on other forums ::)
After test riding a Whyte and Orange 29er last summer I decided that it 29er was the way forward for me, as I enjoy spannering I thought I would give a self build a go and then it was only a while before I fell down the Chiner rabbit hole !
As a complete novice I have already learnt a lot just from reading about your experiences and have already made some mistakes !
Go easy on me. I'm new :)
Just saying hello after signing up !
Came across this forum after googling the hell out of Chinese Carbon 29er ! Seems like this is going to be the place to go after trawling through 300+ page threads on other forums ::)
After test riding a Whyte and Orange 29er last summer I decided that it 29er was the way forward for me, as I enjoy spannering I thought I would give a self build a go and then it was only a while before I fell down the Chiner rabbit hole !
As a complete novice I have already learnt a lot just from reading about your experiences and have already made some mistakes !
Go easy on me. I'm new :)
Welcome Sussed! Since you are from the UK, cheers and tally ho! :)
Just let know know if you have any questions.
Just saying hello after signing up !
Came across this forum after googling the hell out of Chinese Carbon 29er ! Seems like this is going to be the place to go after trawling through 300+ page threads on other forums ::)
After test riding a Whyte and Orange 29er last summer I decided that it 29er was the way forward for me, as I enjoy spannering I thought I would give a self build a go and then it was only a while before I fell down the Chiner rabbit hole !
As a complete novice I have already learnt a lot just from reading about your experiences and have already made some mistakes !
Go easy on me. I'm new :)
Welcome Sussed! Since you are from the UK, cheers and tally ho! :)
Cheers CD.
Thanks, Just waiting on BB and headset then I can get properly stuck into it. Are Noobs allowed to create a new thread ? Was thinking of doing the usual pics, thoughts, problems etc for my build.
Are Noobs allowed to create a new thread ? Was thinking of doing the usual pics, thoughts, problems etc for my build.
Of course!!! There aren't dumb questions. Please, don't hesitate to ask.
The more 'Noobs' ask, the more information will come on this forum. So, we need your questions, pictures and the things you did wrong or you didn't wrong.
We're all "noobs" basically! Welcome to Chinertown Sussed. Looking forward to seeing your build thread.
Wow am I glad to have found this forum! Its so easy to get lost in the forums of MTBR!
Anyways excellent job getting this site going. It certainly seems like it will provide tons of information to those looking to build their own chiner.
I'll probably be sitting on the sidelines for awhile here trying to just learn and figure out what I'll actually need to start my build this winter! As this will be my first build I get into I hope you guys don't mind the noob questions!
Thanks for the kind words... Welcome!
Don't worry - Fire away with the noob questions! Good choice on building a chiner... You'll have tons of fun, gain knowledge, and have a high end carbon bike for a decent price when it's all said and done.
Thanks everyone for all of the good info!
I recently ordered an IP256SL from Peter at IPlay based on the info and reviews here.
Hi, I'm new in chinertown and ordered IP256 10 days ago. Just wondering if anybody have ordered goods from Bert? I paid my frame and parts 10 days ago and haven't got any tracking number or anything. Now I have tried to ask what is the status of my order and Bert is not answering anymore. The frame and parts should have been in stock when I made the order. Anybody else have any problems with Bert?
Hi, I'm new in chinertown and ordered IP256 10 days ago. Just wondering if anybody have ordered goods from Bert? I paid my frame and parts 10 days ago and haven't got any tracking number or anything. Now I have tried to ask what is the status of my order and Bert is not answering anymore. The frame and parts should have been in stock when I made the order. Anybody else have any problems with Bert?
Bert and Peter are both from Iplay and they both drop the ball with communication sometimes - slightly annoying, but no worries - you'll get your frame. That said, you should've gotten a reply and/or tracking number by now. I'd give Bert another shout and if no luck email Peter, and if still no luck I'd start a thread in the vendor review section:,7.0.html
Hi I had also some trouble with Bert, I mean no answers on emails but today the postmen arrived with a wheelset sadly I had no money to pay the customs tax :( so Monday I have to go to the post office. Bert never sent a tracking code only a short email that he was going to send the wheel set.
So don't worry your frame will come.
Wanted to say hi after singing up, my name is Dustin and live in Tx.
I'm still very new to mountain biking, as of right now I have a 2012 Jamis Dragon 29 sport(heavy steel bike). Looking to find a carbon frame to swap everything over from the Dragon.
Have a ton to learn as I have never built a bike before but very mechanically skilled as I have been building cars and trucks for many years so I hope I can learn fast.
Wanted to say hi after singing up, my name is Dustin and live in Tx.
I'm still very new to mountain biking, as of right now I have a 2012 Jamis Dragon 29 sport(heavy steel bike). Looking to find a carbon frame to swap everything over from the Dragon.
Have a ton to learn as I have never built a bike before but very mechanically skilled as I have been building cars and trucks for many years so I hope I can learn fast.
Welcome Dustin!
That'll be a great upgrade for you to make. The guys here will answer any questions you might encounter along the way. Start a thread, and go from there.. You'll want to make sure you have compatible axle types, derailleur mounts, etc.
At some point, you might also consider upgrading to some carbon rims - depending on your current wheels you may be able to reuse your hubs and have a light weight, high performance, mostly carbon rig for minimal $$$
Welcome to the forums Dustin!
I'll try my best to start a thread tonight giving all the info I know on my bike and get your guys advice on best frame for me.
Also saying hi - made the most of in-flight wifi on a long flight a week or two ago to read through as much of the forums as I could. Good stuff! Currently looking at the 057 or 256, but also checking out the fat bikes. Coming into fat bike season, but it seems like a fat bike would need a bunch more parts that I don't currently have, (wheels being the most expensive beyond frameset) so I'll probably start with the hardtail as I have most all the parts I need to build one. Have already started the convo with Peter @ XMIplay but might not be able to move on it immediately. I almost bought a Chiner road bike at the beginning of the year, but really sub-par communication had me cancel the order. Glad to see things are getting better!
Welcome aboard cmh!
I almost bought a Chiner road bike at the beginning of the year, but really sub-par communication had me cancel the order. Glad to see things are getting better!
Hopefully, this forum giving the consumer more of a voice - and the vendors a place to get feedback, will force the Chinese suppliers to up their game even more because if they don't they will lose business to those that do.
Also, Welcome to Chinertown!
Hopefully, this forum giving the consumer more of a voice - and the vendors a place to get feedback, will force the Chinese suppliers to up their game even more because if they don't they will lose business to those that do.
Also, Welcome to Chinertown!
Thanks, all! I had a frameset picked out, had it all planned out, had placed the order, and waited for three weeks, then followed up and found out that they didn't have it in stock all along. ಠ_ಠ My bad for not following up but zero communication for three weeks? Lamesauce.
Hi all,
This is Ernesto from Baja, Mexico. As I live right at the border I spend my time mountain biking on both sides. Trails on northern Baja and SoCal are what I call home.
I have a chinese frame I bought from X-goods, pretty sweet deal and has withstood a lot of miles and abuse so far. I swapped all the parts from my Marin Indian Fire trail to it (plus some upgrades).
I'm glad I found this forum and thanks for putting it up.
Good to have you, Ernesto! Sounds like you live in pretty much ideal MTB conditions/environment.
If you get a chance.. Rep your country:,479.0.html
Don't think we have anyone from Mexico here, yet.
Thanks Sitar, I think we get the best of both worlds, terrain and weather wise. On the Baja side there’s a lot of not-developed terrain to explore, on the Cal side there’s lots of miles of marked and mapped trails. Even though in the summer it gets pretty hot here (100-110F even in the mountains), we also get snow and rain (what makes things even more fun sometimes) and plenty of good weather in the fall, winter and spring.
I already spotted a couple of very interesting threads, I’ll check them out this evening and leave my comments (saw that “are 26” dead?” thread ;) ).
Welcome Ernesto! Glad to see your country represented on our forum.
Hey Chinertown.
Andre Casey here hailing ya'l from Central Oregon great forum by the way it's proving to be very helpful. I'm looking to get my first full suspension bike & a buddy told me about Chinese carbon MTB & this forum here. I was thinking about the Titan 29 until I read a post from someone here on this forum abut them compressing seizing up & finally breaking but with all the talk about the O36 & the u tube videos about them I finally made up my mind & getting one. Once again thanks for the great info & helpful form from like minded individual's.
Welcome Andre, glad to have you here. Look forward to seeing your IP-036 build.
Welcome, Andre. You definitely came to the right place - Glad you found some useful info here. I really like the Titan as well, but think the 0-36 is more proven and tested and the frame I'd almost certainly go with. If I were going to go for something other than the 036 though, it'd be the Enduro copy. It's just so sweet looking. Problem is, it's the newest and least proven Chiner around. Here's the thread on it in case you haven't run across it yet:,472.0.html
hi everyone ,
before i beg your pardon for my English cuz i'm French :D
After reading some posts , you help me to decide to order the frame IP057 from xmiplay .
Now i have it, seatpost and handlebar too .
i will make a new topic for my bike build .
Welcom Saron, good luck with your build.
Well I post a lot on MTBR and Ive been a member on here for a while but dont post a lot so here goes....
My name is Andy, I live in KY. We dont have massive downhills around here but we have nice flow trail type stuff. There is also a dirt jump park around here that I take my SC Blur TR out to. I built a XMI IP-106 last year and its been one hell of a bike. Probably tied ( with the Santa Cruz TR ) for the best bike I have ever owned. Love this website its really chill up in here. haha
Welcome Andy, nice to see you came over to Chinertown, MTBR gets a little snippety at times.
Welcome Andy.
Sorry, I'm not familiar with all the state abbreviations. Where does KY stands for ?
KY = Kentucky, land of horses and the Kentucky Derby, hot browns, mint juleps, caves, baseball bats, oh and the Chevy Corvette :).
Welcome Andy, nice to see you came over to Chinertown, MTBR gets a little snippety at times.
Much in the same way that -26F is "a little chilly". MTBR forums are why I gave up on forums several years ago. Chiner has been so very nice in comparison. There's so very little dick waving, and if I revert to any MTBR-style douchery, kick my ass.
Hello Chinertown.
I'm a bike commuter in Tasmania, Australia going on 7 yrs and for that run I use an electric 14AHr | 250w | Bafang BBS01 on a 26" carbon: ( well as an 8Kg carbon roadie for fun with a local "knit your own lycra / tree-hugger / lefty" bike club.
With new trails opening up here in Tasmania I needed a bike to explore them and I've settled on a 29er.
The build thread for which won't make itself, so see you later.
Cheers drfragnasty! Seen any Tasmanian Devils lately?
I find here from, and want to be a member of the forum.
I deal with carbon rims from China.
Hello Carbonfan, welcome to the forum. When you registered you became a forum member. There is nothing special you need to do other than introduce yourself which you already have. I believe you need to post at least 5 times before you can start a thread of your own.
We welcome vendors on the forum but please keep any advertising to a minimum, we like to know about new products and we appreciate vendors answering questions.
Please enjoy!
I have change my signature, :)
I like this forum, not only sent advertisement here, I think I can learn much from you all.
Welcome to Chinertown!
Just wanted to quickly introduce myself as you may see me popping in for some questions here and there. My name is Brian and I am trying to get back into mountain biking as a hobby. I was very active in mountain biking 15 years ago, but life seemed to get in the way of all the fun. Well i'm back and am eager to get started building a new bike. I will be working on a 29er very shortly, and hope to hit the trails soon.
Welcome Brian, let us know if you have any questions. We are here to help.
Greetings fellow Chinertowners. Name is Brian in Phoenix, Arizona. I have been reading about these frames off and on for over a year now and finally think its time to pull the trigger. I had it all figured out that I would order in IP-057 from Peter at xmiplay, only to find out he had just left the company :( So this leaves me with a dilemma, do I order from Peter's new business, knowing the guy has a solid rep for customer service? Or do I go with someone at xmiplay and hope they are as responsive as Peter? Looking forward to this and it will be my first bike build. LOVE this website!! Ton of good info on here
^^ skeeter97, I recently had a great experience dealing with Peter. That was while he was "between companies". He was very responsive, We had several emails a day for a few days while I sorted out the details. Based on several other potential dealers I contacted I got the best communication and the best "feeling" from him. I would advise emailing your initial questions out to a few dealers and see what you get back. From my own experience, I would recommend Peter.
I second that. I ordered my wheels and frame from Peter before he had his new business up and running. Great communication.
Greetings fellow Chinertowners. Name is Brian in Phoenix, Arizona. I have been reading about these frames off and on for over a year now and finally think its time to pull the trigger. I had it all figured out that I would order in IP-057 from Peter at xmiplay, only to find out he had just left the company :( So this leaves me with a dilemma, do I order from Peter's new business, knowing the guy has a solid rep for customer service? Or do I go with someone at xmiplay and hope they are as responsive as Peter? Looking forward to this and it will be my first bike build. LOVE this website!! Ton of good info on here
Welcome, Brian. I'm also in Phoenix (well, Mesa). Hit me up if you want to go riding or test out a 256.
Peter has been on the ball (maybe even overly so :) ) responding to my emails so far. I am going to order from him next week once my paycheck rolls in. This will be the first build I've ever attempted so I looks forward to the challenge! I basically don't have the slightest clue what I am doing so this should be interesting. Other than the headset and bottom bracket install, I feel pretty confident I can get this done
If you need any tools or help, let me know.
If you need any tools or help, let me know.
Thanks I really appreciate that. I have a million questions but I'm trying to read as much of these forums as possible before asking stuff thats already out there. Also torn on whether or not to get the carbon wheels. I'm 240lbs so that may be a bit much I wonder, and was thinking I'd just swap out the Rhythm Elites I have on my Fuel, depending on what bike I planned on riding that day
Carbon wheels are many times stronger than their aluminum counterparts. I'd say go carbon if you can afford to. Just look for a bit wider rim than the "standard" XC rim widths. I've been running the 30mm hookless rims and they been absolutely awesome. Thousands of miles on them and they haven't needed any truing or the like. My aluminum wheels were never that reliable.
My names Cole. New mtb rider (little over 3 months) full time college student part time locksmith. live in GA. Ive put 200 miles on my Trek Marlin so far and entered one race in the chainbuster beginner circuit. Won first for my age....Love to bike love to game, love me some IPAs. Thats about it.
Carbon wheels are many times stronger than their aluminum counterparts. I'd say go carbon if you can afford to. Just look for a bit wider rim than the "standard" XC rim widths. I've been running the 30mm hookless rims and they been absolutely awesome. Thousands of miles on them and they haven't needed any truing or the like. My aluminum wheels were never that reliable.
Yeah I think I am just gonna suck it up and go with the carbon wheels. The benefit of swapping wheels with my fuel is I could at least go 1x11 on the chiner, but I don't think I can afford all new parts for the new build if I add in a wheelset, so I would have to run 2x10. OH well. . I swear I am going carbon crazy trying to figure out where to go with this build. I still can't decide who to order from either. I like the website and how straightforward it seems, but I also here a lot of good things about Peter and I'm sure that will continue even though he's moved to another company.
cernymuz here. I ride all kinds of bikes, including BMX, DH and 29er enduro. I originally thought I will build myslef a chiner 29er but eventually got the Specizalized one. I at least plan on getting some nice wheels from there.
Just saying hi! I am on MTBR too. I am currently running some Nextie 27.5 35/29 rims on my SC 5010. I am also looking to get a 29er hardtail frame for myself.
Thanks for all the info!
Welcome everyone!
c01e, you may not be far from me. I am outside Atlanta, GA.
I'm Scott in Farmington, Utah (just north of Salt Lake). Avid cyclist - currently looking to sell my 2 motorcycles (Honda Trail 90 and 110) and do my dream build. Currently ride a hardtail aluminum 29er from bikesdirect with a 1x9 SRAM x9 setup.
Absolutely LOVE this site - what a fantastic resource! Many thanks to those that started it.
I may just treat myself to a father's day carbon wheelset for my road bike.
Welcome Scott, and thank you for the kind comments about the website. We hope to be a valued resource for anything related to Chinese Carbon as well as general mountain biking info.
Hi Everyone, after a long time reading weekly this forum I finally register!
I am a French mountain biker (in the Alps), more All-Mountain then XC. I still like to hit the road and just enjoy slow rides with my family.
I have 2 complete bikes to my record. My 29er hard tail FR-202 from FlyXII (what a weird name...) and a full rigid for my wife, a 27.5er w/o any specific ref. number, from the other website owned by FlyXII, "X-Goods".
My 29er is "convertible" to road bike when I swap wheels, fork (for a rigid carbon), replace the reverb seatpost with a carbon one and replace the ring spacers with a 44 ring.
29er MTB = 10.3 kg
29er road setup = 8.4 kg
27.5 MTB = 9.2 kg
Happy man, happy wife :)
Welcome SportingGoods! We expect to see some beautiful pictures of the French Alps in your posts.
BTW, I have always thought it was, "Happy Wife = Happy Life."
Hi everyone! I am fairly new to mountain biking and is considering foraying into the world of Chinese carbon frame and wheels. It is really nice to have stumbled upon this site since I see that a lot of people give inputs and share to the community.
I currently ride a Giant XTC cabon 29er and would be upgrading my wheels to Chinese carbons and my next bike will be a full suspension Chinese carbon bike.
Thank you and more power to the community! :D
Hi everyone! I am fairly new to mountain biking and is considering foraying into the world of Chinese carbon frame and wheels. It is really nice to have stumbled upon this site since I see that a lot of people give inputs and share to the community.
I currently ride a Giant XTC cabon 29er and would be upgrading my wheels to Chinese carbons and my next bike will be a full suspension Chinese carbon bike.
Thank you and more power to the community! :D
Welcome! I've had a demo ride on a Giant XTC, I thought it rode very nicely. It's a great bike to begin with and if you upgraded the wheels to some Chinese Carbon hoops it will be even better. Maybe you will even win some on our forum contest.
I have both a 29er hardtail and 29er FS, let me know if you have any questions when you go t build yours.
G'day Chinertown from a new member in Brisbane Australia.
Just saying hi and thanks for the wealth of knowledge I got from the site which helped me build up a carbon 29er which puts a smile on my dial!
056 / 057 frame, Reba fork, cheap heavy ex shop display Alexrims from CRC, eThirteen XCX, 1x10 drive etc etc.
About AU$2,100, currently high side of 10kg but hoping to get to low 10kg with tubeless conversion and carbon post etc.
Cheers, great site!
Welcome Glen! I really like that custom orange paint!
Hey there, I have been lurking for a while and thought I had better get with the program. I currently ride an On-One Scandal and am researching a replacement full suspension bike... not that there is anything wrong with what I have.
Welcome Willis24!
Hey folks. Just getting back into mountain biking after around 15 years. Seems things are very very different from when my Cannondale F400 cost $1,100. Similar components are now available on $400 bikes. Nice! So my current ride is a Trek Superfly FS8 and am looking to build a stronger hardtail that I can beat on at a pump track and dirt jump course. Probably a 27.5 in single speed or 1X11 and maybe 27.5+ if a suitable chiner becomes available. Are there any chiner frames that are beefy enough for that type of abuse?
Hi guys, I'm Sascha from germany (south west near france) and I'm riding a 256SL.
It's a rigid setup with 7910gr. at the moment 8)
[edit by MTB2223: added picture of your awesome bike]
I'm riding a 256SL.
It's a rigid setup with 7910gr. at the moment 8)
Welcome! Do you have some pictures or more details about your bike?
I'm riding a 256SL.
It's a rigid setup with 7910gr. at the moment 8)
Welcome! Do you have some pictures or more details about your bike?
Moved Cassandracomplx's build to this topic:,651.0.html
Added a picture of his bike to his message in this topic.
Hello, I'm Ted from Virginia.
I've been following the Chinese carbon thread on the MTBR forum for a couple years, toying with upgrading my aluminum hardtail (2010 Gary Fisher X-Cal) to carbon. Eventually decided to build up a FS (from a lightly used Devinci Atlas Carbon I found :) ), and intended to keep the hardtail for a backup, gravel roads or lighter duty, or just a change of pace.
Well, my hardtail was involved in a rear end collision, and now I have some insurance money to get a new frame. I've been looking at the FM057 for a while, but am also interested in the newer ones like the CS-041 and the Dengfu FM218. I'll be reading and posting about these in the near future!
Welcome Ted! Good to have you. Sorry that your initial intro post got lost in the shuffle when we broke off cassandracomplex's post into it's own thread.
Nothing like getting to replace something old with some insurance money! I actually have the 057 frame and love it, but if I was to do my build all over again, I'd probably go with the new 041. The 256 was around when I ordered my 057 but I wanted to go with a frame that has been ridden and tested by more riders. Now, after seeing that if you have any issues, you will be taken care of under warranty, I would just order the one I want.
Hi Gang
from Ohio.
Just got my 057 built up today.
Rides like a dream so far. New XT 8000 cranks with a 30t single up front, new xt rear derail and single shifter, carbon bars, 10 speed in back.
shifting is crazy amazing. Waiting on some fancy wheels and a few other parts.
Might change out brakes to XT's. Got these uber cheap.
Can't wait to go throw down on the dirt single track tomorrow for a few hours / 25 miles. ( (
Hi Gang
from Ohio.
Just got my 057 built up today.
Looks great! That XT 8000 stuff looks damn nice. Enjoy!
Extremely nice 057, musikfan!
Once you get a really nice set of carbon wheels on there, it'll be a very high-end carbon hardtail.
Hi Gang
from Ohio.
Just got my 057 built up today.
Rides like a dream so far. New XT 8000 cranks with a 30t single up front, new xt rear derail and single shifter, carbon bars, 10 speed in back.
shifting is crazy amazing. Waiting on some fancy wheels and a few other parts.
Might change out brakes to XT's. Got these uber cheap.
Can't wait to go throw down on the dirt single track tomorrow for a few hours / 25 miles. ( (
Looks good, but look into a Lizard Skin or Lezyne CS protector. I like the look of the Lezyne better, but they didnt have the right size when I did my build.
thanks for the Tip, but not a fan of those Velcro advertisements.
Those are Nice pin stripes.
Interesting weave on those rims too.
Welcom manmythlegend, thanks for joining Chinertown!
Interesting video. Just goes to show that the Chiners continue to be talked about with praise, not just price but ride quality as well. I was surprised the weight of theirs wasn't even a bit less than 19 lbs with the Lefty Fork and plastic seat. Mine came in at 19.5 lbs with a conventional fork and WTB seat. Although, I know my DT Swiss wheels are much lighter than a set of Stans Crest wheels. The video also gives a lot of kudos to the SRAM Gripshifter, I had one, didn't like it and that's a long post for another topic.
I've seen Lamerecycles post a bit on MTBR but for those of us who have the technical ability to build their own bike, I saw no point in buying one of their builds. Watching the video, I thought to myself that you don't need to be a Single Speed Champion to build your own awesome bike!
Thanks for posting.
Welcome John B!
Hey Chiner folks! Been reading up & have found lots of good info here. Recently got a fr202 to build up with a few things being pirated from my giant XTC 29 & a few new goodies too. Can't wait to get it together!
Hi all I'm Nick, found this place looking for info on the China made frames. I'm looking to build a new bike over the winter and wanting FS, light weight and not have to take out a loan to get what I want. I have a well built Mongoose Impasse HD(Frame and stock wheels all that's left everything else is aftermarket) that will be my donor.
Welcome Zipper!
Welcome Nick!
Hi to everyone I'm Matteo and I'm from Italy! I'm looking for a new Chinese frame so I'm here!!
Welcome to the forums Matteo!
Hello all,
I have heard about Chinese carbon bike parts for years. Much like most of you I am interested in building a 27.5 or 29er carbon HT. After spending the past week binge researching and geeking out on forums. I am convinced I will be buying a frame, wheels, and other carbon parts soon. I am considering the IP-058 (Bert from XMIplay says this is the new version of the IP-057) for the 29er, or the IP136 for the 27.5.
I want to do carbon wheels but am a little hesitant on the wheelsets they offer. I have heard mixed results about the Novatech hubs. Any insights here would be appreciated.
Looking forward to interacting with you all.
Welcome walkerjrz, I have not heard about an IP-058, not sure what improvements that frame would have. I have an IP-057 that I purchased from Peter (now at and I had very good service.
As for wheels, contact Peter and see what he has available. I have seen Peter offer HopePro hubs and DT Swiss hubs with the carbon rims he sells. Personally, I'd recommend the DT Swiss 350 hubs if you don't mind paying a little extra.
Not new to the sport but very new to carbon as well as Chinese frames. I am in the military so budget frames are high on my list but I also appreciate quality. This forum has been a wealth of knowledge.
Hi I am new here and bulit a pretty nice 26er chinese carbon. Any interst in a 26er forum
Hi I am new here and bulit a pretty nice 26er chinese carbon. Any interst in a 26er forum
We've talked about having a 26er section, but just not sure there's enough interest. I literally think you might be the first 26er chiner build on the forum, although I could be wrong about that. Definitely not trying to leave you smaller wheeled brethren out though.. If, in the future, there's enough interest then we would have no problem adding that sub forum.
Until then, feel free to post it up in the 27.5 section. We love seeing new builds of all kinds.
Welcome to the forum, btw!
Hi everyone,
I finally find a forum in which we speak properly of Chinese bicycles. Thanks in advance to the creator of the forum and hope I can learn and participate a lot in it.
Thank you. We are here for this growing community of biking enthusiasts.
Thanks for providing this huge amount of good information. I have been riding MTB's for 15 years and in the market for a full suspension carbon frame. I'm from Denmark but have been riding trails all around Europe and mostly focusing on Enduro riding as well as XC.
Kind regards
Karsten Horn
Welcome Karsten Horn! Must be getting pretty cold at your place by now.
Welcome Karsten Horn! Must be getting pretty cold at your place by now.
Yes indeed and there is a big snowstorm going on outside as I write this :D
Anyway then I will have sufficient time to build the full suspension frame(CS-036) I just bought from Peter.
Kind regards
Hi guys! The name is Rob! I am on the fence about building my own full suspension Chiner-MTB, from an old GT Karakorum I've got laying around (upgraded to a better bike). This is my first DIY build, since being a kid building BMX bikes, and I'm looking forward to the satisfaction of saying I assembled it myself. That is if and when it's running reliably. Anyway, any and all advice will be well received and much appreciated! Thanks for the add!
Hi Rob, welcome to Chinertown!
Depending on how old your GT is, you may not be able to salvage many parts for the new build. I suggest you create a spreadsheet and start listing your parts as well as cost to build the new FS bike.
Hello everyone, and here I am introducing myself. I have a 29er with an aluminium frame at the moment, but have been planning for some time to swap the frame out for a carbon 29er - so this is a site just made for me!
Depending on how old your GT is, you may not be able to salvage many parts for the new build. I suggest you create a spreadsheet and start listing your parts as well as cost to build the new FS bike.
Yeah, it used to be that if you were switching to a new frame, all you had to worry about were the parts along the seat tube - seat post/clamp, front derailleur, bottom bracket - but now with so many new standards, that's no longer the case. Knowing what you've got now would help understand what you could reuse.
Hey buddies,Maria here.Thank you &Glad you all built this forum and so happy to be part of it! Thank you so much
Welcome Maria.
Hello all! Just signed up but been browsing for a few weeks now. What a great resource this site is, glad to have stumbled on it from YouTube. Learned a lot and think my next ride will most definitely be a chiner. Been wanting to go carbon for literally a decade but just couldn't justify the price considering my old Trek aluminum hard tail technically still functions. Finally ready to upgrade a bit though and these prices on carbon frames and rims really make them an option for budget conscious guys like me!
Thanks again to the mods and admin for the site, it's been very helpful!
Welcome John Speed, let us know if you have any questions when you are ready to build your new carbon bike!
Hello everyone,
Im new here obviously but have been reading up (lurking) for a while. I learned a lot about these frames and it led to the purchase of a CS-057. I normally ride a Trek Remedy 27.5 but wanted something light for more XC oriented stuff and 24hour races.
Welcome Harry, hope your experience purchasing the CS-057 from Peter was a good one.
When I built my -057 it weighed in at 19.5 lbs on the scale at the bike shop. It's on the lighter side but still seems to be tough as nails, I've not had any problems with it so far in two years of riding it. Today, there are several choices for a lighter weight frame but I've been very happy with the -057, I like the geometry better than my -036 even though it's the -036 I ride more since the trails around here are fairly rough.
Hey guys,
Looking to buy a Chiner. I would like a 12k gloss finish hard tail. Who makes the best frames for that?
This is my first MTB. I have a cross bike, but since I live in MTB Mecca, I might as well get one.
I'm in Asheville, NC.
Go to and look at the hard tails there. Once you choose a frame, contact Peter and he will get you pricing. While you are at it, I highly recommend getting bars, seat post, and carbon wheels if you building a new bike. From Peter's website, it looks like if you spend more than $750 the PayPal fee is lowered to 1.5% instead of the usual 4%.
Go to and look at the hard tails there. Once you choose a frame, contact Peter and he will get you pricing. While you are at it, I highly recommend getting bars, seat post, and carbon wheels if you building a new bike. From Peter's website, it looks like if you spend more than $750 the PayPal fee is lowered to 1.5% instead of the usual 4%.
Thanks, I'll email him right now.
Hello all!
I would like to build 29+ bike from a scratch, but I'm complete newbie on building bikes and buying from china :) Is there a thread, or even howto's for beginners such as myself?
Also if someone has finished a bike with 078 frame, I'd like to hear comments about the ride.
Hello all!
I would like to build 29+ bike from a scratch, but I'm complete newbie on building bikes and buying from china :) Is there a thread, or even howto's for beginners such as myself?
Also if someone has finished a bike with 078 frame, I'd like to hear comments about the ride.
Welcome, I'm sure the members will be able to answer any of your questions. As for a thread on building your first bike, check out some of my early posts on Chinertown. Here is one thread I found:,4.msg7.html#msg7 (,4.msg7.html#msg7)
I have built both a hard tail and a full suspension, most bikes are very similar with minor differences from using different frames. Otherwise most bikes have about the same number of parts. Be sure to post up what you learn from your build along with pictures. Chinertown's goal is to be a technical resource for those that are interested in building their own Chinese Carbon bikes.
Welcome Slarti. You'll love building up your own bike, and it's really not that hard. You will have to buy a basic bike specific tool kit that'll cost you $50 or so.. but these are all tools you should have anyway if you own an mtb. As for tutorials.. Use this forum for specific information/questions and YouTube for general basic mtb building how-tos.
Good luck!
Hello all!
I would like to build 29+ bike from a scratch, but I'm complete newbie on building bikes and buying from china :) Is there a thread, or even howto's for beginners such as myself?
Also if someone has finished a bike with 078 frame, I'd like to hear comments about the ride.
Welcome! I will post some ride impressions once I get to ride mine. In the meantime, here are 2 threads to check out.,832.0.html
Been lurking for a while, but decided to possibly swap some AL for some C. So have a few questions I can hope to get answered
Been lurking for a while, but decided to possibly swap some AL for some C. So have a few questions I can hope to get answered
Welcome! We should be able to help with any questions you may have.
Hi everyone! ...and thanks guys for starting this forum!
I've already received a ton of great information from it and will be checking through more threads to help me decide between a CS 041 or MB01 hardtail. You guys have been trailblazing for the noobs like me, and I really appreciate it!
Hi all,
First post on here!
Born again MTBer and new to 29ers or anything carbon.
Looking to end up with a rigid HT 29er 3k 1x11 matte - let the quest begin!
Welcome! Take a look at the 27+ and 29+ carbon frame options, that will be my next hardtail bike. We have a forum dedicated to plus sized wheels. Please post up any questions you have.
30 year old dude from Norway here.
Looking into buying a 057 frame and build my first bike. If someone can recommend a vendor please feel free to drop me a msg or let me know in this thread.
Looking forward to share my build once I get the parts!
Welcome! The 057 is a very good choice. Check with Peter at, he is very easy to work with.
Planning my first build. CS057, 17.5" BSA 142x12 UD with custom paint from Peter at plus bars, seat post with clamp, bottle cages, a rear thru axle, and extra dropout. he sent me left & right pic of frame for designing paint, Peter says they use Pantone color system. Hopefully everything goes well on this build. also posted in MTBR Chinese carbon 29er thread
Planning my first build. CS057, 17.5" BSA 142x12 UD with custom paint from Peter at plus bars, seat post with clamp, bottle cages, a rear thru axle, and extra dropout. he sent me left & right pic of frame for designing paint, Peter says they use Pantone color system. Hopefully everything goes well on this build. also posted in MTBR Chinese carbon 29er thread
Sounds good. Please let us know how everything goes for you.
Hey everyone!
Just joined today and am happy to announce i just finished building a CS-057 carbon hardtail!!! Not much time on it yet and still working out a couple of bugs with getting the tubeless tires to seal but first impressions are amazing!!! I'll be posting pics and a build list shortly. In the meant time if anyone has any questions please feel free to ask.
Hey everyone!
Just joined today and am happy to announce i just finished building a CS-057 carbon hardtail!!! Not much time on it yet and still working out a couple of bugs with getting the tubeless tires to seal but first impressions are amazing!!! I'll be posting pics and a build list shortly. In the meant time if anyone has any questions please feel free to ask.
Welcome adbl, glad you like your CS-057, I built mine about 3 years ago and it's still going strong. As for tubeless tires, make sure you shake and spin the wheels around flipping them over and doing so on both side. It's good to also leave them lying horizontal for a few ours, flipping them occasionally. If they hold air overnight they should be ready to go.
Please post a picture in the 29er picture thread when you get a chance.
What's the best place on here to post my build questions for 057 build?
What's the best place on here to post my build questions for 057 build?
I'd say just start your own build thread, if you haven't already. You'll likely have multiple questions along the way, and it's much easier to revisit a topic when it's your own thread.
Ok thanks, maybe I'll do that.
Hi everyone.
Im Mike and after reading alot and searching I just got a Yoeleo M91 29er frame about 39minute ago.
I have a giant anthem alloy 2012 and wanted to upgrade but just didnt want to spend alot of money (some people here spend 5K to 10K) for good bike so I just decided to get a Yoeleo frame.
My bike is on 29pounds, I hope the new bike can be under 25 pounds.
My first purchase of china carbon was a 38mm carbon wheels for my road bike in jan 2014 and I still use them, so I hope the Yoeleo frame will be great too.
So I'm gonna keep reading and keep waiting for my frame to arrive to El Salvador.
Welcome Mike. Please post pictures of your new frame and of your new bike when you get it assembled.
Hello ppl, Im Campos from Brazil, now i bought my first china frame, I have Astro alloy frame and now im changing for carbon frame. But I use china carbon parts, like: stems, handlebars and others. Thanks for this space to discuss about it!!
Hello ppl, Im Campos from Brazil, now i bought my first china frame, I have Astro alloy frame and now im changing for carbon frame. But I use china carbon parts, like: stems, handlebars and others. Thanks for this space to discuss about it!!
Sure thing. Welcome campo! Look forward to seeing your build.
Hello peps. I'm Ben from the Philippines. I still don't have my Chiner bike but working towards it. Pretty much still on research mode and hope to get lots of tips and insights from you guys.
I am Wilson from the Philippines but I am currently working here in Zhejiang, China.... I always been reading Chinertown everyday.... It is kinda a daily newspaper for me.... :) Everything here is very informative and planning to own my first ChinerBike. ;D
SN - Thanks for starting this!
I am a professional (head) bike mechanic at Granby Ranch Bike Park in Granby, Colorado. I have been hearing so much from places about certain companies and their supposed superior quality, however, with my experience, the Chinese Carbon is as good, if not better than local. I have a carbon Hylix fork on my road bike which I love and just received a set of Carbon fatbike rims which I am excited to build up and beat the crap out of. I don't understand why people say "Strong, Light, Inexpensive.... Pick 2", I have found all three in Xiamen.
I am currently working towards building up a bike for this years Race on Route 66. Looking forward to hearing everybody's input and ordering more toys.
Hello. Warning, lots of reading ahead. Get coffee or a snickers.
For the ADHD types, LD;DR: I'm old. Bought a bike a few years ago, didn't fit me well and I broke stuff on it because its a green trail bike that I was attempting double red diamond obstacles with while being out of shape for that kind of riding. Now, on to the rest of it...
I have recently came back to bike riding after a 17 year break. I bought a 2013 Trek Marlin in mid 2012 when I was stationed in Korea. I think I paid $600 out the door at the time. Used it mainly to commute on base and ride up things mainly because I could. I knew the fork sucked, I didn't need to do research for that. I took a break for about a year, because reasons.
When I started riding semi-regularly, I began to break things. First thing to go was the rear wheel. It's supposedly a double wall wheel. In reality, it's probably 2 sheets of paper. That, and I hit a small root at an odd angle which let the tire/rim kind of slide on it versus ride over it. Not quite a taco but close. That led me to go to a LBS for the first time.
They were not a Trek dealer but they were helpful anyways. The tech tried for 20 minutes for save the wheel but it just wouldn't take a shape other than "V". Because of his determination, I elected to purchase a rear wheel there. I informed the tech that I didn't need anything fancy because I'll just break it and that even at $200, that's a 1/3 of what I paid for the bike. I left it up to them to order what he saw fit. They gave me an AlexRims DP20 mounted on a Shimano M529 hub with unknown to me spokes. Knowing what I know now, it's a heavy wheel but fairly reliable and strong. Great for hambfisted noobs like me.
Next thing to fail were the plastic welgo pedals. Nope, I didn't break them, although I'm surprised I didn't take them and the cranks out at the same time. I wore out the bearings. They're not serviceable, as the loose ball bearings ride directly on the plastic itself. So I decided wisely to replace them. I could've bought whatever online but I decided to stop by the LBS from above and just pick up whatever platforms they had that were under $50. I settled on Giant originals since that's about all they had in stock. $42 later (not a bad price honestly, basically same as online), I paid for them and was about to walk out and the tech there asked if I had the bike with me. Of course I did, so he "made" me go get the back and they installed the pedals for me. He also ran through the gears, checked the torque on the crank arms, and lubed the seat post. It took about three extra minutes I suppose, but that's why people come back to the LBS. It's literally why I did.
So, why am I here on the chiner forums introducing myself by telling you about my beginner bike and how I can break things on it? Well, Apparently the beginner bike isn't cutting it for me so I want to build a more expensive bike and attempt to break it too. That, and as I've learned about the hobby, I've come to understand a few things about my bike and how it's future underneath me truly does hinder me, beyond the base component level.
It's a 17.5" frame but I'm 6'1", 195lbs. It has a Specialized 110mm stem on it and a 9/4 690mm bontrager bar. To say there was a language barrier when I bought the bike would be an understatement. I attempted to tell them that the 19" bike felt better but I might want a shorter stem on it. They weren't pushy or anything. It was just awkward because we both stood there staring at each other trying to understand what the other guy was trying to convey, lol. Besides, I needed a bike and I was under time constraints when I bought it. What I have learned since is that I needed the 19" size. All I did was turn the 17.5" frame in to a 19" frame by the Korean bike shop putting an inch longer stem on it. I don't remember what the stock bar was, but the bonty on it now is definitely aftermarket and wider than the stocker. When I ride over an hour or so, my ass starts to hurt. I'm dumb and don't wear bike shorts, but my opinion is that if you're not riding really aggressive, your butt cheeks shouldn't ache. Also, the stock saddle seems to garner a universal hatred. Also, I have lower back stiffness on occasion and my hands frequently go numb. The last part doesn't have much to do with the bike as I have carpal tunnel in both hands. Not terribly so, but enough that certain things set it off. Basically, this bike doesn't fit me and I've over-ridden its' capabilities.
I've done a ton of research online about frame geometry and how certain disciplines require a certain frame setup. I've made mental notes and compares that to demo bikes to get an idea of what I want. Basically, I'm looking for a CS-057 19" frame with a 60-80mm stem and 700mm bars and a 1x11 shimano drivetrain (because sram incompatibility for hubs and the resulting increase in price is lame). I'm still not entirely sure how high I want my stem but I can dial that in when I initially build the bike, before I cut the steerer tube. I'm going to start a build thread very soon as I'm waiting on emails from Peter from XMCS for a frame, bitex wheelset, and miscellaneous other parts.
Welcome xBlitzkriegx, reading through your post, I think you are going in the right direction. A 19" CS-057, with an 80mm stem, should fit you nicely. If you are ordering a wheel set, I'd still recommend you go with SRAM 1x11. The XD hub is no more expensive when part of a new wheel set and you will have a 10% increase in gear ratio by having a 10T cog instead of the Shimano 11T on the cassette. If you are on a budget, the SRAM GX group is relatively inexpensive. You can get cranks, shifter, rear derailleur, chain, bottom bracket, and 32T chainring for less than $400 on eBay.
Thanks for joining, and I look forward to seeing your build. Peter can do custom paint work on your frame for you as well if you want, a little extra cost but allows your new bike to stand out a bit.
I have considered SRAM before but it seems to be a price penalty for the hubs and I've constantly read that the Shimano stuff shifts better. Not that SRAM is bad by any means, just that the Shimano stuff is a bit more refined. I'll take a second look at SRAM though. It's a bit pricier by comparison but there are weight savings to be had and it's every bit as reliable.
I considered painting the frame but I see so many UD frames or 50/50 painted UD frames that 3K almost seems the minority. I really wish I could've had everything matching in 12K weave, that would've been ideal as the weave stands out and looks great IMO.
Welcome tripledot, voodoo, and fatbikeracer!
I've done a ton of research online about frame geometry and how certain disciplines require a certain frame setup. I've made mental notes and compares that to demo bikes to get an idea of what I want. Basically, I'm looking for a CS-057 19" frame with a 60-80mm stem and 700mm bars and a 1x11 shimano drivetrain (because sram incompatibility for hubs and the resulting increase in price is lame). I'm still not entirely sure how high I want my stem but I can dial that in when I initially build the bike, before I cut the steerer tube. I'm going to start a build thread very soon as I'm waiting on emails from Peter from XMCS for a frame, bitex wheelset, and miscellaneous other parts.
Now that was an introduction! Haha. But seriously, it was interesting to read your thoughts on your progression with biking as a hobby. Thanks.
The bike you're wanting to build is pretty much my exact bike.. 057 frame with a 75mm stem and 710mm low rise bars, and 1x10 Shimano drivetrain (it's enough for me, every once in while I wish for a bit more top end). I love it. It's not too aggressive and not too slack in it's geo and set-up, if that makes sense. I'm just a tad over 6ft with a 6'1" arm span so we're pretty comparable, and the fit is good but one thing I would definitely advise you to consider is a set back seat post. With the somewhat shorter stem, the 19 inch 057 will most likely have you pushing your seat as far back in the rails as possible. Works for me, but maybe not for you. Just a thought.
Also, I personally kinda wish I had gone for a 29+ bike. Of course, they weren't available in chiner options when I did my build so no regrets, just saying that I'm kinda getting the upgrade bug. I only bring it up because you mention your age and a stiff back at times.. Apparently the 29+ platform provides a lot more cush than normal 29er. Just another thought.
Here's a vid of my 057 build.. Give you an idea of what you're considering building. Also, you can see I have the seat slammed all the way back:
If I were to build a new bike today and were buying wheels anyway, I'd be going plus size, the 3.0" tire is the future of mountain biking. I'm no longer interested in "skinny" tire bikes anymore. 27.5+ just offers extra grip with 29+ offers tremendous grip and a comfy ride. Just some food for thought. I wish my -057 could accept even a 2.8" tire but based on Patrick's report, I don't even want to bother upgrading my -057. I'll probably look into a FS 27.5+ frame, wheels, and fork and move over my remaining parts to a new frame. Peter has a new FS 27.5+ frame, although if I were to go to all that trouble, then later a FS 29+ frame was offered I'd be bummed.
... the 3.0" tire is the future of mountain biking.
Every new fad in biking is proclaimed to be the future of mountain biking. I personally am still loving the hell out of my undersized and lower traction (but fast as blazes) 29x2.0 tires. Not everyone values ultimate traction over other considerations. Plus does seem to be a better solution than fat bikes, but "the future of mountain biking" remains to be seen. So far the only fad that's delivered that is larger wheel sizes. Good luck finding any top level bike that comes in 26" wheels anymore. :D
I see more then a temporary fashion with 27.5+. I see a trend: tires will get larger. It might not be that all bikes will have 3.0" tires in the future but they will get:
- Boost axle
- Large rims (30mm+)
- Large tires (2.4"+)
Again, probably not the proper 3.0" plus size format but definitely going large
Nearly every major manufacturer has released a 27.5+ FS or 27.5+ HT, some have both, all have 3.0" tires. All the tire manufacturers are coming out with multiple 3.0" plus tire options. I don't believe for a second it's a fad, it's what many riders have been asking for. I know of countless posts on MTBR about how wide of a tire will fit someone's 29er frame, along with lists of actual tire widths, all those people want wider tires. For once the bike manufacturers are listening to their customers. Unlike many other new features, they didn't just make up 3.0" tires, wider tires have a real benefits. When I go to the bike demo rides, most riders want to ride the plus tire bikes first, and I've not heard a single rider say they thought 3.0" tires are not worthwhile.
Manufacturers are scrambling to get plus bike options into the market, a few of of them are rushing to market and getting it wrong. For example, the new Trek Fuel EX Plus bike lost about an inch in bottom bracket height and those early buyers are not too happy about not having enough clearance. They get it wrong because all they are doing is widening the frame by 0.25" to fit the bigger tire and not compensating for the smaller overall diameter of a 27.5+ tire.
As rims, hubs, and tires become lighter and more efficient, there is becoming less of a weight penalty for having plus size tires. I believe you'll start seeing even the sponsored riders running plus sized tires at races. I know I'm faster on plus tires on the trails I ride, so is SportingGoods. We've both timed are average speeds around trails we ride all the time, we are both convinced ther benefits more than make up for the weight penalty.
Not everyone will like 3.0" tires, some guys still love their 26" wheels but the market has left them behind for 29" and 27.5" wheel sizes. I predict the market will continue moving toward bigger tires and plus sizes will get more popular. Not because it's a fad, but because it's what riders are asking for.
... I don't believe for a second it's a fad, ...
Easy --- I'm defining "fad" as "the hot thing that everyone needs to have right now". Singlespeeding was a fad. 1x drivetrains were a fad. 29ers were a fad. Fat bikes were a fad. Gravel grinder road bikes are a fad.
Being a fad doesn't make it bad, and doesn't mean it won't stick. It does mean that there are folks decreeing that it is the future for everyone, even if it isn't.
Quite honestly I do wish that Peter or one of the frame manufactures would come out with a 29+ frame with a vertical shock mount. I'll be happy with my 036, but I do get a sense that the frame will be slightly dated compared to the newer bikes that are flooding the market currently.
Just dropping by to say "Helloooooo." to everyone before the Introduction thread becomes a "Fad or Future of Biking" thread.
;D ;D ;D
Sorry, the welcome thread got a little off track there.
Welcome to Chinertown!
Sorry, the welcome thread got a little off track there.
Welcome to Chinertown!
Yeah, that was completely inadvertent, didn't realize it was the Welcome thread, sorry!
Welcome to Chinertown!
Hail all, I've been riding mountain bikes for about 10 years and man have things changed in said time. I am interested in building a Chiner bike, the CS-036 model in specific. I look forward to a reasonable price for the frame and a top shelf build, if I'm able to do it. Thanks!
Welcome. I've sold my -036 but am happy to answer any questions you might have.
my name is Christian and I´m from Germany.
I decided to buy a frame in China, but I have a problem with the size.
I´ll open a thread and I hope you can help me.
My name is Gert-Jan from the Netherlands.
Here we have beaches and in the winter we can ride on them :)
For that reason I'm looking for a new bike which will be used as beachracer.
I already asked my first question in a thread :)
My name is Gert-Jan from the Netherlands.
Here we have beaches and in the winter we can ride on them :)
For that reason I'm looking for a new bike which will be used as beachracer.
I already asked my first question in a thread :)
Welcome, Gert-Jan! Your name reminds me of Gert-Jan Theunisse, the Dutch pro from way back when. Loved seeing him race.
As for beach racing, is it hard-pack sand, or soft? Racing on soft sand sounds like it could be really tough!
Welcome, Gert-Jan! Your name reminds me of Gert-Jan Theunisse, the Dutch pro from way back when. Loved seeing him race.
As for beach racing, is it hard-pack sand, or soft? Racing on soft sand sounds like it could be really tough!
Thank you for that compliment! :) We have a ride which is named after him here in the Netherlands. It's called the Gert-Jan Theunisse Classic. I'm 22 years old and so I'm too young to have seen him ride.
You're right with the fact that beach racing can be demanding for a bike, but mostly it will be hard-pack sand.
Hi All,
Pack66 from Tucson. I recently broke my 2009 Gary Fisher X-Cal frame and in the quest for a new frame, discovered this site and the possibility of carbon. Because I'm on a budget and trying to salvage as many parts as I can from the GF (which I know has older parts like 135mm QR hubs), I'm looking for a HT 29er with the possibility of turning it into a 27.5+ later. If this goes well, I may try and save up for a Fat or 29+/27.5+ full suspension (as the Bucksaw and the Pony Rustler are my grails currently).
Looking forward to many long disussions!
Hey everyone. Greetings from Green Bay, WI.
Just joined to get some information on full suspension frames. My son's friend is looking to build up a full suspension bike and I have a few parts I am going to donate to him. Specifically a Fox CTD shock which is 184 x 44 (7.25 x 1.75). Are any of the Chinese full suspension frames designed around a 7.25" shock length?
Go Pack Go! (Born in Janesville many moons ago...)
Hey everyone. Greetings from Green Bay, WI.
Just joined to get some information on full suspension frames. My son's friend is looking to build up a full suspension bike and I have a few parts I am going to donate to him. Specifically a Fox CTD shock which is 184 x 44 (7.25 x 1.75). Are any of the Chinese full suspension frames designed around a 7.25" shock length?
Eau Claire, WI here 8)
Hope you decide to do a Chiner build. I just finished my 036 yesterday and have really been enjoying it. The 036 frame fits a 6.5 shock, so it wouldn't work with yours. Do some searching for the 098 frame. It's a bit more of an enduro styled frame, but I can't remember if it takes a 7.25 or 7.5. It's sold by multiple vendors, and there was a build on here from awhile ago.. I think if you search IP-098 you'll find it. If you're interested, Peter at has them, just not on his website. Just shoot him an email asking about the shock size requirements. He sells it as the CS-098.
Hi everybody !
Greetings from Montevideo, Uruguay.
Just start chinese components fever about a couple months ago with a rigid fork for my MTB and a 56mm wheelset for my road bike, both from ican-bicycle.
I actually own a 2013 710 Scott Scale (650B), now with ican rigid fork and converted to 1x11 (original XT cranks + raceface 38T rings)
Im in a XC Marathon races (40, 60 up to 100km some) and a 29er is a must, so want to swap from 27.5 to 29er.
I will post my question about it in the correct section.
Here pictures of both bikes:
Ok Got to start somewhere!
Pretty much newbie at building bikes (but I have built cars...and maintained bikes) I have had a 20 year old haro for FAAAR too long and its time to put it out to pasture. As I'm sure many of you are on here too - I m looking at a budget but also fun way of building my next bike. Whenever I hit the trails here in the UK I tend to hire a full suss and these usualy are scot scales / genius etc and I really like them. I am also going to take the challenge of doing the C2C (coast to coast trail) next year and so the goal is to build and complete the bike over winter ready for the spring.
I am torn and I know this is a usual thing.
Do I build full suss or go proven hard tail?
Looking at both the 036 full suss frame :
and the hardtail 057 (
I now I have listed two different companies. it seems like xmi have good customer service from what I have read on here so I guess I'm leaning towards them 9Any reason other places might be better for either of these frames)
NOW - I'd love the prospect of full suss but I guess the only thing that scares me from a build point of view is it is another thing to get wrong AND i'd need the expense of buying a rear shock.
As both of these frames are 29ers (which I have not really ever ridden) I'm also a little scared by this too. (I need to try one)
I have a donor bike given to me with some pretty good (but old) components on it (frame is awful though) I will make a list of these components in a new thread. but as the bike is a 26 I'd need to ditch the forks and wheels anyway.
Anything else that might not fit that I'd need to replace?
I am very excited about building this over the next few months. Not taken the plunge on the frame ordering util I have a plan. so thanks for the resource and future help. I am sure there will be lot's of asking!
I've built both a -057 and an -036. Both were very nice bikes, lightweight, and very reliable. I've since sold both of them and gone to a plus tire. Since you can't decide to go HT or FS, why not consider a 29+ bike? Checkout the CS-496 or similar frame. With 29+ tires you will get a much smoother ride without the complexity of a FS frame.
BTW, I will have a set of 29+ boost wheels from my Trek Stache available for sale soon, if your interested.
HI Carbon Dude,
thanks for the reply. I think (mainly from reading your posts about your daughters bikes) That ill pretty much go with a carbon speed frame. it seems you like their service (plus others too) Ive counted my pennies and I think a full suss is just out of my pricerange at the moment so it will be hardtail. I am not used to a 29er let a lone anything 29+?! ;D so Im even unsure about that! might go 650b ... arghh so many decisions..
I was looking at these two frames:
Yes I know this one is a 650
Im confused by the numbers? (for 135mm QR/142*12mm) What does this relate to?
Any also this 29er..
Again thanks for all your help in this. I am very scared!!
HI Carbon Dude,
thanks for the reply. I think (mainly from reading your posts about your daughters bikes) That ill pretty much go with a carbon speed frame. it seems you like their service (plus others too) Ive counted my pennies and I think a full suss is just out of my pricerange at the moment so it will be hardtail. I am not used to a 29er let a lone anything 29+?! ;D so Im even unsure about that! might go 650b ... arghh so many decisions..
I was looking at these two frames:
Yes I know this one is a 650
Im confused by the numbers? (for 135mm QR/142*12mm) What does this relate to?
Any also this 29er..
Again thanks for all your help in this. I am very scared!!
135QR is the older quick release standard. Good if you have an existing wheelset with quick release skewers. 142x12 is the newer through axle standard. You can read about the differences here on Sheldon Brown's page:
If not 29+ then think about 650b+ (27.5+), very similar feel to a 29" wheels but with a bit more traction. If you went with the CS-527 you could then choose to go with 29", 27.5", 29+ or 27.5+ and not be limited by clearance of your frame. Of course you would need to match up a compatible fork that can do all those wheel sizes but the new Fox forks that are Boost compatible have enough clearance for any of those tire sizes.
Thanks again for the info. Seems like most of the standard sizes are making their way on these frames. I should have read the spec and then worked out the sizing related to the skewers. (15mm is pretty standard on the front huh?)
again. there will be a lot of head scratching and debate before I press the button and build. It's also going to be a long build due to cash flow.
Hello all, another new guy here from Arizona.
I'm primarily a roadie, but getting into endurance/marathon MTB races and interested in building a light 29er HT for that purpose. I currently ride a 2010 Rocky Mountain Vertex 29er, which seems strong and reliable, but is a bit too heavy at 26.5lbs...and that's after putting it on a mild diet of of 1x10 drivetrain and some lighter cockpit. Of course, the 6lbs or so that it has on a nice carbon build is only about 3% of the rider/bike system, but the weight weenie in me is not easily persuaded by that kind of math ;D
Hoping to use the accumulated knowledge in this forum to pick out a frame and wheels for the build. I'd love to end up in the vicinity of 20lbs in size XL with a suspension fork and a carbon wheelset, but understand that may be a bit of a stretch. I'm currently looking at all the usual suspects - 057, 041 and 062 as frame candidates.
Sub 20 lbs in xl is absolutely manageable ;) My built ended sub 18.5 lbs with L frame, around 3000 Euro from scratch (you can probably go even lighter and a tad cheaper here and there):,781.msg8546.html#msg8546 , you can also look at frankR build,382.0.html
My -057 build was 19.5 lbs with a RS Reba fork, full XX1 drivetrain, carbon wheels, carbon bars & seat post, XT brakes. If you go 1x then you should be able build an XL at around 20 lbs.
My -057 build was 19.5 lbs with a RS Reba fork, full XX1 drivetrain, carbon wheels, carbon bars & seat post, XT brakes. If you go 1x then you should be able build an XL at around 20 lbs.
Based on that build, with the new Fox 32 SC (step cast) fork instead of the Reba, (around a half pound lighter) you could probably step down from XX1 to X01 or X1 and still hit the 20lb target, as well. Also don't forget that carbon wheels aren't your only option, the Stan's NoTubes Crest Mk3 ( are listed in the 360g range, which is the same listed weight as the lightest Chiner carbon rims and quite a bit less.
If carbon rims are not a must then beside Crest (being obvious option) there are more nice and light rims like Ryda Trace XC, BOR XMD 333/366 or DT Swiss offerings.
My -057 build was 19.5 lbs with a RS Reba fork, full XX1 drivetrain, carbon wheels, carbon bars & seat post, XT brakes. If you go 1x then you should be able build an XL at around 20 lbs.
Based on that build, with the new Fox 32 SC (step cast) fork instead of the Reba, (around a half pound lighter) you could probably step down from XX1 to X01 or X1 and still hit the 20lb target, as well. Also don't forget that carbon wheels aren't your only option, the Stan's NoTubes Crest Mk3 ( are listed in the 360g range, which is the same listed weight as the lightest Chiner carbon rims and quite a bit less.
Thanks for the Crest suggestion. I was thinking going carbon for stiffness/weight, but if I can achieve the same with alloy rims for less $, that's even better - more money for light cranks! I've never ridden either the old Crests or the new MK3 ones, but the old ones had a reputation for being flexy. Stans claim the new rims have an improved stiffness, but is it enough? I can't find any ride reviews on them yet. I'm 158lbs, so not super heavy, but I suck at picking lines and often ride over larger rocks than I should :) Still, Crest MK3s built on the lighter Novatec hubs should make for a ~1400g wheelset, which would indeed rival the lightest Chinese options from Farsports and LB for a couple hundred $ less.
If carbon rims are not a must then beside Crest (being obvious option) there are more nice and light rims like Ryda Trace XC, BOR XMD 333/366 or DT Swiss offerings.
Those other ones are nice, and a little exotic here in US. But they also appear to be narrower (19mm) in internal width. If you believe the wider = faster claims, the same tires mounted on a Crest Mk3 should be quicker.
My -057 build was 19.5 lbs with a RS Reba fork, full XX1 drivetrain, carbon wheels, carbon bars & seat post, XT brakes. If you go 1x then you should be able build an XL at around 20 lbs.
That's a good data point, especially since 057 is the heaviest frame out of the 3 I'm considering.
As far as 1x - that's my preference and is versatile enough for riding around where I live. However, this bike will be raced in Leadville 100 next year, and most of the folks who've done it say that 2x10 is the way to go due to the broad range of speeds. But even if a FD setup adds another 1lb, I'll be OK with that, so long as I don't go much over the 21lbs mark.
My name is Joel, I live in the SanFrancisco east Bay Area. I'm 6'2" and weigh 235 pounds. I'm a completel newbie when it comes to building a bike. I'm looking to build a carbon mtb, and have been looking at the 057 frame, as a good place to start.
But then I've just learned about the 29plus option. That sounds very interesting as well. My budget is around 2k.
I think I may also be interested in purchasing a used bike from someone ready to upgrade, or who just wants to build something different.
All suggestions and opinions on what my reasonable next steps should be are greatly appreciated.
Welcome Sooner.. I have an 057 and if I were to buy another bike it would be a 29+, and I've seen guys post up some killer deals on their "old" frames when they were ready to upgrade so imo your plan is pretty solid. Only thing is you never know when those deals will pop up. It all boils down to your budget of course but pretty sure there are some frames you can get for right at $400 or a bit less depending on your area's taxes/vat/shipping and whatever other bs fees that are tacked on.
My name is Joel, I live in the SanFrancisco east Bay Area. I'm 6'2" and weigh 235 pounds. I'm a completel newbie when it comes to building a bike. I'm looking to build a carbon mtb, and have been looking at the 057 frame, as a good place to start.
But then I've just learned about the 29plus option. That sounds very interesting as well. My budget is around 2k.
I think I may also be interested in purchasing a used bike from someone ready to upgrade, or who just wants to build something different.
All suggestions and opinions on what my reasonable next steps should be are greatly appreciated.
You could build a 29+ Chiner, several Stache frame copies available in carbon from the Chinese sellers like Workswell and Xmcarbonspeed. However, another option is to buy an off the shelf 2017 Aluminum Stache 7 for $1,999 or Carbon 9.6 for $2,999 (maybe 10% less if you are willing to negotiate). Both options are good, just depends on what you want and how much you want to spend. I couldn't build a 29+ for that price, even though my Stache doesn't have a Chinese Carbon frame these guys let me remain a member of this forum :). I enjoy riding my 29+ bike more than any other bike I've owned so if you are considering a 29+, I say go for it!
anyone have any idea it usually takes for Carbonspeed to reply to emails? i emailed on monday just for prices and a little info etc but no reply?
Chinese holidays right now, should be over in few days.
I got a reply- there had been a rather large typhoon and knocked out power for a while. He's off to the bike show in vegas too so its good. it gives me time to get a plan together - Also car has just blown a tyre.. £200 down drain that could have been my frame :(
hi everyone, I´m Alex, just as Sitar_Ned, I`m also trying to build my dream hard tail MTB, and very interested in what all of you post, it really helps a lot to my learning, this forum is great
thank you all
Welcome Alex.
Hello everyone. I'm Mike and I'm new here. I've been riding a 2010 Giant XTC 29er1 Aluminum frame for about 4 years now. This year the frame decided to crack at the weld where the top tube attaches to the seat tube. Some repairs have held up short term (don't ask), but they won't last much longer, so this winter I plan to take the components from the current bike and put them on a new chinese carbon 29er hardtail frame.
I have gotten used to the geometry of the Giant and I am concerned that so far all the chinese carbon frames that I look at seem to vary quite a bit from the Giant.
The Giant is a 20" frame.
I am 6'1" tall and weigh around 220 lbs.
So my question - does anyone know of a chinese carbon frame that would compare to the 2010 Giant XTC 29er 1 in geometry, but also be reliable? I value reliability way more than weight savings. I know this might be obscure, but I figured I would try.
Welcome busted frame!
So it isn't the same geo as your Giant but the 057 is the kinda go to frame for reliability around here.. not that the others aren't reliable, it's just the the 057 has been around the longest and has been tested long-term by a lot of members here. I'm like you and want a light bike but not at the expense of a reliable frame... I've been riding the 057 for a few years now with absolutely no problems at all and I'm pretty much precisely your build at just a bit under 6'1" and fluctuate between 215lbs and 225 lbs depending on if I'm more into lifting or riding at the time. I'm on a 19" frame and it fits well the only thing I would say is if you're going to have a shorter stem you may want a set back seat post. I have a 75mm stem and no set back post and have my seat as far back on the rails as possible and it fits perfect. I have longer arms than normal for my height so that may factor into but since your a bit taller than me I'm betting that is safe advice to give you.
I think that would a good place for you to start your search but don't just take my word for it.. lots of info and frames to look over. Sorry I couldn't help you find a Giant like geo frame.. Good luck!
Like SN, I also recommend the -057. You can also get the frame custom painted to your taste for a little extra. Here is the one Peter at XMcarbonspeed did for me about 3 years ago. I've since sold the bike but it was a solid and reliable frame with not creaks or rattles, no problems assembling. Go with a BSA bottom bracket if you can.
;D ;D Hi everyone.... Been following this forum for a while now as a guest.... Bout time I register and jump in on discussions instead of looking in from outside the window :o :o :o
My name is Gary... I owned PremiumMTB, I'm the Australian / New Zealand distributor for Nextie. I also sell other China based carbon products.
If your chasing Nextie rims or just would like some advice or quick communication regarding anything Nextie hit me up :D
Welcome Gary!
I see you also have a SJ 6Fattie, do you have Nextie wheels on your bike? If so, what width did you choose?
I'm sure I'm going to have more questions, but here are a couple more:
I'm trying to find the difference between BB30 & BSA. My current bottom bracket is a shimano SM-BB70. Planning to reuse everything on my existing bike, so is this BB30 or BSA?
I see different letters in front of the 057, like IP, FM, CS - do these mean anything? The one on xmcarbonspeed is a CS-057.
I'm sure I'm going to have more questions, but here are a couple more:
I'm trying to find the difference between BB30 & BSA. My current bottom bracket is a shimano SM-BB70. Planning to reuse everything on my existing bike, so is this BB30 or BSA?
I see different letters in front of the 057, like IP, FM, CS - do these mean anything? The one on xmcarbonspeed is a CS-057.
BSA is an external bottom bracket that threads into the frame. BB30 needs to be installed by a press. Not sure what BB70 is, but I assume it's similar. Google image search for a sheet shwing them all. There's loads of information on bb's.
It's going to be tough to reuse everything. Make sure to look for adapters too. Perhaps there's something that'll make it work. In my opinion it might just be worth the upgrade to go BSA for the easy servicing and part availability.
The letters signify the seller of the frame. An IP-036 is the same as the CS-036. Marginal difference in quality between vendors. Stick with the vendors that take care of you. Peter has been great.
Welcome busted frame!
So it isn't the same geo as your Giant but the 057 is the kinda go to frame for reliability around here.. not that the others aren't reliable, it's just the the 057 has been around the longest and has been tested long-term by a lot of members here. I'm like you and want a light bike but not at the expense of a reliable frame... I've been riding the 057 for a few years now with absolutely no problems at all and I'm pretty much precisely your build at just a bit under 6'1" and fluctuate between 215lbs and 225 lbs depending on if I'm more into lifting or riding at the time. I'm on a 19" frame and it fits well the only thing I would say is if you're going to have a shorter stem you may want a set back seat post. I have a 75mm stem and no set back post and have my seat as far back on the rails as possible and it fits perfect. I have longer arms than normal for my height so that may factor into but since your a bit taller than me I'm betting that is safe advice to give you.
I think that would a good place for you to start your search but don't just take my word for it.. lots of info and frames to look over. Sorry I couldn't help you find a Giant like geo frame.. Good luck!
I have an 057 as well and really like the bike! I started out on a FS bike and this has been my first hardtail. I would also suggest a setback seatpost. I recently installed a 60mm stem from a 90mm and the handling of the bike improved greatly! Not that is was bad before but i felt like i was in too much of a XC race position and wanted to be more upright. My bar width is 725mm and the new standard seems to be, the wider the bars the shorter the stem. That certainly has been the case for me.
Now that i have done that, i do wish i had a setback seatpost as mine is all the way rearward too. I am 6'1" 210lbs so i'm similar to your build. In NC we have a lot of tight, twisty singletrack and this 29er has not been a hindrance at all. I was coming from a 26er and was expecting the handling to be lazy, especially on the switchbacks. Not at all!!! I think it handles better than my 26er which, by the way, was a giant ::)
Hi there,
New in the forum,
Just triyng to find out if it´s a good decision buying a carbon frame from a "china" company or from a big brand. Any help is welcome.
It's good for anyone who wants to select all the components themselves and put together the bicycle themselves. Once you assemble a complete bike you can maintain it yourself as well.
Hey there,
I'm new in the forum and I would like to introduce my first build. After some time spent reading this forum I decided to purchase CS-057 frame from
Specification as follows:
CS-057 19 "frame
SP7 seatpost
SP2 carbon stem
B7 straight carbon handlebar
Force headsed and seatpost clamp
Mavic CROSSMAX ELITE wheels with Mavic Pulse Pro 2.1x29" UST tyres
SR Suntour AXON ELITE fork, 100mm stroke
Shimano SLX M7000 brakes with J04C metal pads
Shimano SLX M7000 1x11 full set
Ergon SM3 Pro seat
After first ride I'm quite happy with the bike, it runs quite smooth and comfortable.
I'm trying to find the difference between BB30 & BSA. My current bottom bracket is a shimano SM-BB70. Planning to reuse everything on my existing bike, so is this BB30 or BSA?
As already explained, BB30 is a press-in type of bottom bracket while BSA is an external, threaded, "screw-in" type of bb.
SM-BB70 is just a manufacturer's coding for they product. It is a BSA type of bb.
Hi, just joined and am looking to buy a 29er xc hardtail frame has anyone used this company or can recommend one for a sub 1000g frame please. Looking to reuse my Crossmax ST wheels and 1 x 11 drivetrain.
I picked up an un-used chinese carbon frame on Craigslist. I'm noticing a potential problem with it though. It seems like the top bearing pocket for the headset bearing is pretty shallow. When I put my old headset in it, it sticks up quite a bit. I'm thinking this might be ok (when I tighten everything down, it seems solid), but gunk will be able to get in there pretty easy and it just doesn't seem right to me. I was planning on getting a new headset anyway. Any recommendation on this? I have attached some pictures for reference.
Most likely you need the correct headset bearings for your frame that have the correct thickness dimensions for your bearing cups.
Carbon Dude is correct, you'll need to get the proper bearings for those cups. Even though your old headset technically "fits" it's not compatible with the bearing cups the frame manufacturer uses. Most of them use Neco headsets and if you know who made the frame they should be able to supply you with a part number.
Since the cup is very shallow and in aluminium.
I'm wondering if this is not for a conventional threadless headsets:
Using a bearing retainer instead of integrated or semi integrated cartridge bearings, like most of us.
Hi All.
I just wanted to dip my toe in here to introduce myself. My name's John, and bikes are a big passion in my life.
Two and a half years ago I moved to Guangzhou, China. In my first year, I started to ride the local trails as well as connect with local riders. I also started to learn a bit about the manufacturers and companies here in Guangdong. I began to read forums online where non-Chinese riders overseas were sharing information on frames and components (mostly carbon).
I had the idea then of launching a simple website where myself and a partner reviewed and provided technical info and ride impressions on frames and components. I'm a passionate trail/enduro rider and builder who has toured and raced in the US, Australia, and SE Asia. My partner is a sponsored xc/road rider for a Chinese brand who also works for WTB.
Unfortunately, my partner couldn't commit at the time due to race and travel schedules, and I was bogged down in launching the Art and Drama programs at an international school here (my day job). So, we put the site on hold.
Recently, I've re-evaluated the model and am looking at coming back into it. I'd love to provide firsthand resources and information to riders in communities like Chinertown who don't have the benefit of being in physical contact with the manufacturers and products they are sifting through online, and who also don't speak Chinese when it might help. Being something of middle-men here, we might be able to create a valuable interface between the two worlds on a number of levels.
Does this idea sound like a good one to you? This is something like old school market research :)
Hi Intelikat, sounds like a great idea and source of local information 8)
Recently, I've re-evaluated the model and am looking at coming back into it. I'd love to provide firsthand resources and information to riders in communities like Chinertown who don't have the benefit of being in physical contact with the manufacturers and products they are sifting through online, and who also don't speak Chinese when it might help. Being something of middle-men here, we might be able to create a valuable interface between the two worlds on a number of levels.
Does this idea sound like a good one to you? This is something like old school market research :)
Welcome, intellicat.
I think being a native english speaking (assumption based on your fluency) resident of China with access to the manufacturers there would certainly create some opportunities for you to bring valuable information to potential buyers of these products, and to the forum in general, and possibly even create some opportunity for yourself. Just have to find that hole in the market, and fill it.
Glad to have you.
I'll start a thread to get some dialogue going once we are ready to roll. Something like a "wish list" seems a good place to start-- frames, wheelsets, anything else that looks intriguing from afar but folks might want more detailed info/specs on and potentially a series of test rides. Given our proximity to these manufacturers, we could do some investigation.
I'll start something up separately from this thread once we are set to go.
I suppose you can remember me as an point of contact.
Although I may not immediately know answers to more in-depth questions (that's more the idea for a separate website), I have Chinese friends or friends of friends who work within the industry in a variety of ways who may be able to answer more general questions if you run into a wall on the web.
For instance, my partner rides for a Chinese brand named "Camp" I asked him who designed and manufactured Camp frames. The OEM for their frames is Shenzhen Kespor Bicycle Company. The frame he rides is manufactured by Kespor and then branded as "Camp". The same frame also goes elsewhere and is rebranded (or not) by other distributors. So, being able to track down where particular frames are being manufactured (if they are good), or finding how/where manufacturers are selling the exact frame is a bit of valuable information. Alot of this has been done already on this site through online sleuthing, emails and maybe even calling... but it's also something easy to do through the network here.
My partner has been training and racing on the first run of Camp's 2016 carbon HT and also gave me some impressions on its long-term performance. That's useful information, too, as long as I trust him... which I do :)
Just ordered up a UD chiner from E-Bay today for touring, gravelgrinding
$239 Shipped, looks like a FR-202, same geo.
Also ordered a 3kmatte 15mm fork with TA for $95
Extra $17 for integrated HS and seatpost clamp as it was not included.
This is to replace a cross bike that was stolen down in California last year, look forward to documenting the build as it has been five years since I treated myself to a new bike.
Hi all,
New user here, lurked for a while when I was still on the fence about going the Chinese route on my first build. Seeing all your bikes was a big driver in my decision to go for it! ;D
New to the forum so hello all! I ride a Salsa Bucksaw right now but will be upgrading to Nextie or xmiplay wheelset so if anyone has experience with fat tire wheels here please let me know your thoughts.
Thanks and look forward to a build this summer.
Welcome! Don't bother with Nextie wheels, the wheels that Peter sells are cheaper and just as good.
New to the forum so hello all! I ride a Salsa Bucksaw right now but will be upgrading to Nextie or xmiplay wheelset so if anyone has experience with fat tire wheels here please let me know your thoughts.
Thanks and look forward to a build this summer.
I have one set of Nextie rims and 2 from Peter. All 3 have been great and problem free. Most of the time, Peter will be cheaper, but Nextie does have some good pricing on rims on eBay. That being said, if I was looking for fat bike wheels, I would go with DT 350 centerlock hubs, Sapim CX-Ray spokes, and my rim of choice from Peter. His wheelset prices are very tough to beat.
Hi all,
I'm Roberto from Italy, just ordered a 29 carbon frame from THRUST STORE on aliexpress model BRMF-01 with BSA Bottom Bracket and a carbon fork from the same shop.
I've also ordered stem handlebar and carbon seatpost from asiacom store.
Waiting for my order to be delivered I've just bought some other components like XT rear derailleur, 10v 10-42 sprocket and wheels and shimano brakes and selle italia saddle
I've only some doubts about mounting the Bottom Bracket and the headset.
Are there some video tutorial on how to mount these parts?
I think I will receive the frame and the fork in a month and I will inform you about the proceedings of the mounting of my new bike !
Welcome Roberto! Hope you enjoy your new bike!
Check for assembling various parts of your bike. If you have any specific questions please let us know.
Hello everyone,
I am a new rider in this world.
I have been riding for around 6 months, 1-2 times a week for 40-60km each day and 2000m up /down, marathon or XC style(sorry for my English). Also 4 days of gym or static for extra work.
However my bike sucks big time. I have a 26" supermarket bike which was around 199 dollars.
Now I want to buy a new bike but I can only spend around 500 dollars(I am still in college and don't make too much money).
Would it be a good idea to create a new Chinese bike with that kind of money? Should I buy a 500 dollars bike around here and then upgrade it with Chinese components as I get more money?
What do you recommend me guys?
Thank you!
Welcome to Chiniertown. If you are in the US, Craigslist is your best bet for your $500 budget.
Hello everyone,
I am a new rider in this world.
I have been riding for around 6 months, 1-2 times a week for 40-60km each day and 2000m up /down, marathon or XC style(sorry for my English). Also 4 days of gym or static for extra work.
However my bike sucks big time. I have a 26" supermarket bike which was around 199 dollars.
Now I want to buy a new bike but I can only spend around 500 dollars(I am still in college and don't make too much money).
Would it be a good idea to create a new Chinese bike with that kind of money? Should I buy a 500 dollars bike around here and then upgrade it with Chinese components as I get more money?
What do you recommend me guys?
Thank you!
Welcome Stronlord.. sorry to tell you man, but $500 really won't get you a good bike. A chiner frame alone will run you $500. You definitely need to be going to the used market as carbon dude suggested but even used.. $500 isn't going to get you much unless you just find a really good deal. I'd wait til you could spend $800 to $1000 and patiently keep an eye on the used market.
i live in France(Normandie)
my bike is Btwin RockRider 560(26") i bought in 2015.
After calculation and some research, I can mount a MTB of less than 10kg (9.3 according to my calculations) for 1800-2000 €.
SRAM Group eagle gx 12
Xt brakes
Fork rockshox sid (to see what I find according to promo or other)
Wheels: either Chinese carbon or aluminum brands.
So components not too bad, without reaching the high end to stay on a price correct.
Or a mountain bike made of brand cube, canyon, orbea etc ... 1500-1700 €
With components lower and to evolve later (especially the wheels and the fork).
I have a doubt about the Chinese wheels we find, they seem heavy for carbon wheels (about 1700-1800gr).
at this weight as well take aluminum wheels that are worth less expensive.
I read tests on the internet (vojo magazine) and tested carbon wheels are 1200-1400gr,but prices ......... 1700-2600€
Welcome Stef (from France)!
Welcome Stef (from France)!
;D ;D
hi there - joined a couple of weeks ago and sure do a appreciate the heaps of information I come across on this forum
Just bought myself a WorksWellBikes WCB-M-096 and started building it up -
I have a doubt about the Chinese wheels we find, they seem heavy for carbon wheels (about 1700-1800gr).
at this weight as well take aluminum wheels that are worth less expensive.
I read tests on the internet (vojo magazine) and tested carbon wheels are 1200-1400gr,but prices ......... 1700-2600€
From my experience, you can perfectly build 1300-1400g 29er wheels, with top components for 800€.
For instance DT 240 hubs: 364€/400g, sapim cx rays 182€/310g on
Then you have rims between $210-$320 for about 300-350g each.
You can go down on price with pilar aero spokes, that are in my experience as durable as sapim ones.
Get some ultralight rims if your weight allows it( sub 30mm/300g rims ).
Or save on weight for ~200g with fancy straight pull hubs/spokes but making you ~300€ poorer.
And about riding, in my opinion, carbon rims are more shock proof than aluminium. And stiffer.
The wheels i found are about 400-600$.
And it's the max price i can buy(400-500€).
hi there - joined a couple of weeks ago and sure do a appreciate the heaps of information I come across on this forum
Just bought myself a WorksWellBikes WCB-M-096 and started building it up - :)
Nice bike and original ! :D
What tire sizes do you use?
Does the fork came from them too? Painted this way, or you gave them the model?
hi there - joined a couple of weeks ago and sure do a appreciate the heaps of information I come across on this forum
Just bought myself a WorksWellBikes WCB-M-096 and started building it up -
Nice setup Martin! Pro stand and all. Where did you get the Panda head tube plate?
on ETSY from this guy
Hello everybody. I'm a possible new chinerlover. I come from Croatia, and ride a velocite flux alloy (prototype) bike. I have my mind set on carbon frame for a while now, and not having a sh*t load of money.. I got to cut some expenses.. so.. here I am.... :)
Hope to find some great advice here.
Dobardan @creborn ;)
Hi all,
I'm Walter from Italy.
I'm riding an very old chinese frame, the model name is TR-FM246CF.
I've been using it since 2012 for all-mountains tracks and, surprisingly, it is still working.
But now it's time to change it and to find something of more modern in terms of geometry and with the same reliability.
Up to now my eyes are on these models:
- Leadnovo LN958II (BSA and external rear brake routing as an option)
- Tideace FM009 (there is a raw option)
- workwells M-062 (good geometry and a lot of info on it)
- CS Mb01 (those antishock inserts are intriguing...)
- WL FM07 (less known but interesting geometry)
- VB-M-095 (from velobuild.. very light but weird seatpost clamp)
Hi, I'm from Brazil and looking for a new frame to make a new bike
Hi All,
I'm Evan. I've been watching Chinese carbon bikes for a while but haven't pulled the trigger yet. When I replace my current Kona Process, it'll definitely be with a Chinese carbon bike. I'm currently riding on Nextie 27mm ID carbon rims and loving them.
Hello everyone. Thanks for starting this forum. Peter from Xiamen Carbon Speed gave me this link and now i am a member. I look forward to start reading as i am looking at building a HT 29er for 160-360km rides. Hopefully i can buil it to less than 8.3kg. Basicaly narrowed it down to CS-218 19”, CS-887-SL 18.5” or LCM904 19” or Workswell M-062 18.5” frames. (18.5 TT are closest fit). Thanks
Hello everyone. Thanks for starting this forum. Peter from Xiamen Carbon Speed gave me this link and now i am a member. I look forward to start reading as i am looking at building a HT 29er for 160-360km rides. Hopefully i can buil it to less than 8.3kg. Basicaly narrowed it down to CS-218 19”, CS-887-SL 18.5” or LCM904 19” or Workswell M-062 18.5” frames. (18.5 TT are closest fit). Thanks
360km rides !! :o
How long does it take, and do you have an recent example ?
36One race in South Africa, 361km, 36hrs... top fit in 17hrs. Montly dirt roads, non technical. I did the 181km this year in 11hrs on my Epic S-works WC. I do think a HT would be more energy efficient.
Hi There just bought an ican p8. didn't end up building it because I have changed my mind and want to do a race xc 29er instead.
anyone have a frame they would trade me?
Hi,my names Azim, live in Mlaysia. MTB/RB rider. Also a part time bike mechanic who currently doing a little bikes & wheelset customizing. Nice to meet all of you.
Welcome, Kaben! Good to have you.
hi all i am Simon from XIAMEN OXIVE CARBON CO LTD,I
have been in carbon industry for 4years ,this year i start my carbon wheel business,any question about carbon wheel i will answer u honestly
Hey everyone! Great forum here! Not even entirely sure how I found it... probably linked through MTBR or something. I just recently got back into mountain biking. Hadn't ridden any trails in a long long time. This will be my first season back in the saddle.
I bought a Diamondback Overdrive Comp 27.5 HT as a first MTB. I really like it and can't wait to get going. I'm one of those people who dive head first into hobbies (which I love but my wallet isn't always happy with it). I also like to have every available resource for research and general browsing. Certainly enjoy seeing the talented builds here. In the future I could 100% see myself building a Carbon FS 27.5+ MTB. Building it is a huge part of the fun (right?)!!
Thanks again everyone. Hopefully I can become a useful resource here!
Hi, I'm Calvin from Austria, where bigger chinese packages get taxed with 20% -.-
I just recently got my 29er HT frame in size 17" and a carbon rigid fork. Love the setup, since im mostly a roadie, a suspension always felt strange and kind of unnecessary for XC. The wheels(srly heavy at almost 2100g) and tires(Continental Race Kings 2.2in or Schwalbe Thunder Burt 2.25) are from my old entry level hardtail, but mostly the stuff i got on my rig is chinese. Handlebar, stem, seatpost, seatpost clamp, seat, crank, oval chainring, Ti bolts, QR skewers. Brakes are cheap Br-m355 hydro brakes from Shimano with the cheapest 180 and 160 rotors.
Plan to make a relatively budget weightweenie budget XC built. Either singlespeed or a 11spd e13 TRS+ race cassette(9-46t) with XTR mech and shifter, either Deore or XTR brakes(depends how much i really wanna spend), KCNC razor rotors(85g for 160mm), Velosa carbon wheels(1350g), Schwalbe Furious Fred(360g per tire), tubeless of course.
Hi i'm Stuart and i'm from London in the UK.
i've ridden a steel frame 29er for the past 3 years and am now wanting to convert the bike i have into a lighter xc focused bike.
this is my current bike
Nathan from MN (yay snow). What a great forum. Thank you all that contribute!
I bought my first carbon frame (IP136) 4 years ago from Peter back when he was still with IPlay. I bought some carbon rims from him too.
Currently looking to build a FS 29er - that's what brought me here. (If anyone has advice I would gladly take it. I ride mostly xc, some marathon. Terrain is somewhat flat (MN). I am a lighter weight rider if that matters.) Cheers!
Hello, Im from Dominican Repblic
Hi all,
Sebastian from Austria here. Mainly a ski mountaineer and trail runner, but spending quite an amount of time in the saddle (road, trails, XC) - but only for training purposes and commuting to work, no races.
My 14yr old 3*9 26" alu HT is way too old and now it's time to move to 29" carbon hardtail.
Budget is kind of limited (want to try and stay sub 2.5k €), nonetheless I'd aim for a sub 10kg build.
It may happen that I'll start a thread soon and get on your nerves with questions you have heard 1000s of times before :)
Willst du ne Federgabel haben? Bzw. wie viel soll für dies Schaltung investiert werden?
Mein Rigid-Singlepseed mit den alten 2.1kg Laufrädern auf 8,8kg mit Pedale.
Ha Calvino,
Rigid Single wäre dann nur was für den Arbeitsweg. Wohne in Tiroö, da gibt’s zu viel schöne Optionen, für die ich ne Schaltung und Federgabel haben will ...
@Calvino @bababasti
Even though you are both from Austria, this is an English forum, please keep it that way.. If you make public post use English, otherwise imagine how it would look like if everyone acted like that.
If you need to, use personal messages for your private conversations in your native tongue :)
Fully agree, sorry for that.
Quick translation:
Cavino asked me whether going rigid SS would be an option to keep a build light (and save some bucks). But as I am living in Tyrol with mountains right in front of my door I plan to go with more than one gear and a front suspension.
Yeah sorry, wasn't intentional. My Austrian blood simply pushed me to that action.
Well, i mean i can really understand going with a suspension fork for compliance and gears for comfort, but simply(if you can afford it) get a rigid fork(80€ tapered, thru axle and carbon) and get a singlespeed cog to simply try it out. I plan a weightweenie XC rigid build and contemplate whether i should just punch singlespeed and save quite some weight or go with XTR mech/shifter and a e13 9-46 cassette. Currently use thre singlespeed rigid without any problem on easy trails
Looking at the Santa Cruz Tallboy 3 and definitely have sticker shock. Looking for a good climbing and handling, and something with enough suspension to smooth out the ride. No big hits, too old for that.
I like building things, not so much shopping, so hopefully the crew here has some recipe's I can follow. Anyone interested in doing a group/parallel build?
hi i'm new
i currently ride a specialized rockhopper.
on the hunt for a full suspension frame. getting there.
Hello everyone,
my name is nicolò i'am from italy and I will buy a 29er Chinese frame to build my bike
Hi all,
Dave here from South Lincolnshire in the UK.
Just got a Velobuild M-091, that i'm looking forward to building up.
Hello folks,
Longtime lurker that finally joined. Living the dream in Southern California.
Looking to build my first bike. I used to MTB a lot when I was younger, but switched to road/tri. Looking to get back into the game.
Located in Toronto, Canada.
- from estonia. Great forum. Lots of useful info. Im thinking of buying carbon butget hardtail frame to upgrade my old cube analog frame. Im currently thinking that frame. Can this frame be used 1x10 36 chainring on front. Or is there some better frames
Hi, Like Taaro above I am also in Estonia. Been riding mtb on and off for years, got the big bad last year, did a few events and lots of riding on a Merida big nine, now looking to build a lightweight carbon XC marathon bike.
Former lurker here. Currently considering some of the frames shown on this forum for my next AM/Enduro build.
Looking to get a 29" ride with 150mm travel or above, 66 degree head angle or slacker, 440mm chainstays, 420mm reach, and a seat tube angle of about 76 degrees or thereabouts.
Prefer single pivot and horst link designs but am more than willing to try out VPP or DW-type linkages.
Any referrals would be appreciated, even 79ers (29" front, 27.5" at the back).
I've been toying with the idea of a Chiner for a while now but am yet to take the plunge... Currently building up an On One Scandal 29 SS to get back into riding again after a long while away and just need to sort out a couple more bits until its done.
Anyhoo, consider that a hello from me.
Happy trails :)
Stumbled in here from mtbr a few days ago. Next thing you know, I'm placing an order with sissypants on a FM08. Looking forward to starting a build thread!
Thanks for the great resource!
Hi Everyone,
I'm in the UK, looking to get a hardtail frame at the end of the year and I am interested in the direct-sales from China. I'm here to have a look around and gain some of your expert knowledge.
I live in St. Louis, MO in the US. I've always followed the Chinese frame threads on and found them very interesting. I currently have a 19 Stumpjumper and 18 Process 153 AL 29. I have always been a budget bike guy and am constantly looking out for good deals. That's one reason this site is so interesting. I'm not really looking for a frame now, but I figure by the time I am maybe the new school geometry will reach the Chinese makers.
The bikes I'd most like to see a similar Chinese frame are
-Orbea Occam with the same geometry and split pivot rear
-Commencal Meta TR, if Commencal won't do carbon, I'd like to see someone else do it
- a Yeti knock off would be cool
-something simple like the Marin Alpine Trail
Don't really need a direct knockoff, as long as the frame performs well. Basically I would love to see a trend toward more of an Enduro geo. I would like to see more frames that aren't a solid rear triangle. I would like a pivot on the stay, seat tube, or split pivot to help alleviate some stress.
So far the Ican P9 looks the most interesting to me. I hope more frames come out in this direction.
Keep up the cool threads guys. They are fun to check out.
Hello from the UK, I'm currently slowly gathering parts to build a carbon hardtail, here gather info and get some tips and advice.
I'm from Minnesota in the USA. I'm currently riding a 2016 Specialized Stumpjumper that has more travel than I need or want. Looking to build a xc/light trail bike around a SID ultimate fork. My head is spinning already on which frame to build around with all the good info here.
Welcome, Cerps and the rest of the new members... good to have you on the forums!
Hi All, I 'm from Latvia. Currently i'm looking for info to build XC full suspension bike. I'm looking at Carbonda FM 936 frame. Probably this will be my next build. Had a few hardtails built on FM036, and KTM phinx 27.5 for wife.
Thanks for great info source here.
Hi all, Slojoe here.
Been lurking for a few weeks and thought I would say hello to the forum. I've been intrigued with the thought of building up an import fs frame using the components off my other fs import bike (hal 6). I've been eyeing the tantan fm08 as a viable candidate and plan to pull the trigger soon. The main draw to the frame is the more modern geometry with a secondary benefit of shedding some grams. Going to a 29+ from 27.5 should help as well. I am seriously considering a set of wheels from btlos. They look to have by far the best bang for the buck. Once the frame is in hand I hope to document the build in a new thread. If there is any info you would like to have about the frame or wheels just let me know.
...I am seriously considering a set of wheels from btlos. They look to have by far the best bang for the buck...
Interesting, I didn't know them. Which wheels in particular do you plan to get ?
Did you compare them with ( ?
Good luck for your build !
Thanks, it's going to be my first build.
The wheels I'm looking at are the WM i30. I was toying with options and going all out with 240's and sapim cxrays would run about a grand. A similar wheel at light bicycle would run at least 1500. Light bicycle wheels seem solid but the btlos rims have pretty good reviews, hoping not to have any issues.
Hey Slojoe,
You'll be best off buying a wheelset from TanTan with your FM08. Have them price something up for you. They are cheaper than BTLOS because they have a much larger sales volume and they also make outstanding quality rims. You also can save about $25 on shipping when you order your frame and wheelset in one box, compared to if you shipped wheels from BTLOS and the frame from TanTan. Not to mention, less hassle :)
TanTan wheel prices:
MTB rims - about $140/pc.
DT Swiss 350 hubs (for reference) - $250/pair
Pillar 1420 aero bladed spokes w/ nipples - $2/set
Build fee: $25
Shipping fee: $70 independently, $130 with frame, $85 FS frame alone
They may quote you more than that, but just keep those numbers in mind and let me know what they quote you. I can probably save you another $50 on your combined order.
The wheels I'm looking at are the WM i30. I was toying with options and going all out with 240's and sapim cxrays would run about a grand. A similar wheel at light bicycle would run at least 1500
Strange, a wheelset with DT-240 and CX-Ray at Light bicycle are generally about 900€ which is exactly $1,000 today ! ;)
The rims are about $140-150 everywhere, the price then depends on the hubs and spokes/nipples.
...Pillar 1420 aero bladed spokes w/ nipples - $2/set...
My first wheelset was with Pillar 1420 spokes/nipples.
After 3-4 years the nipples started to fall in pieces, being somehow welded to the spoke.
Impossible to true the wheel without cutting the spoke.
And some spokes did break at the J bend.
Of all the wheels I imported, nobody experienced similar issues with SAPIM kits.
Maybe we get the shaft in N America, lol. Here's what I get with a quick build up of their 29er wheels:
Maybe we get the shaft in N America, lol. Here's what I get with a quick build up of their 29er wheels:
They have two kind of rims, the PRO about $280 and the others at about $150, the difference comes probably from that.
Except a longer warranty period, I do not understand the value of the PRO version of their rims, and take in general non-PRO ones.
Got a wild hair to build a Chiner after putting a couple of thousand miles on a Deng Fu road bike frame this last year.
My current MTB is an old-school 26 inch Kona Coiler and all the cool kids are now riding 29'ers.
Found a possible frame and will be starting to collect parts and pieces this spring.
Pictures to follow.
Well. After years of not riding I broke and have gotten back into it. I bought a used Gary Fisher Superfly hardtail. It is a medium sized frame with a 100mm travel fork. Love the bike, but I think I have a crack in the main tube of the frame. Looking for a frame that I can just swap everything over. My bike is set up as a 1x9 and would probably just upgrade to a 1x10. Not looking to switch to boost wheels or anything crazy. Looking at all the the dimension and its a little bit much. Any help would be great. Just looking to stay with an xc style frame. would consider a full suspenion xc frame set if I could source the extra needed pieces for the right price.
Well. After years of not riding I broke and have gotten back into it. I bought a used Gary Fisher Superfly hardtail. It is a medium sized frame with a 100mm travel fork. Love the bike, but I think I have a crack in the main tube of the frame. Looking for a frame that I can just swap everything over. My bike is set up as a 1x9 and would probably just upgrade to a 1x10. Not looking to switch to boost wheels or anything crazy. Looking at all the the dimension and its a little bit much. Any help would be great. Just looking to stay with an xc style frame. would consider a full suspenion xc frame set if I could source the extra needed pieces for the right price.
Here are few things I would look at...
To swap you need to look at the bottom brackets available for your crankset.
And if you have a ring bigger than 34T check with the seller for clearance advice.
Then if your fork is compatible with the headtube, which is generally tapered 1.5"/1.25"( adapters exist if you have a straight fork ).
Check if your fork is not cut too short for the headtube height + stem + needed spacers.
For the rear wheel the frames come generally with interchangeable 135 or 142mm drop outs, but better ask the seller before shipping.
The seatube diameter must be the same, however you can find good seatposts on Aliexpress that doesn't cost a leg, this one is great:
And you may need a brake caliper adapter for the back depending on the size designed by default for the frame.
Good luck with your build !
I am looking to get back into cycling after life took over for 10+ years. I did mtb active back in my youth and hopefully some of the feel is still intact.. Now I am looking for fun and excercise, nothing serious but I would like a bike that I can push a bit going downhill.
I was first looking at trail bikes like Scott Spark, Tallboy, etc and other similar 120-130mm travel bikes. But then I came across this forum and want to rather build a bike - sourcing parts and planning a build is also a lot of fun.
So far I have looked at the LCFS958 frame. Planned to have it 130/130 travel. . I have sent emails to lightcarbon, but have not received any replies.
Anyway is this a frame you guys would recommend? Or do you have experience with other frames around 120-130mm travel that would be good?
When I go to DIYCarbon I see they have some frames that are "clones", that makes it "easier" to know how they are compared to the ones I can see and have demoed in stores, but have read they just source their frames from other providers such as Tantan or lightcarbon? Have anyone made or seen a overview of chinese frames and comparison of geo to brand bikes?
...But then I came across this forum and want to rather build a bike - sourcing parts and planning a build is also a lot of fun....
The same happened to me years ago, you won't regret it !
...Have anyone made or seen a overview of chinese frames and comparison of geo to brand bikes?...
You need to do some homework for this, to know exactly what is available compared to what you want.
Here is an interesting site:
Hi - Robert here from Austin. Funny thing is I'm not sure how I ended up here. Was researching a new MTB and some how ended up here. Haven't bought the new bike yet, but got in on the 831 group buy. Haven't built a bike since I was a kid and it was a BMX bike so this will be something new for me.
Paul here from Massachusetts. I knew there had to be a way to skirt the markup of the big name bikes, and here is where I landed.
I just bought a Seraph FM10, so we'll see how that goes, and hopefully the group buy from Haideli goes through, I'd love to see that hightower clone. need some covid projects to work on.
Hi All,
Julien from France. Very interested in all I can read (and ask) here so as to build a HT 27,5 er for my 13 years old son.
Favorite is BXT 036... We'll see how it ends...
Hi guys, Sean from Ireland here :) been interested in Chinese stuff for years but finally took the plunge over a year ago and bought a Chinese carbon road bike frame from Velo build. That has been mostly a great buy so I've decided to buy some mtbing frames. I have also started buying a lot more Chinese gear and components from China, it's hit and miss but it does open your eye's to the mark up in the cycling industry.
Hi John V, Miami FL
Came here because I am looking for a 120mm travel up front xc/trail frame. I have a turner sultan 29er and I find it to squeeky in the bushings. I am interested in the LCFS958 but concerned that both reviews talk about the bobbing. I had old school lenz leviathan 29er and that bobbing made me ride hardtail only from 08 to this year. What other frames are people looking at in that style.
Hi John V, Miami FL
Came here because I am looking for a 120mm travel up front xc/trail frame. I have a turner sultan 29er and I find it to squeeky in the bushings. I am interested in the LCFS958 but concerned that both reviews talk about the bobbing. I had old school lenz leviathan 29er and that bobbing made me ride hardtail only from 08 to this year. What other frames are people looking at in that style.
We are quite a bunch to have already or wait for a Carbonda FM936
See the thread,2079.msg22453.html
I last owned a bike in 2009. I haven't owned one or ridden a bike since. Life got in the way and such but here I am looking to jump into building a 29er hardtail. Total noob, I have never built a bike before but definately interested.
I've scanned around and tantan, carbonda seem to be sellers that are trusted for a frame. Are their any others that are trusted around here?
Hello everyone,
Serious rider ex sponsored mtb pro....mechanic and mechanical engineer ...ride tough rocky trails smash KOMs and break parts. Lots of parts.
Started digging through chinese suppliers when looking for a lightweight fatbike that was only going to see action on smooth snowpacked trails .
Have been impressed with quailty and price of of many of parts coming off aliexpress. lightbicycle, Ican.
Parts I'm currently test piloting.
Ican carbon fatbike wheels w powerway hubs.
Ican carbon 29+ fatbike wheels w powerway hubs
ICan SN01 frame x 2
ZTTO bottom bracket and brake rotors.
ZTTO grips
Light bicycle roadbike wheels.
ZTTO bottom bracket and brake rotors.
ZTTO grips
Hello. Do you have links to the models you are using?
Hi folks,
my name is Eike (just don't try to pronounce that^^) and i am from Germany.
I am riding an IP-256 SL Hardtail so far and i am thinking about adding a full suspension Bike for trail rides. Looking for a ~130 mm frame from china is frustrating at this point, maybe something happens until next spring...
Looking for a ~130 mm frame from china is frustrating at this point, maybe something happens until next spring...
Wing from Carbonda said they will provide as from December a 130mm as in the attachment.
They plan to offer a 150mm too.
Thanks for that information, i'll keep it in mind.
Wing from Carbonda said they will provide as from December a 130mm as in the attachment.
They plan to offer a 150mm too.
Do you have the pdf of the 150mm frame?
Hello everyone. I'm from the PNW area and looking to build my first enduro bike. I have a preference for downhill but still need to be able to pedal uphill occasionally. Currently looking at building a TanTan FM10 (19") but am open to other frames if anyone has any suggestions (is this the best option for 2020?). I'm about 6'1 170lbs. Also does anyone have any suggestions for a budget rear shock for use with a 160mm travel fork? Is 200x57 the best? Thank you.
Been reading a lot on this forum, and just ordered a Carbonda FM936 after reading 61 pages of posts about this frame.
I am Ton from the Netherlands, been mountainbiking (and building them) most of my live (early nineties to now). I was looking for some time already for a Scott Spark 900, almost bought a new one, got ripped off on a deal through a french online marketplace (Leboncoin) and finally came across this super helpful forum and decided to order a Chiner. During the next weeks I will gather all the parts required for the build. I already decided on the some basics, like a 165-42.5 rear shock and a 120mm front fork (don't know which one yet), but I am sure I will probably need some guidance to other cheap but good carbon parts from our Chinese friends like wheels, crankset, handlebar, etc etc.
I'll post the progress in the Carbonda FM936 thread when there is any. For now, it will be mostly waiting for deliveries.
Thanks for that information, i'll keep it in mind.
I will be aware of this.. i'm interested
Howdy all,
New here, and hope to get more engaged.
I recently dipped into the direct carbon market for the first time, with a pair of wheels for my road/CX bike, and I've been happy w/ them so far.
So, my next project will be to hopefully piece together a new hardtail 29er, aiming for light/nimble, and "fun".
I've checked through several of the online sellers' websites, and will probably have relatively limited options, as I'm hoping to maintain compatibility with spare parts that I already have.
If the hardtail goes well enough, I'll hopefully start planning go for long-travel FS - but that may be a ways off, due to budget.
Howdy folks,
Ron from Denver, CO here. My 16 yr. old son has informed me that he's "inheriting" my old race bike (a 2000 Intense Tracer, heavily upgraded) and that we're going to start riding together now that we've moved back to the U.S. Could any father be prouder? But, I need a bike now and, because COVID, there's nothing to be found so I started looking at building up a Chinese titanium or carbon full-suspension 29er. In addition to everything changing since I've been gone - press-fit BBs? tapered steering tubes? dropper posts? no titanium frames to speak of??? - I've noticed that anything bike related has gotten crazy expensive. I've built up almost every bike I have, and designed a couple of them (geometry, etc.) that part for me is fun. But, man, I'm having some trouble finding the trust to make a purchase which is why I'm here.
My goal is to build up a 29er downcountry (or light trail i guess) bike with an active rear suspension design (4-bar, dw-link preferred unless someone talks me out of it). I am hoping to find recommendations and testimonials from other riders here so that I can build up something I can brag about to my friends who were able to acquire their $7000 tallboy/trail 429/SB115 bikes before lockdown hit.
Looking forward to chatting with some of y'all!
hello,everyone. :)
I'm Andreas, 29, from Germany.
I bought myself a 2-speed SRAM Automatix "Singlespeed" 4 years or so ago, which unfortunately was stolen last year.
This spring I got a mid 90s Batavus Carbon Composite Roadbike in a swap deal, which brought me more into serious cycling. But the urge for an upgrade came up, and so I came across chinese carbon.
And now I'm building a Dengfu R12 Roadbike and an OG-Evkin CF-052 Hardtail.
... OG-Evkin CF-052 Hardtail...
Good luck for your builds, don't hesitate to post pictures.
What shipping method did you choose ?
Thanks! Yeah, will do!
Dengfu was ordered directly from China with XDB, and I was lucky to get the OG-Evkin on 11.11 from Spain warehouse. But that was more like a pre-order, so the frames weren't in stock on 11.11.
My last status update was that it should be shipped on first december, but yeah, I still haven't got a tracking number. ::)
Hello all,
First post here - I'm Jeroen, currently living in Germany but originally from the Netherlands. I'm a roadbike kinda guy, but decided to build up a Chiner fully over the upcoming winter as a successor to my old, faithful Klein Palomino.
This will not be my first build, I already own a Lightcarbon LCR004D roadbike (+matching Yishun wheels) and I've been riding and repairing bikes for the last 20 years minimum.
Overall, I must say that I'm very happy with Lightcarbon until now - but let's wait for the next project.
Last weekend, my Lightcarbon LCFS911 arrived and I'm now searching the net for parts. My first question will be around the ofset/rake you guys used for building, but I'll post that in the LCFS911 thread.
After that, I'll be investing some time and money in the paint job for this bike, as I'm a sucker for the old Klein paint jobs. Of course, this doesn't make sense at all - period. But: that's cool with a naked carbon bike, you can make your own dream.
Stay healthy!
Hello everyone My name is Giulio I write from Italy and I would like to buy a gravel frame, I accept advice. I was looking at velobuild especially for the price
Hi everyone!
First: thanks for starting Chinertown!
I'm Rene from Quebec, Canada.
I'm very new to MTB as I started in May, 2020.
I spent many hours online on how to assemble a bike from scratch and I found it very fun!
I think you won't save big bucks by building you own rig but realistically 10-20% savings is possible,
and even more if you reuse parts from your older bikes.
As of now I've built or currently building 3 bikes:
1 FM1156 medium, see my posts
1 FM936 medium for my son
1 FM936 small for my daughter
Hello everyone!
My name is Markus and I'm from germany.
I am currently in the process of specifying/find the best frame for a Trail Bike with 140mm fork travel and 130-135mm frame travel.
Looking for a modern frame design with an appropriate amount of reach.
The bike should be rather light weight (12-13kg) yet have enough downhill performance for my local trails in the black forest region.
Any suggestions are highly appreciated.
Hi everyone,
I'm going to build a bicycle from a Chinese frame. I hope to share experience and learn from yours
kind regards
Hello guys, I introduce myself after spending a while reading. My native language is Spanish so it is possible that there are errors in the way I express myself. I hope I can bring something positive to the forum. A greeting.
My name is Izzy and I'm from Israel.
I didn't ride a bike for prob 15 years but returned riding for a year now.
I've built an hard-tail with a frame from china (BXT, Ali-express), and looking to build a full-sus setup next,
I likely can get away with my XC on most of the trails near me, but I'm hoping that a slack full-sus trail bike will give me the safety/confidence/courage boost that I need.
I mainly built my bike for the fun of it (and even laced my wheels (and keep truing them every now and then cuz I prob did a crappy job :P)), but I guess I actually can save a nice amount considering bikes are kinda pricy in my country and one can avoid paying some taxes by buying parts from aliexpress/ebay
My name is Steven, living in Belgium.
Since a long time I feel like building a bike with a Chinese frame.
My thoughts are now on the Carbonda FM 936 and presumably I will order the frame this week (Normal version).
Whatever I build, it can't be any less good than what I have now (been riding a 26 inch rockrider for about 11 years :P )
Greetings from Chicago,
Saying hi as I'm looking forward to my first build, AM831 order placed recently. It was time to retire my trusty Trek 930 and I decided to build something bit more contemporary. As my first go around I think I will mostly leverage PinkBike classifieds and AliExpress for parts. This forum has been very helpful with giving me an idea what I'm getting into.
Happy wrenching.
Hello everybody.
I have been reading the forum for a long time and interested in chinese frames, thanks to all the members for the time and information they donate to the forum, great help. I intend to buy the AM831 frame, so I am going to contact Eddy to join the purchase group.
All the best :)
Hi everyone,
I've only recently stumbled upon this topic and now I'm totally obsessed with it... thank you all for this awesome community!
After being a blind reader for a while, things are now starting to get a bit more serious. I'm planning to build an FM936 for myself and an FM1001 for my gf.
Currently thinking about the right wheelset for the FM936. I thought Lightbicycle AM928 rims and sapim CX-Ray spokes for proper "down country" capability. And then maybe light China hubs like the ZTTO M1 or similar. Fovno/Venfort seem to offer nice looking straight pull star ratchet hubs too, but I have no idea if they're any good. Hoping to find out more from the bold test pilots among you!
Hey Guys,im from Trinidad and Tobago - Caribbean.
Background originally BMX now into MTB for 7 Years.
im 44 and an Avid Trail Builder also.
Ben from the midwest.
Christoph from Austria
just finished my first Velobuild VB-R-168
at the moment building a 26" Hardtail for my 8 year old son,
old frame with parts from Aliexpress,
Thanks for all your hints and advice, try to give back as much information as possible
not only on parts and frames, also on clothing and how to build
br christoph
Hi. From BC, Canada. Built a CFR 696 upon the thread from Gravel Riding Forum. Custom painted job in Martini Racing Colors. Di2. GRX FD and RD. Tiagra flat mount brakes.
Hi. From Almaty, Kazakhstan. Built a BXT-077 FS frame. Paint by BXT.
Hello everyone,
I was looking at buying a Luna X1 bike and that got me down the rabbit hole of chinese carbon frames. I'm now looking at just building a carbon frame as a replacement for my existing bike with the potential to convert it to an ebike later using one of these motors if they are well received after they actually launch -
Currently on more of an all-mountain/Enduro bike and thinking I want to go a bit more Trail as I've been out of riding for a while and finding I'm really not as brave or hardcore as I once was. Current setup:
Riding a Nicolai frame I picked up used in like 2014.
Lyric coil U-turn Fork 160mm
Monarch RC3 Plus rear shock
Hammershmidt crank
Sram X-0 and X-9 shifters/cassette
Avid Brakes
Reverb Dropper
Trying to plan out a build and I've never built a bike before, but I'm very mechanical so I don't think it should be an issue. My main challenge is I haven't ridden much in a while, and I'm trying to now dive into geometry and figure out which parts are best for the build and there is a lot going on there.
First off, I am trying to select a frame. I wasn't sure if there was a database of providers who people like. I see ICAN, LightCarbon, and Carbonda listed quite frequently. I made up a quick spreadsheet to log some details. If anyone would like to add to it, please feel free. I think it could be a good resource for some new members in the future. I focused on Large and XL frames as thats what I'll be on (6'4") but it could be much more complete.
I am currently leaning towards the Carbonda FM1001, Light Carbon LCFS958, Or DIYCarbonBikes DCB100,120,130. Not sure how big I want to go, trying to figure out what would work well now and as a possible ebike in the future. I welcome thoughts on DIY as I haven't seen them mentioned here much. Although their pricing seems pretty good considering they include shipping and I like that there is some US based component although who knows how much that is actually worth.
Working on my component list but hard if I don't know the frame yet. Looking at picking up as much stuff as I can from PinkBike as looks like you can get some good deals on takeoff stuff.
Groupset - SLX 12spd
Fork - Fox 34 Rythem or Lyric with Charger Damper
Shock - Cane Creak DBA if I can, rode a bike with one of these on it in a parking lot a long time ago and it was great. Might go with a monarch, or fox float as well. Probably looking for a takeoff in the right size so we'll see whats available.
Handlebars, stem - Maybe DIY Carbon Bikes
Wheels, hubs - Maybe DIY Carbon, or some takeoffs with microspline for the Shimano set
Tires - Maxxis Ardent or DHR
brakes - Shimano Deore or Sram Code R.
Building out the price list which may drive some of the decisions above, but want to keep it to ~$3k and I think I can do that by picking up some gently used or takeoff stuff.
I welcome any opinions or thoughts on frame selection, on components, or anything else really. Glad to be here and will certainly start my own build thread when the time comes. Not sure if I'll pull the trigger on this now, or build it over the winter for next season. Not sure when parts will be most available for sale on pinkbike. If you know of any other websites or forums that are great for finding parts, definitely send me a link.
Thanks all,
Thanx for accepting me. I own since 9 years a carbonality GAEA Xc bike, no complains; ready to start the "santa china" project.
Regards from Italy.
Hey all,
Stumbled across this site looking for 29er frames. Looks like a great site with lots of detailed info. Sometime in the fall I'm hoping to build up an xc 29er and just gathering info in the meantime. I've built up a franken-chiner so to speak last year. Wanted a carbon 29" bmx cruiser for fun and didn't want to just go buy an SE bike so I bought a BXT 046 frame and have been happy as can be with it since. ;D Looking forward to the next build.
Hello all,
I've been lurking around here for a couple of months researching frames and figured I should join the forum.
Hello all,
I've been lurking around here for a couple of months researching frames and figured I should join the forum.
Hi ASB77, welcome to the forum! Glad to have you and all of the other new members.
Interesting looking "franken-chiner", Puck luck!
Thanks Sitar_Ned!
Hi All,
I discover this forum and it is top ! so much information. My last build was 10 years ago...and a lot of things have changed ! so i will go for an enduro Lightcarbon frame with 29 wheel, it will change ride with my XC race 26 wheels...
I'm from switzerand, 55.
Bests regards
A new guest from Spain, looking for info and trending topic material.
Nice to read you.
I'm Jann from San Diego!
I cam across this forum when researching frame options for my gravel bike build. I'm leaning pretty heavily towards the Carbonda CFR707 at this point, although I like the CFR696 as well.
There's a wealth of great information here. Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences!
Hello everyone
Found this forum when I started looking up building my own my from a Chinese Carbon frame. So far I have found lots of great info on here, decided on my first build is going to be with the Stumpjumper clone
Looking forward to contributing and getting further advise on the forum as well.
I'm JJ from France. I practice all mountain and light enduro in the Alps around me.
In the past years I've built a few wheelsets with Chinese carbon rims and also hubs. Pretty happy with them, good stuff. I'm now planning to build a full 29er AM rig based on Chinese frame, rims and hubs, if not more. In fact I already bought an FS831 frame (the Chinese Hightower) before noticing there was a group-buy thread here (damn, missed it). Waiting for it to arrive.
Hi All,
Simon from NC. I just purchased a YFM025 (SC Highball clone) frame and came across this forum. Looks to have lots of great info! I’m looking forward to reading further and digging deeper.
Hi, Chuck from Silicon Valley checking in. About a month ago I got a Light Bicycle carbon rim from an acquaintance and built a front wheel for my MTB. I just ordered a TanTan FM10 frame and some carbon rims to go with it - I fell for a low price I got from the AliExpress app. Looking to build a modern "all mountain" bike. Thanks for all your build reports!
Hi, Nik in Glasgow Uk.
Just received a FM936 and really looking forward to building it and riding it.
I was directed to this forum from where I've been a long term member. This is such a good place to get advice about what's good, what's not, and more importantly how well issues get dealt with.
cheers all.
Hi, Nik in Glasgow Uk.
Just received a FM936 and really looking forward to building it and riding it.
I was directed to this forum from where I've been a long term member. This is such a good place to get advice about what's good, what's not, and more importantly how well issues get dealt with.
cheers all.
Welcome Nik. Have fun with the 936.
Hi everyone and "Servus" from germany...
What an interesting community this is, very nice builds and ideas from many of you!
I am absolutely new to the chinese-bike-frame-market but definitely not new to mountain biking and building bikes.
I am riding a 29er Mondraker and am looking for a 27.5 frame for my wife.
A 140mm Suntour fork is already at home and will define the frame.
So I am looking for something around 125-140mm of frame travel.
My wife is about 164cm tall. Unfortunately, because it is supposed to be a supprise, i cannot measure her legs. ;)
I was opting for a LightCarbon LCFS958 but unfortunately the smalles size might be to large.
Are there alternatives with a similar geometry and in a size SMALL?
Now for the community: could you give recommendations, deals, group buys etc?
Thank all of you in advance!
Best regards!
I'm Patrick from France (near Paris)
I just discover this great forum while looking for a new MTB frame. But I'm not new in Asian bike as I buy a titanium frame from XACD in 2003 and full suspension from Carbonal in 2014 (see image below).
I will start a new post in order to get your feedback on my quest.
Hi all, I'm Casper from the Netherlands.
I came across this forum recently and since then have been reading various threads on full suspension 29ers.
Currently looking into buying a carbonda FM1001 or a light carbon LCFS947 to build as my first full squish bike.
Thanks for all the great info that's on here already and I hope I'll be able to contribute to that in the future as well!
Hey All,
Zoran from Australia. Came across this forum from a link someone else posted in another MTB forum and i'm so glad i did :D Everyone seems very knowledgeable.
Like others, also looking very closely at a FM1001 frame for my first FS bike (current on a cheap 2016 Polygon HT)
Hi Mark from the U.K , I joined because of the AM 831 carbon frame thread , Nice to be here among like minded people
hi everybody;
I am from Italy.
I am here to get new info about the chinese manufacturers in order to buy and assemble my future 29 inches mtb.
Unfortunatly, my top of the range 2017 full suspension Merida, had a crack in the frame... :o
So i thought, I can mount all the components on a no brand chinese frame.
See u around ;)
Casey from Alaska. This is a sweet site with some great information and plenty of lessons learned from knowledgeable people.
Thanks for all of the nuggets of knowledge to help me complete my first build for my daughter.
Guess I should formally introduce myself.
Hi, I'm David from Texas.
I've ridden a few Chinese carbon road bikes and wheels, but switched to mountain biking due to pretty terrible drivers in my area. After doing lots of maths, crashes and research, I'm fairly certain I'll be sticking to alloy frames. ;D
However, I did just pull the trigger on some BTLOS carbon wheels for my mtb.
I'm also now toying with the idea of a carbon frame to settle my gravel curiosity. Thanks to everyone who contributes to this site!
Hi, Jae from Australia here
Due to a recent neurological disability, I no longer feel safe/confident driving cars so turning to bikes as my primary mode of transportation. My use case is a bit atypical compared to most here as I am mainly interested in frames to use with a mid-drive motor and some other niche components like an IGH and perhaps belt drive. I've been slowly collecting bits of components I am 100% set on that will not change like pedals, brakes, handlebar etc. although I am at an impasse because I don't know what I'm going to be using for my final frame.
As of now, I am looking for a hardtail that's similar to Rennstahl/falkenjagd's frames used in both their touring bikes and MTB line which I believe would be a nice compromise between something that will offer the versatility and comfort for daily errands or commute (includes fast road/gravel riding) / off & on-road touring / light xc. My plan is to use the Lauf TR Boost carbon fork (meant for 100mm travel frames) which handles like a rigid fork but does provide some maintenance free suspension, and then further augmenting that with a suspension seatpost and a suspension stem (or flexy bars) for further comfort and anti-fatigue. Alternatively I might use a lefty fork. I still have not taken dual suspension off the table, but because of the BB configuration of many carbon frames they will be incompatible with the Bafang motor I already have, although I may be able to get around this with another motor like the CYC X1. But I think I would rather a hard tail for the simplicity and option to essentially have a traditional touring bike by quickly adding a rear rack and swapping the fork.
At this stage my plan is to get a custom Ti frame made by Waltly, although seeing all the beautiful carbon frames here is making me reconsider my entire build or maybe considering having a separate non-e MTB!
~100mm travel boost frame, 29", would like to support up to 3" tires if possible, BSA 68-73mm BB (BB86/92 might be necessary?), 180-203 disc brakes. If I get a metal frame I will probably want C&C couplers on it for easy international travel. Chainstays should be on the longer side ideally.
I'm definitely new to a lot of this so would appreciate any help, I will be reading more of the forum in the mean time and when I have some time I will be making a thread and hopefully some of you can share your wisdom or suggestions with me :)
I'm Marco and I write from Italy. I'm looking for a good full 29 frame.
thank you all for future help.
I'm Draz, from Turkey. I currently ride a "aggressive" hardtail and own small shop for our community. I come across this forum after realizing an EU/US brand frames are 4-5 times more expensive than what they actually cost. Amazing community so far... Currently awaiting order from LightCarbon FS947. I will share my experience from receiving the frame, building to compare it with my hardtail as quality wise. Also planning to paint the frame and i need help... Probably going to consult an auto body shop as well..
Xaqu from Barcelona. Looking forward for interesting exchanges and advice around bikes and accessories.
Hey guys! mdc302 here from SE Tennessee (U.S.) and glad to a part of this very well managed forum. I have been riding mostly MTB and some road for over 25 years of my adulthood. Have spent much $ on Trek bikes over the years (ex. Fuel 98 carbon, Madone SL carbon, etc) from our local friend/bike shop. Upon much research the past few years I recently purchased and built an FM1001 frame via Carbonda. Thanks to this forum I’m one of a growing community that can help myself & others save serious $ and get out on the trail, gravel, and/or road! Look forward to much more on here
Hi all,
Andrey from Germany.
I built my first china carbon roadbike more than 12 years ago (still riding it), and its time for a second go with a carbonda 909 which I will order. But still not sure about a size.
Hello, I'm Benoit.
Sorry for my poor language, I'm french.
I live in Vosges mountains in the north east of France.
I have already built several road bikes and mountain bikes using open mold frames.
In addition to several brand bikes, now, I ride an old Hongfu FM036 and a Dengfu M06.
I'm looking for informations about Carbonda FM936 frameset for my next build.
Hi Folks,
Long time lurker, first time poster in the US!
excited to join the community
Hello fellow Aliexpressers. Yesterday, I received an email from Titus regarding a full suspension TI frame that uses a flex stay. I was researching the design and ran across a thread posted on this forum. I am amazed that in all these years of purchasing frames and components from Aliexpress, I never ran across, or even knew that this forum existed. Great find. Now I am hooked and will be reading up on perspectives about Chinese frames and components. I might even be able to contribute now and again because I have made hundreds of purchases of bicycle parts via Aliexpress.
Heya - Scott from the PNW here. I wanted to get back into mountain biking after many years off and picked up a 2017 BMC hardtail. After a few years, I'm finding that I want a FS that is more stable on the downhills, and found this forum in my search.
I also recently took over ( and am looking for a project to document on the site.
Hi. Just joined last night (Fri 13th) and I'm looking to build a gravel frame over the next few months.
I've been looking at the options, but i think I need some guidance in regards to how all of this works in terms of importing to canada and what not.
Built a Trials bike 15 years ago and want to build up a bike again.
Hi all
Christoff from South Africa. Working my way through the threads to build a new dual sus xc marathon bike with a slightly slacker front end.
Hey y'all. My name is Jordan. New here, but not to building my own bikes. Recently built a Tantan FM199 and going to build some more soon!
I'm Wellington and I write from Brasil. I'm looking for a good full 29 frame.
thank you all for future help
Hi everyone! I just landed on this forum, which I found recommended on an Italian forum MTB mag Forum.
I'm Italian, I'm 23 and I've been riding mtb for 8 years and I love this sport.
I'm trying to build my first mtb from scratch with a chinese frame.
Sorry for my English!
Thank you all for the welcome!
Hi all, i'm 36, MTB-ing since I can remember.
Mostly had trail bikes, from a full-sus to a current AL hardtail with 130mm. I'm building the bikes myself now for almost 10 years.
I don't know if it's the years coming to me or what, but I find myself running more XC stuff than actual agreesive trail riding.
So I am converting my bike from trail bike to a down-country XC bike (sorry to those who are allergic to bike industry making up new names to sell us more stuff). :D
The target is to make it lighter in the first step - changing the 130mm Pike to a Sid Ultimate 120mm, replacing the AL wheelset with a Elitewheels carbon ones and XC tires.
I'm also looking into a carbon frame, this year or maybe next.
I've been following this website for a few years. Found it originally when I was looking for recommendations on new drivetrain parts for my trail bike. I appreciated the info I found then, so I came back to the website a few months ago as I was looking to build up a new XC/marathon bike. Ultimately, I purchased a Carbonda FM936 frame and will start building the bike up this week. I appreciate the guidance I gleaned from everyone's collective experience.
Hello everyone,
i want to build a full suspension bike, i plan to take the lcfs918.
I currently have a road bike with a frame and Chinese wheels, rim brake, it weighs 6.8kg and works very well.
Thanks for the help and I'll try to contribute what I can.
Hello everyone,
This is Jim Lee from Lightcarbon, the Carbon bicycle components OEM factory (rims, wheels, frames, etc.) from china.
Looking forward to discussing carbon fiber frame set/ wheel set/ components with you.
Hello everybody,
I have been looking around the Chinertown forums for quite some time. A lot of usefull information and experience around here and a lot of inspiring builds.
I'm a 33 year old from the rural flats in the northern of the Netherlands. Have been cycling for quite some years now on the roads and on the mountainbike.
I was looking for a new mountainbike during the start of the Corona pandemic in the Netherlands. Found a bike that dit meet my wishes and fitted my budget. But then a lot of people started biking so bikes went out of stock, prices went up while parts of lesser quality got installed. Then the idea of building my own bike was born and I got onto this forum..
In the meantime I've build myself a hardtail mountainbike and a road bike. I'll introduce both in the dedicated treads and share my experiences.
At the moment thinking of building a gravelbike as well, but would like to keep my wife happy as well!
Hi everyone. Thanks so much for this forum.
I have always wanted to build a new 29er mtb bike to ride and improve on etc. I have some basic bike mechanic skills. I have ordered all the bits from China and am in the process of putting the bike together. I have already come across a challenge and am needing help from some like minded people, and then show off my muddy new creation!!! Am looking forward to the challenge.
Cheers, Grant
Lets build carbon bikes :D
Regards Peter
Hi all, I am Tim from Belgium.
Been building my bikes for years now, with both big brand and Chinese components.
Now I am in the market for an afforable XC hardtail frame so registered here to do some research.
Already found some interesting brand names over here which I didn't know.
Hello everyone, I'm Leonardo
I like to rode road and xc bikes. I have been following Chinertown not so long ago, and mostly interested on xc chinese framesets.
At the moment I am building a chinese hardtail that I have almost every part except the frameset
I'm from Brazil
Hi there, Ludo checking in. After some 25y away from mtb and outside of biking altogether expect for the stroll around one, I am seriously considering dipping back in with a chiner project of my own. I live in Houston so I’ll be going for a hardtail, trying to keep both weight and budget down. Right now leaning toward the SPcycle M06 frame (if/when L becomes available). I’m starting to have a fair idea of what I want to put around that frame with RYET 3D seat, carbon post, one piece carbon stem/bar, probably used Rockshox fork with 100mm travel, some Chinese origin 1x11/12 group set, Chinese brakes, carbon wheels (nova technology hub?)… the sourcing and assembly are just as appealing to me as the end product at this point.
Already found a bunch of info there, thanks to all who pave the way by testing and sharing feedback!
Hi everyone!
I'm Fernando from Spain and I just join the forum so let me introduce myself. Before, I was a triathlete, and now I'm a duathlete. I have no connection with MTB. However, I'm fortunate to have two children who love cycling, but due to their young age, I can't take them with me on the road yet. That's the main reason to go into MTB
I don't intend to do MTB without them and considering the current prices of Western brands, I'm going to build my own bike with Chinese components.
I'll read everything I can and then I'll start asking a lot of questions, so I apologize in advance :).
I joined after lurking for a few days reading about all the different companies making open mold frames.
Im interested in something fairly specific. Currently have a Trek Top Fuel 7 (aluminum) and its fairly heavy (by my standards). I started riding in my youth around 30 years ago, and by the late 90s was really into XC racing on a hardtail that weighed around 21 lbs. I pretty much stopped riding for 20 years and picked up again in 2022 and wasnt in very good shape. I got the Trek and got back to work training and getting faster. It of course feels pretty heavy but ive put carbon rims on it and dropped some weight off it in a few places. As I train for races I want to reward myself for the work im doing and so im looking for a frame with similar geometry - 120mm travel but with the right shock size to get a remote lockout on it (the Trek uses 185x50 shock which isnt available from fox or RS with a lockout). Ive compared all the major brands, I do like transition spur and fezzari signal peak, with the fezzari frame being the cheaper option. Then I started looking at open mold frames.
Heres what im looking for:
120mm travel (might consider 110-115) because outside of racing i do ride some good trails
shock size that allows for remote lockout (cable routing for remote lockout a plus)
BSA bottom bracket (preferred over press fit - Ive never had a pressfit but it sounds like a nightmare on cheap frames with creaking etc.)
66-67 deg head angle - again outside of racing I do some aggressive trail riding
Bonus points for being made of better materials (blend of T800 and T1000 better than T700?)
Bonus points for having ISCG-05 mounts (although not a dealbreaker because I dont currently use them)
160mm disc size is fine
Here is a list of some that seem to meet my needs:
Miracle FS822 - seems new, Head angle a little steep but seems to be due to short fork length - my current favorite no idea of price or color options yet
Lexon Flyer (ebay) seems like the same as the miracle (they use a more realistic fork length and get 66.4 head angle) but ebay only has 2 color schemes and I dont want the decals.
SP cycle SPM861 - not sure about the cable routing in the headset or if it has routing for the remote lockout (doesnt look like it)
Workswell WCB-M-364 - not much info on it - looks like you can spec a BSA bb but its also a vertical shock 185x55
BXT-MTB-147 (ebay) - looks nice except 69 deg head angle - I guess I could use an offset headset and slacken it a little but thats more work.
Carbonda FM1001 - more travel than I need unless I use 185x50 which put me back to no remote lockout, I suppose its possible to go longer travel with a lockout (185x55)
Am I missing any companies? Winowsports and DIYcarbonbikes are pressfit BB. Airwolf YFM059 doesnt have enough travel for my taste.
Carbonda FM909 will be available with 120mm rear linkage soon. Should meet all your criteria except ISCG tabs, and will be lighter than the FM1001. 66deg HTA with 120mm fork, steep STA but not too crazy, I think it's 76deg with 120mm fork.
Hi. I’ve been lurking for a bit. Starting to do a little posting now.
Hello, I come from a planet quite far from your earth. Sometimes I come back to my second home which is located near “the hell of the North”. Expression which designates “Paris-Roubaix”. Well, I'll leave you, I'm going back to my planet. There, changing gears on the bikes is done mentally, what progress.
I joined after lurking for a few days reading about all the different companies making open mold frames.
Im interested in something fairly specific. Currently have a Trek Top Fuel 7 (aluminum) and its fairly heavy (by my standards). I started riding in my youth around 30 years ago, and by the late 90s was really into XC racing on a hardtail that weighed around 21 lbs. I pretty much stopped riding for 20 years and picked up again in 2022 and wasnt in very good shape. I got the Trek and got back to work training and getting faster. It of course feels pretty heavy but ive put carbon rims on it and dropped some weight off it in a few places. As I train for races I want to reward myself for the work im doing and so im looking for a frame with similar geometry - 120mm travel but with the right shock size to get a remote lockout on it (the Trek uses 185x50 shock which isnt available from fox or RS with a lockout). Ive compared all the major brands, I do like transition spur and fezzari signal peak, with the fezzari frame being the cheaper option. Then I started looking at open mold frames.
Heres what im looking for:
120mm travel (might consider 110-115) because outside of racing i do ride some good trails
shock size that allows for remote lockout (cable routing for remote lockout a plus)
BSA bottom bracket (preferred over press fit - Ive never had a pressfit but it sounds like a nightmare on cheap frames with creaking etc.)
66-67 deg head angle - again outside of racing I do some aggressive trail riding
Bonus points for being made of better materials (blend of T800 and T1000 better than T700?)
Bonus points for having ISCG-05 mounts (although not a dealbreaker because I dont currently use them)
160mm disc size is fine
Here is a list of some that seem to meet my needs:
Miracle FS822 - seems new, Head angle a little steep but seems to be due to short fork length - my current favorite no idea of price or color options yet
Lexon Flyer (ebay) seems like the same as the miracle (they use a more realistic fork length and get 66.4 head angle) but ebay only has 2 color schemes and I dont want the decals.
SP cycle SPM861 - not sure about the cable routing in the headset or if it has routing for the remote lockout (doesnt look like it)
Workswell WCB-M-364 - not much info on it - looks like you can spec a BSA bb but its also a vertical shock 185x55
BXT-MTB-147 (ebay) - looks nice except 69 deg head angle - I guess I could use an offset headset and slacken it a little but thats more work.
Carbonda FM1001 - more travel than I need unless I use 185x50 which put me back to no remote lockout, I suppose its possible to go longer travel with a lockout (185x55)
Am I missing any companies? Winowsports and DIYcarbonbikes are pressfit BB. Airwolf YFM059 doesnt have enough travel for my taste.
Congratulations on getting back into riding. It's the best way to keep physically and mentally fit!
You are looking for exactly the same things as me. I went for a Miracle FS822 and am building it at the moment. There's a thread on the 29er page. It ticks all of your boxes except shock stroke (which you may be able to change, depening on your shock. Fox DPS easy. Rockshox not so much). The short fork on the fs822 geo chart is an error - I think it says 505 axle-to-crown but should say 530. Keep an eye on my thread and learn from whatever I bump into!
Hey everyone,
I am 26 yo from Norway and I am planning to build my first full suspension bike using the Lightcarbon LCFS918 and a set of their carbon wheels. I am very excited for it and intend to post some photos on the LCFS918 thread once I am finished.
I own a road bike with a "China" frame (from DengFu, but don't remember the model) which I built many years ago, and a hardtail 29er built using an Venzo alu frame.
I'm really looking forward to stepping up to a premium carbon full suspension and carbon wheels.
Hi, I'm writing from Italy. I have a Yoeleo G21 frame which I don't mind. Now I've decided to build myself a mtb and I bought a Spcycle. Looking for info, I discovered this interesting context of the world. I thank you and I hope that a constructive exchange can arise.
Hi, I’m from Engerland. I want to build a short travel full sus and have no idea which frame to get. Hoping to find a frame that doesn’t need bodging when it arrives and doesn’t need random hard-to-find parts.
43, from the Netherlands
Riding and building bikes since 1996
Preference is Enduro/Lift assisted, but with young kids (and large distances to cover to go to the mountains) currently it's mostly gravel, XC and some enduro.
Lurking for quite som time, on which I based the decision to build up my first Chinese carbon full suspension. Which rips :D
I am Silver,
from China and have 15 years of working experience in carbon fiber wheels. I also have my brand's serenade bikes. I am willing to share some experience with carbon fiber wheels.
Hello.. Been lurking around and seeing the LC build which look fantastic!
Hoping to get one soon!
Evening lads.
After long google sessions I finally found that wonderful place.
Going to build lightweight carbon bicycle and that's why I joined.
Nothing fancy here, just cruising around.
Cheers, Mike
Hi from Spain.
Want to build a riad bike with bafang M820 motor.
BEST Regards
Ola Peeps!
Stumbled on this forum via a youtube video comment section.
Looking to build a XC bike in the near future!
From England
Hi everybody, been lurking for a few days after getting severe bike envy when one of my mates splashed out on a Santa Cruz Bronson. It’s way out of my price range so I’ve started looking for a VVP Chiner frame so expect lots of stupid questions that could probably be answered if I’d just use the search function…
I'm a Newbie from Idaho. Looks like a great forum. I'm a builder and collector, Looking forward to contribute more to the forum.
I hope it's the right place for introduction thread. Oops!
Been a lurker for a while. Always been happy to buy Chinese stuff.
Nice to found a forum with lots of useful info.
Currently waiting on a set of wheels from Peter :)