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Re: WheelTop EDS TX Full Wireless Groupset (Chinese SRAM)
Lots of rim brake folks out there who could be interested in this maybe? I am intrigued, but way too happy with my rim brake bike to give this a try.
This group set is out of the picture for me.  If I ever build up a new road bike, I will go with hydraulic disc brakes.  I have my 2 road bikes that I seldom ride anymore because of safety concerns riding on paved roads with cars.   USA society has slowly been "killing" of road riders via too many distracted and aggressive drivers on the road.

MY money for the rest of my life will be focused on Gravel riding and MTB riding.   Road bikes only for foreign trips and organized rides like centuries. 

December 08, 2023, 12:04:11 PM
Re: Gravel frame with UDH hanger - T-Type compatibility. Hello.  Have you read this article?  It discussed UDH SRAM chainline.

December 10, 2023, 10:55:21 AM
Re: 12v MTB cassette I have two, 12-speed Micro Spline 10-50s on different bikes.   I wrote ZTTO for a long time asking when they were going to sell this lightweight version with MS splines.   I have been using my first one for about 1.5 years and it has held up great.  I purchased the second one about 6 months ago, and it is on a bike I don't ride as often.   (My first cassette was probably from the first batch they manufactured. - They wrote me that I was the first person they were notifying that they were now available. so I purchased one right away.)

As a side note, 3 of my other 12 speed cassettes are XT micro-spline.  I can't tell any difference in how the ZTTO shifts versus the XTs.    I am also using The Wheel Top EDS OX on 3 of the 4 bike I run 12 speed.  (Soon to be all 4)
I have 7 rear wheels with 12 speed cassettes.  3 wheels run a XT cassette, 2 are ZTTO the cassette you asked about, and 2 have ZTTOs slightly heavier version.  2 bikes are Super-Boost, and the other 2 are boost.

December 22, 2023, 12:59:25 PM
Re: FM1002 / FM1166 - 150mm frame This is how my FRAMED Piedmont/Flybike build ended up.   (If need to be ridden now and tuned.) - But it is winter....


December 28, 2023, 01:59:45 PM
Re: FM1002 / FM1166 - 150mm frame

Those 2 rubber grommets cable ports between the rear triangle and front triangle for the cables are really pissing me off.

I read some other comments on this thread, I know there was suggesting to remove the rear triangle. I could definitely see that as an option. But it looks like to remove the rear triangle, the bearing covers require special tools? I see hex wrench covers, I see some torq wrench, and there's one that lt looks like it's just blank.

I removed the bottom bolt assembly holding the the lower rear triangle to the back of the frame.  It was the only way I could figure out how to run housing through  the triangle, grommets and bottom bracket area.

January 07, 2024, 10:42:45 PM
Re: III Pro PEERAGE 4 brakes - piccola clone
Nice, looking forward to the feedback!
My bladder is looking forward to reading how well they work.

January 10, 2024, 10:14:39 AM
Re: Interesting Aliexpress finds! - good deals, interesting stuff, new products etc! I have purchased more than 100 $1.79 to $1.99 small items, where you pick 3 and get free shipping.  Every time I end up purchasing 9 or 10 items in the order. (10 items max per order) Total was always less than $20.00.    Probably around 70 are bike parts or bike tools.   Most of the other items are general tools, hydration pouches, lights,  drysacks,  gloves, arm warmers, padded bicycle undershorts.   A few cost up to $4.99, but most cost me $1.79.   I can state that perhaps 5 are poor quality garbage items, but overall I have been very impressed with the quality and functionality of these inexpensive items.

I've played out and purchased about every item that I have interest in.  I keep looking for that next item I can't live without.

I live in Montana, and shipping to me takes 14 to 22 days.  (Most of the time, orders take 7 to 16 days to get to me once the order is through customs -  Most of the time it takes 4-5 days from China to US Customs.  (USPS is slow and sucks!)

January 12, 2024, 05:06:08 PM
Re: WheelTop EDS TX Full Wireless Groupset (Chinese SRAM)
For a rookie like myself what cassette and chain can I run on this group set?

In theory, if they have similar/same software as on the MTB version, any brand cassette 7 to 13 speed.  The software will let you adjust to the cog number and cog spacing.   Regarding the chain,  its compatibility with the cassette and front chain-rings would be the primary factor.

January 17, 2024, 10:12:18 AM
Re: Help with tubing on Ti frame I would approach it from a different direction.  Give Waltly the frame geometry you want for the frame.  They will design the frame based on their best known practices.
They will send you drawings of the frame.   Review the frame drawings.  If you decide you want larger or smaller tube sizes discuss your proposed changes. 

When I had my custom frame designed, I discovered that about 80% of my frame consisted of standardized tubes and parts. 

January 18, 2024, 08:33:56 PM
Re: Patty's Long Rant and Guide To Affordable Frames I've been purchasing items off of Aliexpress since 2011.   For the first several years, many of the bicycle parts I purchased were questionable at best, - quality and durability.  It appears to me that when Interbike died, 2018,  the bicycle parts being sold through Aliexpress started to become a lot higher quality, lighter and higher end.  I started shifting more and more of my part purchases to Aliexpress, and/or Alibaba.

I joined Chinertown over a year ago.  Discovered it via a reference someone made in another forum.     I've been a member in 6 other forums for many years.  My interest in all of them has dropped significantly.   Chinertown is where I spend most of my "forum" time these days.   

Every forum I am a member of has ended up losing its appeal over time.  Trolls, too many off topic distractions, the same old topics over and over.  Too many ads. (Verticalscope owned forums.)

So far I enjoy the members on this forum.   Most stay on topic and contribute.  I learn something new here every day...

January 25, 2024, 10:10:10 PM