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Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts Here is my bling build !

The weather isn't very nice here, so only two ~70km rides so far.
But I loved every instant of them, a smile from one ear to the other, even once when I crashed it :o

Not sure if it is the geometry, the full suspension, the seatpost or the electronic shifting in particular, but this has little in common with my past hardtail riding.

It is a size M SL.
OG-Evkin bar
Ligthbicyle XC925 wheelset with DT-Swiss EXP 240.
XX1 AXS derailleur + Blipbox + Multiclics
SID Ultimate 120mm and SIDLuxe shock 42.5mm
Piccola brakes
Reverb AXS
2.35 tires.
And 10,1kg

The commands are, left click easier gear, right click harder gear.
Click on both for the seatpost.

I was hoping for a more greenish blue, than this reddish one, but I start to get used to it  ::)

I'm still testing different 3D printed mounts for the blips for different positions.
For now the cables are taped below the bar, my plan was to make them go through the bar end and exit through one of the mount holes.
But there was some sun, and I preferred to go ride than work more on it. Maybe later.

April 12, 2021, 05:55:25 AM
Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts
Looks so trick! How do you like the OG-EVKIN bar? :)
The look impresses around me for sure.
Was too wide at 800mm. I did cut 20mm on each side.

The angles feels good to me.
I'll see on a long distance ride how it fits.

@carbonazza More info on the paint please?

Blue color, fade to black, to clear coat?
It is the same pattern as the picture attached.
But with transparent blue instead of orange( you can see the carbon weaves through it ).
Then a black belt ( not really what I asked, but ok ).
Then clear coat ( I asked for ceramic, not sure I got it  :D )

April 12, 2021, 12:49:01 PM
Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts
Thank you for this post! You have built basically the exact spec that I am planning to build. The only difference I'm considering at this moment is to use the FM 909 frame. But if I go with the FM 936, my bike will be identical to yours except for color, blipbox, saddle. Maybe tires too of course. I was very hopeful to stay well under 10.5 kg, and you've just shown me that this can be done. And even with some nice goodies like AXS and a power meter.

I am coming from a hard tail that I have been riding for 7 years now. So moving to a full suspension with modern geometry is going to be mind-blowing.

What ?!? You don't like my saddle ? It is very comfy you know ;)
Coming from the same hardtail years as me. Mind-blown you'll be for sure !

April 12, 2021, 01:51:33 PM
Re: Which frame(s)? LC, Carbonda, Top Fire? After 2 weeks riding my FM936, I'm still red hot, there is no doubt on what you should choose.
But maybe there is some bias here  ;D

April 13, 2021, 12:24:50 AM
Re: Electronic devices Here are my current tools:

Strava(subscriber) has a great route generation tool on mobile.
Strava have their heatmap, all tracks/roads people went to. A gold mine.

But then I send them to Komoot, for review/rework.
Komoot has precises terrain info and types. eg: avoid main roads, cobbles, or maximize single tracks for MTB(but manual), etc.
And start to have many points of interest referenced by the community.
If they had the quick finger mapping of Strava, I would just ditch out Strava.

I then use the Karoo 2 to record my rides and navigation.
After using the Wahoo Bolt for a few years.
Karoo has a neater navigation, touchscreen, real colors.

Unfortunately they just compete with other bike computers.
Same poor in-ride interface, with ungraphical pages with numbers.
They could do real breakthrough interfaces with such hardware.
It is Android below, we are in 2021...
It has only ~7h autonomy, with bluetooth off and minimal lightning to be visible a sunny day.

It has some other quirks:
rerouting is pitiful
the karoo connects to wifi, but you need to go through an odd web page to load a track
the powermeter is lost when you pause

BUT... I love it.
Their support is amazing.
For instance they are currently fixing the power meter issue, and I'm sure it will come soon in one of their regular update.

April 15, 2021, 03:44:26 PM
Re: Electronic devices I forgot the sensors:

Magene Heart Rate Monitor

And the Sigeyi Axo powermeter:
Wich was much cheaper before  :o

Both work great.

April 16, 2021, 02:21:45 AM
Re: Carbonda FM909 I didn't think about it either  :o
It is generally the bottom one that fails.

There are stainless steel bearings.
Like this one:
They last much longer.
Pour generously marine grease on top for even longer usage.

April 17, 2021, 12:30:16 PM
Re: Carbonda FM936 Sizing Your height is one part of the equation.
Your inseam, torso length, arm length play a role too.
If you have them standard or short legs, you can go for a L.
If you have long legs vs. torso a M may be better.
I'm 178cm, long legs, and the M is perfect with this 65mm bar:

April 21, 2021, 03:26:56 AM
Re: Carbonda FM936 Sizing Thank you Julian, very interesting view.
April 21, 2021, 05:15:39 AM
Re: Carbonda Cfr 1056
Yeah, I have nothing but good things to say about Light Bicycle's service. I ordered mine through the North American Wherehouse. I just wish they had a wider selection of their road Falcon Pros. If they offered 30mm wide deep section road rims, I'd order a set.
Me too, it has been about 5-6 years of happy service with dozens of wheelsets for me and others.
Excellent products, and service and if things go wrong(just once), they stand behind their product and warranty.

April 22, 2021, 12:49:30 PM