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Re: FM1001 / FM1156 - 135mm frame
Try this to compare geometry of Bikes. You will find OG Evkin and Carbonda

Do not buy the OG Evkin. the frame is crap (ruined BB shell and loose bottle cage mounts which have ruined the paint around them). If you ask for warranty they will play with you for 2 months and then block you. They are liars and crooks.

November 09, 2023, 03:24:05 AM
Re: Airwolf YFR068 - 2023 Gravel Frame The problem is with the spacer. You say it works, but is not ideal. The contact area between spacer and fork is very small hence the indentation. Looks like they took a normal crown race and changed the 90° inside angle to a 45 °angle so it would sit deeper.
November 09, 2023, 05:16:37 AM
Re: Interesting Aliexpress finds! - good deals, interesting stuff, new products etc!
Are there international codes? The country ones I've tried had already expired yesterday

Try again today. They refresh them every day or something...
I'm thinking about getting a Magene P505 powermeter, but only if I can get the 50 USD coupon to work. I have been trying since yesterday without any luck...

Edit: Have been trying for a couple of hours to get the 50USD off to work but nothing... This morning I could get the 40 USD off to work, but I did not order because I wanted to test the 50 some more, but now the 40 also does not work any more...
I guess they would rather have no sale than a discounted sale...

Edit #2: it just worked after endless tries and refreshing...

November 14, 2023, 01:00:49 AM
Re: DT 240EXP hub clones Goldix, Venfort
Hold my beer ;) <- this is very light, but the driver body almost certainly lacks sealing flange, so you need to buy driver from 240

There does seem to be a seal in this pic:


November 14, 2023, 05:21:38 AM
Re: Interesting Aliexpress finds! - good deals, interesting stuff, new products etc!
but always the same, or did you vary?

according to this list: there are different codes for the same discount values

I think you might have the most luck with the mydealzxx codes. I believe that was the one that worked for me

November 14, 2023, 05:33:37 AM
Re: Chinese cycling clothes
Lastly--anyone have experience with these "9D" or "20D" pads they put in these? It seems that across all the companies, you get a "9D" or "20D" pad, I'd love to hear some testimonials on what they're like.
Those pads are the worst of the worst. Absolute rubbish!

When I first discovered cycling slothing on Ali I made the mistake of ordering cheap bibs with a pad like that. It went straight to the garbage bin...

November 14, 2023, 11:13:53 AM
Re: Magene P505 PES Base Spider Powermeter
Looking at one of these myself for my gravel bike. Anything to keep in mind if setting it up 1x? Any recommendations on good Ali chainrings to pair it with?

The Q-factor of the crank is narrow (like Shimano road), so if you are prone to heel strikes it might not be the best choice. I first wanted to order it with the crank, but the Q-factor made me decide to go with only the powermeter and use my current crank.
The weird powermeter-crank interface also does mean you can't just switch to another crank.

November 15, 2023, 01:35:56 AM
Re: DT 240EXP hub clones Goldix, Venfort I took apart my R180 hub yesterday after about 130km of which 85 in very bad weather and mud. Everything looks OK. The tips of the ratchets look a little bit worn, but since they are razor sharp this might be normal.
I packed the ratchet with grease, assembled everything and... the ratchet would no longer engage... I took it apart again, added some oil to the grease and that solved the problem.

The ratchet is now A LOT more quiet.

Edit: after 1 ride it is LOUD again...

November 18, 2023, 12:22:04 PM
Re: TanTan FM202 Og-evkin QONQI Velo VR066 Whatever you do, do not order the OG-Evkin version. They are absolutely not to be trusted and they do not honour their warranty. I am sure there are other sellers that are way better.
December 06, 2023, 09:46:50 AM
Re: TanTan FM202 Og-evkin QONQI VeloBuild VR066 Well, since I've seen most of OG-Evkin frames as (cheaper) nameless frames from other sellers I would guess they do not make their own frame and just put their name on them...
December 07, 2023, 07:40:19 AM