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Re: Lightcarbon: New LCR017-D (or Yishun R1058-D) Having used one can clear coat, it's really not that great, so 2 part clear coat is likely a must. It will kill you though, so absolutely look into PPE and do it outside.
And it really is a pain to paint frames, so... Be very careful with over spray, clear coat is meant to not come off.
I painted one from primer stage, the result from a distance is fine, from up close it's adequate, but I wish I had just ordered black and played with decals. To be fair the whole painting operation cost me less than 30 EUR.

April 26, 2024, 12:07:21 AM
Saw it there, remember you being very positive about the er9 when I ordered mine. The fact that they die without a reason is terrible. What reseller did you use?
Find the official store on ali bad in communicating. 80 designer store was a bit more expensive but atleast some kind of service there

Yeah i went from loving it to WTF is this?
I bought the groups via Winow, and i dont think Terry is a good professional. He seems like a nice guy, but he's at times elusive, slow, evasive, vague, it's extremely irritating. He clearly cares about himself, but he doesn't seem to care about our problems.
I since had a look at groupset prices in Europe and they're still insanely expensive, it infuriates me. I understand that SRAM prices are very attractive in the US, but that's not the case in Europe.
I kind of want half of the cycling industry to go bankrupt to clean everything up. A 10k bike was never worth 10k, let alone 15k. Groupsets shouldn't start at 1000 eur.

April 26, 2024, 01:09:55 AM
Re: Workswell WCB R 326
Thanks for your reply.
So based on your experience can you suggest a similar frame (as per shape and geometry) to the WCB 326?
Unfortunately I'm looking for a 405/410 reach and 600 stack that is not so common for Chinese frameset

Geometry works, just use a stem longer by 1cm.
I have one, love it. Photo from this w-e. i've put 3k km on it so far.
Alternatively, VB 268 (a bit lower stack, and the thread on the forum has quite a few people reporting problems, but i suspect they get ironed out over time).
Or the SP Cycle 025SL, but for a change, it doesn't look like an SL7. Geometry wise, it's close to what you're after. 30C max though.
Or Yishun R1058D, but also 30C only.
The last 3 are very recent models so you'd get the latest and greatest (hopefully / presumably) in layup, weight and so on. But I only have nice things to say about my 268.

April 30, 2024, 02:27:22 AM
Re: Seka Spear I tried to read the WW thread, all 7 pages of it. That was painful. And sad. I think 4 posts were useful, the rest being people with account names like "TobinHatesYou" bickering like old Greek women at the market for a grand total of zero value add.
I have mixed feelings about expensive Chinese frames, and big reservation around the seat stays, & would rather buy the same frame for less and just painted black, BUT the weight & aero claims really are compelling. It does look like great attention to detail, given the well thought out accessories. At some point it can't all be just marketing, right?
I also find it telling that they seemingly are much more focused on the Asian market than the West. If that's really the case, then it's really an interesting evolution of the road bike market.
And kudos to them for releasing so many sizes, making all these moulds and running inventory on everything is quite a task.
I would fit on a Medium myself, it's a tad lower than my LT268, so that clearly isn't an endurance geometry, but not too aggressive either.

April 30, 2024, 03:09:40 AM
Re: VeloBuild VB-R-268 frame I think that's less and less true every year that passes. Yes, a pool noodle with rough carbon strands inside from 5y ago is going to be hard to get excited over. But take a frame from last year that's fully integrated, and you have something that should be future proof enough for quite a few use cases. A frame that only takes 25C is dead. But 28C is still fairly current, although i wouldn't buy anything new that can't take 32C.
I'm trying to sell my VB GF002 from last year and the issue i have is the mechanical disc brakes. The frame with nice wheels & tyres rides great, but people want hydraulic brakes (and they're right). Ah and the fact I painted it myself doesn't help, the colour is a bit polarizing.

April 30, 2024, 03:23:24 AM
Re: Seka Spear From a relative value basis, in Europe, the Look 785 Huez Frameset is 2.5k EUR. w/o a seatpost (standard size, so very cheap to source on AliX), and ditto on bars (i'm running Airwold T1000 cockpit from Alix and that's c.100 EUR shipped. So, call it 2.6k EUR. 2k USD = 1.9k EUR, not sure about shipping. (The 795 BladeRS is expensive AF so not using it as a comparison).
And a Time ADHX is 3k EUR.
Bearing in mind that these are headline prices, you can find a frame for less if you hunt around, but you may not get your dream colour.
Now, if you're going to spend 2k on a chinese frame in Europe with questionable / non existent dealer support, should you spend the extra money to get a Look or a Time? I think I would. But if you can't find a deal on these French frames, then 700-1000 eur is a material difference. Is it worth it? Time frames are really supposed to be the pinnacle of composites manufacturing, i'd really love to ride one. They're made in Slovakia, which is not China, for a change. And Look also knows a thing or two about carbon bikes.
Given secondary market prices in Europe atm, idk how well these Seka frames are going to sell. There are a lot of great bikes available, with proven history, shop support, and so on.
Interesting market dynamics.

April 30, 2024, 12:47:02 PM
Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets i used to use a battery pack thinking it was charging, it wasn't really. I've been using a wall socket, works much better. I wouldn't charge less than once a week though, the battery doesn't last that long (I did use $hit batteries, to be fair, i tested their capacity at 320-380mah each).
May 01, 2024, 08:56:20 AM
Re: Lightcarbon: New LCR017-D (or Yishun R1058-D) If you dont know the site, play around with Will let you compare bikes' geometries, it's extremely helpful.
Height alone means very little. I'm 184 and i now ride medium frames because i have long legs (saddle height of c.81cm). I also have fairly long arms, so i can fit myself on large frames, but i have a short torso, so i'm actually more comfortable to push watts on a medium than a large, with fairly high stack because my saddle to bar drop is pretty extreme. If in doubt, always, always go smaller rather than larger. I just sold a giant propel in L that was always a tad too big for me. Tragic, because that bike was amazing. Had i bought a M/L i probably would not have upgraded.
If you ride on the flat a lot and are comfortable in aero positions, probably best to take a 0 offset post, will get you more vertical on the BB, a la TT bike.

May 01, 2024, 09:03:29 AM
Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets
The repeated issues with this groupset are almost pushing me towards disregarding the groupset entirely and move to shimano. As a final and desperate move, I will try it with higher quality batteries. Thanks for the input all.

If you want to nerd out, you can buy a lithium battery tester. I have an EUC i use to ride around town, and i've had extensive problems with its battery, so i've become pretty knowledgeable about lithium. Testing cells is often step 1.
In Europe there's a reputable shop that sells 14500 batteries that's been recommended here several times. I bought mine locally and they're shit, in the sense they have low capacity, but they do work.

To be fair to LTWOO, lithium on planes is such a ridiculous ordeal that it makes sense that as a direct to consumer brand, they have the option to sell groups w/o batteries. It's also in line in spirit with right to repair and all that. Regulations around carrying even the smallest of batteries is stupidly strict, not unlike limiting ebikes at 25kmh. Laws that defy all common sense.

May 01, 2024, 11:30:48 AM
Re: 3 years warranty Carbon Speed Gravel frameset
Love to have a Pina inspired gravel frame but I am addicted to the t47 bb now.

The BB is t47 on this one

May 02, 2024, 09:24:44 AM