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Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets
Can't you use some dielectric grease?

My RD started to respond slowly as well. Very likely due to moisture in the plug. I disconnected it, cleaned it, let it dry and applied some silicone grease to seal the plug from the elements. Did a 90 minute long ride today. Everything is back to normal. The RD shifts fine. I think the RD plug is most likely the scapegoat since the plug at the FD socket is facing downward and is probably a lot less likely to collect moisture. I think the plug design could easily be improved to seal better against water.

December 17, 2023, 08:45:44 AM
Re: TanTan TT-X38 Build
I think you are absolutely insane to be riding that fork. Scary.

Not sure who you’re refering to.

December 18, 2023, 12:56:43 PM
Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets
Can you make a video showing what you did? :)

Not really worth a vid, IMO. I pulled the plug, applied silicone grease in the slot where the plug sits and put it back in. It takes literally less than a minute. I washed the bike thoroughly yesterday and did spray water onto the RD and the plug deliberately. No issues. You could probably even use silicone sealant for a more permanent solution. The flakes everywhere on the pic are just little pieces of wax from the chain.

December 20, 2023, 03:27:59 AM
Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets
Have you paired it successfully? I have my ER9 on order and plan to use it with my karoo2

I paired it successfully with my Wahoo Roam v.1
Sometimes it's a bit slow to display the gear changes but other than that it's fine. Pairing worked instantly.

December 21, 2023, 02:59:06 AM
Re: TanTan TT-X38 Build
I think you are absolutely insane to be riding that fork. Scary.

I respect your opinion. I’ll report back here regularly if I’m still alive.

December 21, 2023, 10:45:04 AM
Re: TanTan TT-X38 Build

I've owned 7 OEM frames and none of them looked like that!!!

I agree with you. A product should not be sold like this. I said as much in my earlier posts. Having inspected it closely after cutting the fork down, I don’t think it’s unsafe to ride. Do I know that 100% for sure? No. But no one does unless they x-Ray their frames and forks.
Still, while I’m happy to ride this bike and choose to take the risk, I personally do not recommend this seller based on my own experience.
If I was given the choice again, I’d either buy from TanTan or go elsewhere.
The communication was always friendly and I did get a partial refund. But the seller did not really seem to acknowledge the problem.

December 23, 2023, 03:10:17 AM
Re: Eddie's Airwolf YFR066 Build Thread I had those same bars from OG Evkin on a bike that I sold. I had them in 42cm width first and then bought them in 40cm. I can confirm that both bars were very flexy. The 42 exponentially more than the 40. It did not bother me hugely and I rode thousands of km on this handlebar, raced it and even crashed it. The flex did add to the comfort. But if you're a sprinter, you should probably look elsewhere.
Also, you got around 6cm of spacers below your stem by the looks of it? That's inevitably gonna add flex. Add a flexy bar on top of that and I can see how this would feel rather disconcerting.

December 27, 2023, 12:07:53 PM
Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets
Did anyone manage to fit an 11-34 and test it out?

Also looking to know pulley wheel dimensions and how many teeth... would change those to a purple if mine would fit

Same here. Recently upgraded to an 11-34 12speed cassette. I had to adjust the RD b-screw so the upper pulley sits far away enough from the cassette to not have excessive vibrations. Because otherwise the RD would not stay in gear and shift back down the cassette. I've been in touch with LTWOO and found out that this is a sort of protective feature of the groupset. Adjusting the b screw accordingly solved my issue.

Also, I complained here earlier that I found the RD slow to shift. Upgrading from 11sp to 12sp I've found that it shifts quicker now. That makes sense, because the RD moves just as quickly as before but has to travel less distance from gear to gear on a 12sp cassette compared to an 11sp one. I think despite being compatible with 11sp and 10sp, this groupset seems to work best with 12sp components.

December 28, 2023, 02:35:20 PM
Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets

I was thinking about using er9 for my commuter, but somehow that's a no go then.  :o

I mean you could even save various presets in the app. One for every wheelset or the trainer and just switch between indexing settings via app. Shouldn’t be too hard to implement. I’d love that. I’ll send them an email.

December 29, 2023, 07:35:05 AM
Re: Consensus on replica frames ??
That said, I have seen a fake Pinarello Dogma trying to be passed off as the real thing on a resale site; which was only clear after a friend wasted his time going to see it and noticed some suspicious discrepancies. That’s seriously uncool.

I second that. I own and ride a replica (VB R218). Pinarello certainly hasn’t lost a customer in me as I’m not even remotely in the market for their price range of bikes. But I did shy away from the used market partly because of this. Lots of counterfeits out there and people try to sell them off as legit ones. That’s really not cool. And I’d never put Pinarello decals on my replica nor would I tell anyone it’s real.

December 31, 2023, 01:22:16 AM