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Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread! Loc tite and similar thread lockers work well for some applications but for some I'm not a big fan. Once it cures and the bolt is turned, it shears the material and doesn't have the same retention so if your going over the bike making sure everything is tight and it turns, it won't be as strong. It usually will be fine but I like using Teflon tape when I can as it let's you make adjustments, especially on bigger diameter threads where thread lock can be difficult to break free with the larger contact area.

There is also a product called Vibra Tite that dries to a more soft plastic material and can be repositioned multiple times. Unfortunately it's hard to find in stores and usually I have to order it.

I've found some things in the past that was called thread sealant as well as a Teflon paste that both behaved similar once dry. However, I don't remember the brand or know if all brands behave the same.

Just thought I would throw this out there since it's not a well known product

October 17, 2021, 04:26:30 PM
Re: FM1001 / FM1156 - 135mm frame Bossman, are you able to ride both the 1001 and 1002 and if so, how do they compare? What about weight for both frames? Do you have any other bikes you have ridden that you can compare it to?

I'm really thinking about getting one. They look a lot better finished than the AM831.

November 23, 2021, 11:17:03 PM
Re: FM1001 / FM1156 - 135mm frame Thanks for the reply. I thought you had posted a couple bikes in the 1002 thread but must have gotten the 2 mixed up.

Glad you are liking it! If I don't get the 831 sorted out I'll be looking really hard at these 2 if I decide to try again with a "chiner" frame. Otherwise I'll go with a name brand bike as there wasn't much savings after getting it completely built and sorted out.

November 24, 2021, 03:50:01 PM
Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread! The video above says TanTan down in the corner which means another (3rd or 4th?) company making them. I would be curious how that works because it's not the only frame made by more than one company which all seem to be manufacturers that claim to make frames. I'm wondering if it's something like a shared workshop or makerspace where tools and molds are co-owned or rented to reduce investment costs? And why you will see areas with multiple businesses of the same type in a small area if you search and map one of their addresses.

I don't really like saying this, but I think this frame has a pretty serious design flaw with the upper linkage and connection to the rear triangle/ seat stays. It can probably be made to be rideable in most cases, but what is left to be seen is how it effects the frame in the long term. I'm guessing there will be flex or bearing problems on most frames eventually. If it were me I think I would stop making frames and address it now instead of making more with problems. And I think it would be an easy fix. Would be nice to get some input from the maker and not just invitations to a group buy...maybe we also need a pole to see how many people with the frame are having issues already?

I think I will start a new thread with my build and what I've run into and try to get some pictures to help show what I'm talking about. I need to pull some stuff apart and take some pictures so might be a few days. I noticed something was wrong and made a washer to help a long time ago, but didn't really look at the design until I was messing with it a few days ago and there is definitely a problem.

Anyways...I really want to like the bike but at this point I don't think I would buy it again, at least not until a couple issues get worked out. And I think the only way that will happen is if current owners get vocal and let the maker(s) know there is a problem, as well as potential  buyers that most likely don't want something that doesn't work right...

November 28, 2021, 01:32:24 PM
Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread! If you look at the current linkage, there is a cutout in the middle which won't allow a single axle, and is likely there to give the shock some clearance. With a piggyback shock I think it's likely necessary. Might not matter for a completely inline shock but I imagine most are running a piggyback.

As for the shifting, all those that say they don't have a problem, does it shift great and you're really happy with it or it's as good as similar drivetrains you've ridden? It couldn't be better? For my setup, the hanger is causing problems. I was a bike mechanic for many years and have taken it to 2 shops/guys that I trust and they couldn't get it better and probably left not quite as good as I brought it in, though that doesn't mean it was good to start.

I'm out of town so it will take a few days but I will post pics showing it's currently out of Sram's specs, and where they say that anything outside of those specs can cause shifting problems. And it might shift ok now, but what happens as things begin to wear? The hanger IS out of specs. If yours shifts ok that's awesome. But mine doesn't and it is a problem for me. And maybe anyone else once the new starts to wear off and things become less precise or maybe not. But I'm surprised no one seems to have an issue with something that Sram says is outside of what 12 speed drivetrains are designed for...

December 04, 2021, 02:10:10 AM
Re: Which crankset fits BB92 Bottom bracket for AM831? Different cranks use different axle sizes and different BB attach to the frame differently depending on the standard which also specifies the BB outside diameter. So a normal PF92 BB has a 24mm axle and will work with any Shimano crank or that has a 24mm axle. There are other standards that are bigger and take a bigger axle which is usually stiffer. There are some aftermarket companies that make a BB for a certain standard but that accepts a bigger axle. The only problem is there is less room for the bearings so they have to be thinner and are normally less durable.

The ZTTO thread together BB for PF92 is wider than a normal one which would probably be an issue with a standard crank with a 52mm chainline. But a Boost crank with a 55mm chainline has an axle that is slightly longer and is what I used. With a Shimano crank, they specify to use a spacer on each side of the frame and this made the axle not long enough so I removed one spacer on the drive side which placed the crank as close to the frame as I would want and about perfect. The other side fit on the splines as intended and worked well for the AM831 frame. The crank uses one less spacer which with the extra bb width, moved the crank in roughly 1.5-2 mm VS the non drive side but I don't think anyone would be able to feel this. It also moved the crank as close to the frame as I would be comfortable with which gives it the best chainline possible which is also good. For reference, a 32T chainring has 4 or 5 mm of clearance with the frame at the tip of the teeth which is normally the closest point. However, the Shimano rings have a screw or rivet head that attaches the ring to a permanent spider which only has about 1.5mm of clearance but is closer to the BB and I think will be fine with any normal flexing. An aftermarket ring that's all one piece would give more clearance where the tips of the teeth would be the closest point.

Anyways, sorry for rambling but I dealt with this exact setup. Also, there are obviously other issues with the frame and I would advise anyone to wait until it's updated. I've only been able to ride mine around the yard and has sat in a work stand for over a month. In addition to the bad upper link design, the derailleur hanger is outside of Sram specs for 12 speed. Mine won't shift anywhere near acceptable but it sounds like most are OK with the shifting but I have to think it would be better with a correctly designed hanger. A few others have mentioned shifting problems but the other problems are getting all the attention and I don't think anything is going to be done about the hanger. I emailed Eddy over 2 months ago with pictures and the Sram technical documents showing how it's out of spec and he said it was sent to the "engineers" and every time I ask he hasn't heard of anything. I really want to like the bike but even with an updated rear end, it's just art if it won't shift correctly. I'm probably going to order a Carbonda FM1002 and maybe one day all the issues will get worked out of this frame, but now I'm really rambling...

December 12, 2021, 02:32:14 PM
Re: FM1002 / FM1166 - 150mm frame On the lower trunnion shock mount, are there bearings or bushings there? The bolts look similar to other pivot points that contain bearings so I'm curious. The shock shouldn't move much in relation to the frame at the bottom mount, but will move some so I'm hoping they have done something to accommodate the movement.

I want to buy this frame as I'm in need of one, but I'm a bit skittish as the owner of an unrideable AM831...

December 12, 2021, 11:13:11 PM
Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread! I'm trying to stay positive but that's pretty hard at this point.

Has anyone asked about a refund? Just about ready to walk away from all this...

December 14, 2021, 02:44:29 AM
Re: Those with AM831 built, are you happy with it if not including flexing issue? If you paid PayPal with a credit card, most offer buyer protection just for these types of situations, and usually don't have strict deadlines. Might be worth looking into for those that used one.

January 03, 2022, 09:55:31 PM
Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread! The holes on mine were fairly over sized and I was able to take an inch or so of black tubing and put a split lengthwise. Then slid it over the cable and pushed it into the hole, slice down. I think it was black aquarium air line tubing, but can find out the size if anyone wants. Can also probably take an old intertube and cut a piece and wrap around until it's the right size and push it all in. But will probably have to unhook the back end so you can pull about a half inch forward and push the entire wrapped section backwards.

Or get something like Sugru or even a blob of silicone caulk...

January 03, 2022, 10:10:13 PM