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Re: Lexon "Riot 10" Went for a ride this afternoon and took a photo of the water bottle clearance - It appears using an adapter will allow for room to carry a bigger bottle.
May 02, 2022, 09:46:12 PM
Re: Lexon "Riot 10" A compression headset came with the frame, however I installed my old headset (with a few cheap carbon spacers I got off Amazon) since I'm using my old fork that has a starnut.  This is going to change, I've just purchased the Granite Stash multi-tool that will go in the steerer tube.  I looked at OneUp but the only version I that would work is the original EDC tool that requires the steerer tube to be threaded.     
May 31, 2022, 09:06:26 AM
Re: Thömus / Thoemus Lightrider - is this a catalog frame? Hambini has looked at the Trifox and ICAN frames and had positive things to say about them, while he's roasted expensive name brand frames.

Trifox video:

July 19, 2022, 10:59:16 PM
Re: Lexon "Riot 10" No issues with the BB height and size of frame, to me it rides like how an XC bike should feel.  I'm 6' riding a large, with a 120mm fork, 50mm stem and 780mm handlebar. All said, it is longer (and slacker) than my old hardtail (that had a 71degree HTA), so it is not as agile on some the twistier trail sections, but I can ride it more aggressively on the downhills. I guess that's the trade off with today's bike geometry.  I purchased the RS Monarch RL shock with the frame, so I can't help with the bolts. 
July 23, 2022, 07:03:49 PM
Re: Lexon "Riot 10" Happy with my Riot, I purchased the matte black with the rear shock, RS Monarch. I'm running 120mm RS Reba fork but thinking about upgrading to a SID.  The bike climbs and handles well, when I get on it I want to pedal it fast as an XC bike should feel. The frame quality is good, I had no problem running any of the cables (I did use the Jagwire foam kit so I wouldn't have cable rattle) and I wrapped the frame with Ride Wrap before I started installing any components.  The only issue I've had was with one of the bottle cage rivnuts, it wasn't secured to the frame well.  It was an easy enough fix after watching a couple YT videos.

August 15, 2022, 10:26:41 PM
Re: **Haideli Customer Appreciation FM-M009 Hardtail Frame GIVEAWAY!** Enter

Remember, eating dirt can be hazardous to your health.

August 23, 2022, 12:15:42 PM
Re: New Lexon spirit I'm not completely sold that hiding everything inside the frame is always the best idea.  While internal cable routing is nice and clean, it does make servicing your bike a bit of a PIA (i.e. dropping the rear triangle for bearing service with internally routed brake line and derailleur cable).  Now we are seeing shocks inside of frames. 

A friend has the Scott Spark, it is an absolutely beautiful bike, but while riding and unbeknownst to him the access cover to the shock fell off. The bike shop where he purchased it from was unable to get a replacement from Scott (maybe this has changed and Scott now offers replacement covers as it has been awhile since I've seen him).  The shop just ended up covering the access hole with tape. While this isn't a game changer per se, but if Scott has some detail issues with the Spark, I can't help but think of the underlying issues there may be with the Spirit.  Just my two cents...

December 01, 2022, 12:35:17 PM
Re: Lexon "Riot 10" Wanted to provide an update on the rocker issue.  I received a replacement rocker and bolts with new bearings in place from the Official Lexon Store, the total fee including shipping was $30 usd. I ended up taking the bike and the replacement parts to my LBS as I could not figure out how to remove the stuck bolts - the shock bolts that is towards the front of the bike and the silver rocker bolt.  LBS got the shock bolt off no problem, the silver rocker bolt would not move, I watched as they tried hammering it through with no success.  Ultimately the LBS cut the bolt to remove the shock. 

The bike shop recommended using anti-seize on the rocker bolt to keep it from getting stuck again.

They didn't seem to concerned with the new bearings provided and told me to use them until they need replacing (which I'll watch closely).

The Lexon store was helpful and quick to send the replacements parts at a fair price.  Although one of the bolt heads was the wrong one, they are sending a replacement and I just needed to cover a small shipping fee of 10 cents.  The LBS was able to use the original bolt head for the repair but I wanted a replacement should I need it for a future repair.  Besides I already had paid for it.

December 18, 2022, 10:13:42 PM
Re: Update on Lexon genius looks nice :)
February 10, 2023, 12:39:15 PM
Re: Lexon "Riot 10" More updates....I would strongly encourage replacing all of the suspension bearings, the ones provided are terrible and don't last.  I just replaced the bearings that came with my replacement rocker I received last November. Two of them are already trashed and the other 2 bearings are already showing signs of deterioration (I already had replaced the suspension bearings closest to front of the bike when I did the rocker replacement at the end of last year and they are fine). It's not like I have done a ton of riding in the winter months, maybe 15 rides total.

Also, no grease was used by Lexon to install any of the bearings. 

The only ones that seem to be in good shape are the headset bearings, at this point I have replaced all others within the first 15 months of building my Lexon Riot.

March 28, 2023, 08:42:39 PM