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Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread! The bolt on dropouts in this version on both sides are a bit of an odd design choice, since it’s unlikely anyone will want anything other than a 12x148 axle…I wonder what that’s about.
January 31, 2022, 04:41:17 PM
Re: FM1002 / FM1166 - 150mm frame So, as promised, I tested out different shock strokes and I’m pretty sure it’s not possible to over-stroke the FM1002 at all safely…65mm (163mm travel) definitely doesn’t work, the seatstay bridge hits the seat tube.

62.5 might technically be possible but the bridge is so close at 60mm that I didn’t want to chance it. Even if it worked, there would probably be issues with the rear tire buzzing the saddle/rider on a full 29er setup with a long dropper.

January 31, 2022, 10:19:49 PM
Re: Fiber based spokes thread
These are really cool! The user MaineLotus in the MTBR thread has done an excellent job with this. I've ridden with him many times and the bike is impressive to say the least.

I just realized your profile pic is the classic Sugarloaf Outdoor Center pond shot, nice to see a fellow New Englander here. I build my mountain bikes first and foremost to ride in Carrabassett and Bethel!

February 01, 2022, 04:34:05 AM
Re: Carbonda Cfr 1056 My FM1002 showed up a few days ago, about 3D after the UPS tracking became active. Maybe a different method was used or they’re shipping from different warehouses.
February 03, 2022, 05:01:00 PM
BetterBolts shock bolt for Carbonda FM1001 and FM1002 In the FM1002 thread a couple of us have been talking about possible replacements for the heavy, mediocre quality original 8x40 steel shock bolt and I decided to order a couple of BetterBolts 8x40 shock bolts that they normally sell as part of some of their Transition shock hardware kits.

As I hoped, they seem to fit great and the only difference in shape is a slight protrusion of one side, maybe 2mm further out of the rocker arm than the stock bolt. Not a problem.

All you have to do is email to make the request for an individual bolt, and cost for each was about $15 USD.

February 03, 2022, 11:41:33 PM
Re: Carbonda FM 1003 / Flybike FM 1266 180mm "Super Enduro"
Have just placed an order for a 1003 frame  :D

A bit nervous and excited!

Will update everyone how It goes

That’s great news, can’t wait to see one built up and the question of 180 vs 190 front travel addressed (whether the handling is really optimal at 180 etc).

If my FM1002 ordered Dec. 29th last year is any indication, you’ll probably have it in less than a month.

February 05, 2022, 12:10:48 PM
Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts
Does anyone know if a DVO Topaz rear shock (165x42.5, TR) would fit in this frame? Thanks!

The only thing I might be concerned about with a Topaz is that the piggyback might not have enough space because the flat bottom of the down tube is much shorter than on the FM1001/1002.

To the best of my recollection, I’ve never once seen a 936 with a piggyback shock. That could be simply because piggybacks are considered more “enduro” than XC, but my assumption is there’s a more practical reason.

If you can find any other instance of a piggyback shock fitting a 936, then I’d assume it *should* be possible even though the Topaz bladder enclosure is a little bigger than some other piggybacks like the DPX2.

February 05, 2022, 01:29:02 PM
Re: Tideace 2022 New Enduro Mold FS838 Being Production
Geometry chart? Leverage curves?

Water bottle mounts like on Norco Range?

Norco uses a different rocker link for each of the frame sizes. Have haideli adressed this in any way?

The Range also includes a bash plate on the lower link which seems vitally important:

February 16, 2022, 02:23:45 PM
Re: Tideace 2022 New Enduro Mold FS838 Being Production My guess is that the leverage will be nearly identical to the Range, but it would be good to get confirmation of this.

The Range also uses bolt-on metal dropouts and the carbon ends at the rear pivot (where seatstay and chainstay meet). The 838 is all carbon in this area. That might not be problematic, but there’s probably a reason why Norco went that route.

Lastly, the Range has a thick OEM rubber protector on the drive side seat stay because the chain sits so close to it. If Tideace uses the same protector now being included with the updated 831, riders may find that doesn’t have enough slap damping and need to replace it with something softer and thicker.

February 16, 2022, 02:31:05 PM
Re: Lexon 258 Full-Suspension XC
Hello friends, i'm building a bike with a similiar hong fu frame, wich uses a 22.2mm bushing.
I bought a Dt Swiss Shock and he cames with the exactly same size of bushing, BUT they are made from alloy, and I don't know if they can put directly on carbon or do I need a NYLON/tecnil spacer to avoid the alloy bush touch the frame.
Can someone help me?

You should be fine with either type of bushing, although DU has some friction advantages.

I’d try the metal bushing and see how it feels, then consider an RWS roller bearing if you want more small bump plushness.

February 17, 2022, 01:32:28 PM