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Re: How addictive is bike building?!
I did my first build earlier this year...
Am I the only addict?

At only one bike, you can still stop before it is too late  8)

May 03, 2024, 09:20:10 AM
Re: Build Log - Carbonda hard tail for daughter's birthday.
ELITA ONE Carbon Saddle MTB/Road Bike saddle Super Light Leather Carbon Cushions 96g
Interestingly, the saddles at your link are about 60% cheaper than where I've been buying them for years:

At first, I couldn't spot any differences, as the shop has the same name.
Now, I'm wondering which one is the official store?  ;D

On my link, they provide excellent communication and replacements in case of a faulty product

May 06, 2024, 11:39:59 AM
Re: Gr048 with Tansmission? I've built a few gravel bikes with the Transmission system with the CFR-505 from Carbonda.
All the riders are extremely happy!
I'm a bit jealous now, still riding the old Eagle AXS on my gravel  ::)

The chainline of the SRAM gravel/road crankset (wide) is 47.5mm, which may cause chain rub on a couple of small sprockets if your chainstay length is on the short side (420-430mm).

I contacted SRAM to see if I could safely widen the chainline a bit. A colleague of the person who responded to me had the same issue with a mullet setup. I mentioned that the chain rub would cause some noise and lateral chain wear, but they said he was managing it fine...

I escalated the issue and eventually got someone who, after some back and forth, confirmed that SRAM has 47.5mm max only.
If I remember well, they didn't say it directly, but implied that it would be okay to use a wider chainline if found, as MTB setups allow for much more.
I added a 1mm shim on the right side, which solved the rub issue.

In addition, the app from SRAM to know the chain length, and the position of A/B setup key is not reliable.
It stops at around 38T, so add one link per additional teeth.
And it puts the setup key to A while it should generally tell B. Test both options and see which one works better.

Now, I'm about to build another one, and this time I'll try with XX1-Quarq/104BCD crankset with a 49mm chainline

May 27, 2024, 04:10:48 AM
Re: Carbonda 505SL Integrated Stem Here's a new build with a mulet with the new SRAM Red shfiters/brakes - GX Transmission derailleur - X0 Transmission cassette and chain
And the Lexon gravel bar which is very nice and stiff

To have a better chainline (49mm instead of the road limited to 47.5mm) I did put a non boost MTB crankset.
So there was no more rubbing of the chain.

The setup app is limited to 38T, so with this 44T I did add 6 links(inner+outer) to the 118 advised.
But had to remove one after testing.

From two other builds, for better shifting, the setup key had to be set on B even if the app was saying A.
But not on this one. So the setup app is not really accurate for mullet builds.

Edit: I forgot the wheels, these are the WR40 from lightbicycle with their carbon aero spokes + ceramic hub v2.0

June 13, 2024, 11:58:25 PM
Re: Carbonda 505SL Integrated Stem
super nice build. Any idea of the total cost?

No, as I didn't buy the components myself.
All prices are on
1160USD for the wheels
1100USD for the frame set + paint
The RED shifters are prohibitive, but look and feel better than before.

June 14, 2024, 05:00:43 AM
Re: Wide rims for wheelbuilding
I searched for wide rims and found more Q's than definitive answers. But I did find some good options at Light Bicycle like these:

Now I get in the internal debate that buying rims, hubs, spokes, and nipples separately at retail prices is the same or sometimes more than buying a complete wheel. I guess the long term value is buying good hubs and then using them with multiple rims over the years, changing out the bearings as needed.

Unless the rider has specific preferences, I guide them all towards the Lightbicycle WR40 rims for gravel/road sets. I used to buy just the rims, but I found that, not counting my hours, the price was almost the same as buying a built wheelset. So now, I buy the complete wheelsets. However, building wheels is still a very satisfying skill.

Both the hubs and rims are incredibly durable. I still ride my first Lightbicycle 29er wheelset I got 10 years ago, and the ones I got from Peter are even older.

June 14, 2024, 05:49:56 AM