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Re: cybrsrce AM831 build
Nice tires. Do you have enough clearance to fit a 2.5” Assegai in the rear? Asking for a friend.

From what I’ve heard, the clearance is very tight. I don’t remember the exact tire or rim width but the only person I know of who fitted a 2.5 said it didn’t have enough clearance and slightly rubbed the stays while on the trail.

June 03, 2022, 01:53:25 PM
Re: Where is everyone from? I’m from Freeport, Maine USA.
June 18, 2022, 04:24:53 PM
Re: Chinese Carbon 29er Pic Thread. Latest version of my FM1002
July 06, 2022, 12:18:03 PM
Re: Chinese Carbon 29er Pic Thread. A few different angles:
July 06, 2022, 12:21:05 PM
Re: FM1001 / FM1156 - 135mm frame
Enduro bearings any good? My local auto hardware stores supplies ntn,nsk,skf,nrb. I'm able to find my bearing sizes namely 6800&6902 not sure which maker tho. I don't think they are bike specific but rubber seal ones should work right?

Factory bearing is attached, im very skeptical about grease quality and thinking about replacing bearing before the first year.

Enduro Max is specifically for MTB suspension pivots and Santa Cruz is always boasting about how they include them with free replacements on all their FS bikes for life. They’re generally considered the best, both in terms of how the bearings and shells hold up as well as the quality of the seals.

I’ve run them on my GT Force for two very intense years of big mountain riding with only a slight creak recently that finally got me to replace them. No other bearing has lasted more than a few months on that bike…it takes a seriously brutal pounding on the rocks in the mountains of Maine and logs a ton of vert.

I’ve got about 250 miles on my FM1002 and to be honest I’m rather impressed that the OEM bearings aren’t smoked yet. I have absolutely not been gentle, and the bike has been rinsed with a hose many times as well as absolutely sandblasted with fine granite dust.

July 06, 2022, 07:41:16 PM
Re: Headset play on Carbonda CFR 707 I had a similar issue with the Carbonda headset that came with my FM1002. Replacing it with an FSA No.55R completely solved the problem.
July 10, 2022, 04:13:58 PM
Re: FM1001 / FM1156 - 135mm frame Yeah that definitely looks like a 1002 to me!
July 21, 2022, 01:42:39 PM
Re: Good frame company bad experience with BXT
thanks for the reply, I was looking at the FM1001.   The only thing that puts me off on that frame is the 1/2 x 1/2 headset.

That’s how I felt about it when I was making my decision, and I definitely wouldn’t suggest the Carbonda OEM headset which lets water in (when rinsing/washing the bike), has funky tolerances with stuff like the upper bearing spacer and needs top cap spacers which other more precise headsets don’t, corrodes and creaks too easily even when slathered with grease.

But I haven’t noticed any downside once I switched to an FSA 1.5/1.5 headset. I ride extremely hard on some brutally rocky enduro trails with lots of vertical and the bike has been flawless. Very mild rear end flex due to the full carbon linkage but nothing out of the ordinary and it’s over 5lbs lighter than my other enduro/AM bike that uses a stiff but heavy alloy linkage (GT Force LTS).

August 02, 2022, 01:52:29 PM
Re: Carbonda Gravel Carbon frame CFR707 The thin metal spacers are there to make up for imprecise tolerances in the headset, so that the top cap doesn’t rub on the frame. Typically you use just one, but by nature this will vary from bike to bike. The idea is to have a tiny, ~1mm gap between the top cap and frame but no wider than necessary.
August 03, 2022, 11:19:43 AM
Re: FM1002 shock mount The shock bolt is 8x40mm, and you need bushings or needle bearings to fit 8x30.

I went with the RWC needle bearing kit since the eyelet end is the one that rotates on the FM1002 and 1001. So far it’s been great.

If you want to run bushings I’d suggest pressing out the metal ring that RS puts in their eyelets (for use with their full metal bushings) and running Fox DU polymer bushings.

August 16, 2022, 01:11:18 AM