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Re: Elves Falath EVO 2023 Strange drivetrain. Your front ring looks tiny, do you have 10T at the back? Your cassette doesn't look especially big. It's an aero bike. I don't get it :)
March 11, 2024, 04:19:20 AM
Re: More Aero frame in direction of Merida Reacto? My long teng 268 looks quite similar. I've only done 1100km on it, but I love it so far. Building it was a breeze. Alisa was super friendly to deal with, and answered the million questions I had. 7.6kg in medium with aero and comfort everything.
And ofc, it doesn't hurt that it's cheap :)
I bought the bars separately because I wanted 36cm bars.

March 11, 2024, 04:27:52 AM
Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets On the Er9 you can run 34T native, for 36T you need a small cage extender that costs 2 bucks on AliX. Dont buy the long ass one, that's for MTB cassettes.
You've guessed it, i've tried all these things 1st hand.

March 13, 2024, 04:32:43 PM
Re: Winowsports TT-119 - New Disc Time Trial Frameset I bought 2 frames from Winow. The other 2 are Long teng. I prefer the LT, but they're very similar. If I have to nitpick, The LT had better BB tolerances (one of the Winow frames, the BB on 1 frame got in too easy compared to the other 3 frames), the Winow seatpost is too thin to house the er9 battery (irrelevant to you, but pretty annoying).
They're all fine though. Havent ridden the Winow ones, but i doubt i could tell the difference. My friends are happy but it's still winter and they havent ridden much. The geometry is a bit more aggressive on the winow, but that's irrelevant to your situation.
They're bomb proof aero frames for c.80kg dudes, basically.

March 13, 2024, 05:00:47 PM
Re: LTWOO eGR i've installed 5 er9 and 4 sensah 2x11 mech. for me, LTWOO > Sensah, any day of the week. The FD from Sensah is useless, i've had a Sensah RD die on me for no reason and Sensah told me to go F myself. Meanwhile, at least until now, my experience with ltwoo has been flawless. I'll be the 1st to start shitting on them if that changes, though.
People here keep saying erx has had problems. Afaik, the sleep issue was because of batteries with tabs instead of springs, that's fixed now, and SOME have complained about water ingress in the cable port of the RD, which you can seal with grease or liquid electric tape. Tracevelo literally submerged his egr and had no issues. I'm not aware of other issues?
And the er9/erx even has more functionality in the app than shimano; i dont get the hate.

March 13, 2024, 05:22:20 PM
Re: Wheels upgrade didnt realize they were on aliexpress! cool! Can be a good way to get subsidized shipping.
I think i have the 30mm wide 58mm deep rims from memory. Equally capable as road wheels (we've used them as such too).

March 14, 2024, 04:04:01 AM
Re: Wheels upgrade
You save on shipping by having 2 wheelsets in the same order? IIRC yuanan told me they would ship in 2 boxes for 2 pairs so I'd pay double in shipping

What frame and crankset is this?

Farsports has boxes for 4 wheels in one. Not all sellers do that. Insist, because the price difference is material.
Frame is VB GF002. The only thing i dont like about it is that it's not a road bike, and so the geometry isn't a road bike. Then again, it's a gravel bike... So i since bought yet another road bike :)
Crankset is some random aluminium thing from alibaba. It works. It's not light but then shimano isn't light either, so at least mine is cheap.

March 14, 2024, 09:07:37 AM
Re: New Airwolf YFR056- Winow GF23 - CW GT30 - SPCycle G058 gravel frame 700x50, T47
what I mean is if with a small chainring, the chain could touch the frame when is on some cogs?

You should ask the seller. Alternatively, if need be, you can probably use a shim. I 3d printed a thin shim on the drive side on my gf002 to run a 50/34. The 34T was just eating the chainstay. Different chainsets have different Q factors too, so a Shimano crank may not have had this problem: it's a confusing area but shims are part of the trade.

March 14, 2024, 09:25:50 AM
Re: Chiner traveling bike case for road/tri bike I've had an EVOC soft case for eons. It's served me well.
The last bike i transported, i put in a bike box i got from a shop that was throwing it away. it might be the best option, especially if you already have wheel bags (protection). It would cost you between nothing and pretty much nothing, which is up to infinitely less than a hard case. Bike bags are insultingly expensive. I remember paying a lot for my EVOC bag, and since then it's just become a farce. A problem is long term storage for the 99% of the time when you dont use it.
There's a ghetto aspect to it I enjoy. And you're recycling. And when you're done you can compost it. How many bike boxes are compostable?
You can splurge on packing materials given your spend is so far zero to protect stuff. The box doesnt have wheels though, but i'm sure you can buy something on aliexpress and tape it on. Duct tape is always a friend.
Because it's a hard box, you can ship it instead of traveling with it, potentially.
After you've gone through the motions a few times, you realize there aren't many things that can go wrong if you protect the bike in the right places and stuff the box so that there's no rattling. If you're a civilized human you probably wax your chain which also means your bike is clean to start with.
I think i'd trust a reused bike box from a shop more than a soft case, because a soft case is just awkward and subject to odd forces, but a bike box is engineered to stay in its box format.

March 14, 2024, 11:46:27 AM
Re: Cut the fork Mechanically, you need space between the steerer & the top cap because that's how you compress the steerer column. You dont need much, but you do need a few mm otherwise you can't compress the system and you risk having headset play (& catastrophic failure if you really build stuff like a monkey).
Some top caps prevent you from having a spacer above (VB for eg).
Some expander plugs dont have a lip on top of the steerer column (especially the extra light ones)
However you create that space, you need some.

March 15, 2024, 05:51:48 AM