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Re: Speeder SC-R48 My frame was shipped last week (UPS) and is currently out for delivery. I expect it to arrive this evening. I'll do some pictures, weigh all the parts and put back everything in the box again. If someone is interested in it (size 490), let me know.
January 23, 2023, 05:06:41 AM
Re: Speeder SC-R48 Here are some pics. It's a nice frame. And since made with EPS, there is no wrinkling and bladder remaining in the frame. Frame weight is including 4 bottle cage bolts and both derailleur hangers (ca. 40g plus ca. 20-30g for clearcoat). Bare frame without paint will be around 810-820g.

January 23, 2023, 12:11:59 PM
Re: Scott Foil replica Usually, replica frames are not made in the same mould and have some details that differ to the real deal. For instance SL7 has a different design where chainstay and seatstay meet, front derailleur mount is different and of course, the paintjobs are not 1:1 the same. The difference under the paintjob, we don't even have to start...
In general, they look very similar and most will not recognize it but experts can identify immediately.

This beast here looks absolutely identical to the OEM Foil. And I mean every single detail including the paintjob. I have a hard time believing that they show the fake one here. I suspect they made some pictures when they had the original Foil frame to reverse engineer it for the replica moulds.

May 24, 2023, 06:52:11 AM