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Re: Airwolf YFR068 - 2023 Gravel Frame
Yes, exactly the same. Both bearings are the same for this frame also.

Thanks! That's very interesting, and obviously different to OEM Aspero which uses two different sized bearings.

This forum, and this thread, has been so useful, I'd be hitting my head against the wall if I tried to go alone with it.

June 25, 2024, 02:16:30 AM
Re: Airwolf YFR068 - 2023 Gravel Frame
I received my frame about one month after ordering.

First impressions were pretty good. Exterior - matte black paint. Definitely some overspray on the fork where the bearing interfaces. Haven't checked clearance/final fit yet.

Two of the riv nuts for bottle / top mounts are spinning in the carbon layup - so I can't really use them unless I somehow fix them from the inside (with some resin? will be tough to do).

I used a borescope to check out the insides - looks ok but I'm no engineer. Definitely some strands flying around in there.

The headset cups and bottom bracket cups look... slightly atrocious. But I think it will work ok.

Very interesting. I'm not sure it would pass the Hambini sniff test  ;D

This vid from LT might help with this problem?

June 27, 2024, 10:55:38 PM
The calipers WITH PROVIDED ADAPTERS should fit flat mount. I cannot confirm 100% as I'd been told they'd fit my post mount (they do not). But they look right for flat mount.  It's worth noting that the caliper itself does not and fits no standard I know of (room for things I've missed), but the adapter is provided to make work. 

I have more detail here:

Super useful, thank you. I've bookmarked your writeup if I decide to go down the eGR route :)

July 02, 2024, 07:31:19 PM
Are you wanting fancy bling or simple and practical.

Senicx cranks have a good reputation for durability and quality.
There's a bunch of new carbon cranks coming out as well.

Simple and practical. I had my eyes on the Senicx, so I think that's the way I'll go. I may upgrade to the Magene 505 down the line, but this will suffice in the interim.

July 03, 2024, 06:27:20 PM
Re: Airwolf YFR068 - 2023 Gravel Frame I echo what everyone has said. The paint job is great, installed the SL7 compression ring and headset bearings and it's nice and flush.

Waiting for more parts to arrive before I can properly begin the build, but I'm excited!

July 24, 2024, 07:37:17 PM
Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets This doesn't bode well for LTWOO in the Western market:

Timestamp is at 58:00, Jesse Coyle recounts his experience on ER9.

What I do find slightly odd, is that LTWOO had plenty of notice that he was going to be building up his bike with the ER9, so they could have provided him with a bomb proof groupset, but obviously they didn't - water and dirt ingress and now he doesn't trust it, just like pretty much everyone else who have put out YT reviews.

July 24, 2024, 08:30:29 PM
Re: Airwolf YFR068 - 2023 Gravel Frame Finished for now. Everything seems pretty rock solid! Went with the eGR as I wanted to keep it budget. All in, this bike has cost me AUD$1750, and it’s quite the bike for that cost!
August 03, 2024, 04:09:28 AM
It looks like you still have the B-link there. Doesn't that just make it a hanger (maybe a slightly longer one) rather than direct-link?

Oops, good catch. I took that photo as I was trying different set ups, and yes, you're right - this made it basically a longer hanger which actually helped accommodate this cassette and I might stick with this set up.

August 04, 2024, 05:41:27 PM
Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets For those of us in Australia, you can pick up 14500 batteries from Jaycar that do the trick perfectly with this groupset. Don't get the Bunnings ones, they won't work properly.
August 06, 2024, 06:50:26 PM
Re: Airwolf YFR068 - 2023 Gravel Frame
It seems to keep slipping up after a few rough rides even with carbon paste. Not a concerning amont of play, but I'd like the plug to stay in place ;). What are my options? Is there a longer plug available? Is there some paste I could use. Any other tips?

Could the issue be that the edge of the expander plug is just too small to grip the fork and it just keeps slipping?

That doesn’t look right at all. Mine sits completely flush with the top of the fork.

August 08, 2024, 05:18:38 PM