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Re: Elves Falath EVO 2023 We have to come to terms with the fact not every bike on the market is designed fit everyone. While this should be obvious, there's always going to be a subset of potential customers who feel alienated when a newly released frame/bike doesn't fit their geometry. This is especially true with aero frames for some reason...

I have been really interested in the SEKA Exceed for the past year. Going back and forth on whether I could make the frame geometry "work" for my needs. Unfortunately even their 130mm integrated cockpit/stem is not enough reach for the frame size I need. And that's okay. No use spending my hard-earned money on a frame that wasn't designed for me in the first place. This new Falath EVO is dangerously close to also being too short for my geometry. We shall see how it plays out.

Plenty of reasons why someone would prefer an aero frame versus an endurance or lightweight frame. Even if not for actual racing or the perceived aerodynamic benefits, they simply look cool. And look fast. We are free to spend our money however we please and the market ultimately will dictate how successful these niche frames will be.

February 16, 2023, 09:23:56 AM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-218 Heyo guys,
couple of weeks ago I posted some picture from a small crack in my seat tube. As Sebastian described I tried tightening and loosening the bolts the tiniest bit and see what happened. The crack actually widened, so no bueno...
I wrote to VB-Chris with some pictures. First he said it might only be surface level crack. But I could really tell it wasn't. Even tho it wasn't big I was way to concerned to ride down a hill with a Crack that moved slightly when tightening the bolts. But Chris pulled through and they send me a barebones Frame, which looks and fells pretty much identically to the old one. Just with bottle cage screws in black instead of silver. So I gues I will be rebuilding my bike then. Since the Crack appeared I have been riding the bike exclusively on my turbo trainer, because I was not comfy to go down hills or hit potholes with that crack...

Anyway can only support your opinion sebastian. This is a nice starting point in the world of building your own bikes, if you are ready to tamper and learn. And secondly I am also unsure if I will buy again, Yes they honored warranty, when I persisted, which is nice. But my bottle cages snapped and my garmin mount snapped when riding over normal road sufaces and a couple of cobbles... And lastly my seat tube cracked under the lower screw hole. I weigh 72 kg.
Idk just leaves a stale taste...

anyway, take care guys :)

February 24, 2023, 12:25:43 PM
Re: LTWOO RX hydro sets Pulled the trigger on the Ltwoo 1x11 gravel group. Should be here in a few weeks. I’ll give it a go as is, but if the rear mech is as woeful as some say, I’ll replace it with a Grx.
February 25, 2023, 06:58:51 PM
Re: 2022 - Rotor recommendations?
These look exactly the same as the Kactus rotors, I purchased one to try on my Ti bike, not amazing but it’s not too bad either.

Any chance you can cancel the order? Not sure why Kactus are still selling it but Onirii already recalled that model for spider failures and uneven pad wear.

February 26, 2023, 03:19:24 AM
Re: Groupset News expect L-TWOO eRX to be launched fairly soon

Projected pricing is 4500RMB for the levers, callipers and derailleurs. Wheel Top EDS TX should cost considerably less, quoted to start at the high 2xxx range for Rim brake and low 3xxx range for Disc brake in standard weight guises. Wheel Top is also expected to offer higher end 'ultra light' versions of their groupset to compete with eRX.

pre-production pics

March 13, 2023, 01:26:31 AM
Re: Spider mounted power meter advice Interested to hear your experience with the QED P325...

Sorry my bad, had the wrong link... however including RX crankset it is maybe 25 US$ more expensive.

BR Chris

March 14, 2023, 03:01:02 AM
Re: Onirii hydraulic flat mount brakes I bought this calipers this week. If they look good I'll swap out my ltwoo brakes. 

Nothing performance wrong with the ltwoo. I just don't like how much they weight and look. Everyone weighs the ltwoo without brackets which is wrong. With flat mount calipers you can mount without brackets but ltwoo you must use brackets.

March 23, 2023, 08:11:44 AM
Re: Onirii hydraulic flat mount brakes
I bought this calipers this week. If they look good I'll swap out my ltwoo brakes. 

Nothing performance wrong with the ltwoo. I just don't like how much they weight and look. Everyone weighs the ltwoo without brackets which is wrong. With flat mount calipers you can mount without brackets but ltwoo you must use brackets.

Interestingly enough, this seller is now selling the groupsets with the Zrace brakes instead of the lt-woo ones.,scm-url:1007.40050.281175.0,pvid:1bf7f486-3de1-4d6f-9a7f-d2579f33918a,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238110%231995&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22%3A%2212000032839479096%22%2C%22sceneId%22%3A%2230050%22%7D&pdp_npi=3%40dis%21CAD%21617.98%21432.58%21%21%21%21%21%40210312cc16804722848118866e46d0%2112000032839479096%21rec%21CA%214261068451

April 02, 2023, 04:58:37 PM
Re: dcrf26 frame - Scott Foil? Honestly I'd take this frame over the new Elves Falath EVO...
April 05, 2023, 10:10:16 PM
Re: Onirii hydraulic flat mount brakes There is a design flaw that will cause only 1 piston to move.  I also found a random metal washer floating behind one piston. No clue why it was placed there unless it was to prevent full bottoming out of the piston. Idk

As for the flaw.  The pin hole port to flow fluid to one piston is 90* of the hose.  The hose does block this port preventing equal flow or completely blocking flow.  Not seating the hose fully into the caliper was how I prevented the blockage.  This was a pain. you have to guess where the olive will compress onto the hose.  Getting the olive placed just right will stop the hose from fully seating into the caliper and allowing free flow of fluid to both pistons.

As for use only have 1 ride so far. I'm doing another tomorrow.  I had to strip my bike after the gravel race. I had an inch of sand under bb and the bb bearings were destroyed.  So I've had more maintenance than riding on that bike.

April 12, 2023, 10:30:35 AM