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Re: Hygge Aero Carbon Frame
I was ready to break my laptop after seeing your photo.

May Allah have mercy on its soul

December 15, 2023, 07:11:42 PM
Re: Hygge Aero Carbon Frame Nearly finished my build.

Final result will come at the end of this week.

Goal sub 7kg will be reached - any tips to save some weight?

January 08, 2024, 03:11:56 AM
Re: Hygge Aero Carbon Frame I had to combine 2 clamps.

Buttom of this:
Top of this:

January 08, 2024, 04:24:29 AM
Re: Winspace T1550 new frame?
At $1780 USD for the disc version, not sure if it represents good value.

I had a look at second hand bikes in France - by extension i assume it's just way better in the UK, where ebay UK is like the mothership when it comes to 2nd hand bikes -. You can now find a boat load of branded disc frames with di2 at really good prices. Supersix, Trek, Look, Scott being the most obvious.
I've become a snob because i'm like "oh, i wouldn't touch these 40cm bars", or "that's not an integrated cockpit" and other BS, but the reality is, about a year ago 2nd hand disc bikes were expensive AF, and now they're not. You can probably get a legit bike with meh wheels for 1500 eur, for sure for less than 2k, which you can then upgrade with deep, wide wheels.
Also, you can get a Look frame for that money, and, well, Look is Look. The screenshot is from their website which means you can knock off another several hundreds if you dig a bit. And then 2nd hand.
The bike industry is going down the toilet, there are deals to be had now.

My point: Winspace is horrendous value. Jacking up prices to pay kick backs to influencers doesn't make your bikes better than a Look, or a Scott, or a Trek, or a Supersix, or a TCR.

April 04, 2024, 10:30:29 AM