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Re: Lightcarbon: New LCR017-D (or Yishun R1058-D)
Problem multiplies when the customer gets antsie and the manufacturer starts to cut corners to get the product out the door.

Yeah that would suck.

My personal experience with the bigger manufacturers is they just dgaf. My frame has only ever been a blip in a huge production run of that frame in that size, so they just delay as long as they want/need. I'm not a priority, but the company ordering by the container load is. For me it's fine because I just expect that, but I get why others would be mega annoyed.

Thankfully it all comes good in the end.

April 04, 2024, 05:57:51 PM
Re: Lightcarbon: New LCR017-D (or Yishun R1058-D) Great looking Bike!

How do you like it thus far? I see, that you got the C67DB (?) wheelset. The pattern looks very subtle, I like it. The hicups were nothing major I suppose?

Best regards

April 08, 2024, 01:14:58 AM
Re: Lightcarbon: New LCR017-D (or Yishun R1058-D)
A couple of hiccups but Wendy from LC was able to remedy the issues.

Looks awesome man, love that purple.

April 08, 2024, 01:30:37 AM
Re: Lightcarbon: New LCR017-D (or Yishun R1058-D) It's great to see that support was nice at least :)

I'm about to pull the trigger on one of those too though geometry seems a tad too aggressive. Now just wondering if I should pair it with 45mm or 50mm wheels ahahah

April 08, 2024, 09:08:14 AM
Re: Lightcarbon: New LCR017-D (or Yishun R1058-D)
Nice build, thanks for posting!
Other than the paint, anything to report on? Holes that aren't round, tolerances that are off, brake mount surfaces that aren't flat, inside of the frame that looks crap, any of that at all?
Very helpful video btw. How boxy is that downtube in real life? depending on the video, it can look like the least aero shape one could come up with, but other times, it's not even noticeable.

Not this frame, but for a yishun build I recently did:

The the front caliper mounts were ever so slightly off. Doesn't help that I'm yet to get a set of shimano rotors that aren't warped out of the box.
The rear caliper mounts didn't look super clean but were actually perfectly aligned.
The bb was slightly undersized 0.02mm, which doesn't sound like a big deal until I realised it takes about 30min to remove 0.01mm, so yeah multiply that by 4 and it's a pita. Might not have mattered if I didn't used a shitter bb that didn't require such a precise fit.
BB mating surface was faced under the paint, which is fine under their matte black finish, but I reckon would present gaps if it had paint and clear coat over the top.

April 08, 2024, 09:17:48 AM
Re: Lightcarbon: New LCR017-D (or Yishun R1058-D)
It's great to see that support was nice at least :)

I'm about to pull the trigger on one of those too though geometry seems a tad too aggressive. Now just wondering if I should pair it with 45mm or 50mm wheels ahahah

If it's too aggressive, you can look into a yishun r068d, which is what I ended up doing for a build. It's a good frame.

April 08, 2024, 09:18:59 AM
Re: Lightcarbon: New LCR017-D (or Yishun R1058-D)
If it's too aggressive, you can look into a yishun r068d, which is what I ended up doing for a build. It's a good frame.

Thanks! I think one more spacer and it's OK!
As for Yishun I have contacted several factories and sellers to "feel" them. Yishun was polite correct, but the fact they didn't want to paint a frame and another minor aspect were enough for me to put them aside at this stage.

I couldn't decide either so I got a 55 in the rear and a 45 in the front!

I honestly think there is no difference both in weight and in aero gains (and I really don't care much about this as I don't race). Just more worried if there is actually any look diference or not :D

April 08, 2024, 10:04:37 AM
Re: Lightcarbon: New LCR017-D (or Yishun R1058-D)
The major issue is that they primed the whole frame in a white base coat that should've only been applied below the purple.  So any chips or scratches are immediately more visible now plus the fact there's no clear coat doesn't help.  It couldve been closer to perfect if they hadnt fkd up the paint and cheaped out on not clear coating it.

Thanks for posting your experience. Much appreciated.

April 08, 2024, 02:10:25 PM
Re: Lightcarbon: New LCR017-D (or Yishun R1058-D) Finalizing my order as we speak.  Custom painted 58cm ultralight.  Carol and Lightcarbon have been super-responsive and helpful, especially since this is the first time I've done custom graphics for something like a bike frame.  Will definitely be reporting back as the process completes!  Very much looking forward to receiving it and building it up!
April 09, 2024, 09:23:21 AM
Re: Lightcarbon: New LCR017-D (or Yishun R1058-D)
Finalizing my order as we speak.  Custom painted 58cm ultralight.  Carol and Lightcarbon have been super-responsive and helpful, especially since this is the first time I've done custom graphics for something like a bike frame.  Will definitely be reporting back as the process completes!  Very much looking forward to receiving it and building it up!

Damn it! It was you who took the last frame hehehe. I was going to order it but was informed someone took it now :D

They said 2 months of waiting time now + 1 of painting + delivery time. I am now looking for alternatives

April 09, 2024, 10:17:31 AM