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Re: Souke Sports Wear Giveaway
I received a similar message and it didn't sound too trustworthy. Glad it worked out!

Yea, I was skeptical as well, but figured the worst that would happen is that I got some sorely needed gloves anyways.

I think what convinced me to give it a shot was:
1) the account seemed legit, and the purchase was to be made off an official Amazon storefront, but more importantly
2) They transferred fund to me in advance, as opposed to a "promise to reimburse"

December 30, 2021, 06:06:19 PM
Re: Velo Build R-099 Build
Yes I asked Velobuild directly and they said 5.5 Nm for the side bolts which are in A in your diagram and then said 6 Nm for the "top cap lock head sets". I'm not sure if this refers to only the top cap or the internal plug as well

Thanks for the confirmation Hazzer19.
I'm guessing the 6Nm they meant for the "top cap lock head sets" is pretty much the headset plug as the top cap headset drives the plugs. I'll stick to that and hope for the best..  ;D

In regards to your seat post wedge, assuming with carbon paste, what torque value did you use on yours? 

December 30, 2021, 06:12:00 PM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-177 Wau really nice colour
and the golden chain looks awesome

December 31, 2021, 02:04:15 AM
Re: Souke Sports Wear Giveaway I completed the purchase.

He sent me the money.
I made the purchase.
This is legit.

December 31, 2021, 05:27:26 AM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame This is beast assembled :)

Very happy with the results. This is my second time building a fully integrated bike, and this time the process went a lot smoother. Totally worth over exposed cables. It looks stunning.

Happy biking everyone. May your builds finish without issues!

January 12, 2022, 05:04:58 AM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-099 Build Questions
Well I added some sealant and they're definitely holding pressure now so I guess it will be ok.

Now onto another question...

Anyone else who has built an 099 (or something similar), how have you handled the front derailleur cable? The frame has a fitting on the down tube to house the cable outer, leaving just the shifter cable to exit the frame. I'm a bit worried to use this because if the outer ever comes loose from the fitting I would have to remove the bottom bracket to fix the problem.

The alternative is to get rid of the fitting and just run the cable outer all the way to the derailleur. I'm just a bit concerned that there isn't that much clearance and it could rub against the tire (I have 32C's fitted).

Here are some photos so you can see the setup...

Hi, attached here is a picture of how I did mine.
"pic.jpg" is my current setup. I got the port thing from an old frame but it doesn't flush nicely with this particular hole of the frame.
"pic2.jpg is an example of what I will buy in the future from Aliexpress to replace it. 

I run a 28c tire and it doesn't rub against the cable housing.

All the best with your build :)

January 12, 2022, 09:31:46 AM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame I ride the HB010, thinking about switching to the HB011 as i don't like the curved form,
i also read that the HB011 should be a little bit stiffer

i love the clean look of both that's why i wouldn't go for the seperate stem

January 13, 2022, 07:38:45 AM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame Hi guys, thank you for all your advice, here is finally my bike mounted.
Very happy final weight:7 kg pedals.
Two exits the first two hours per setup, the second over 4 hours and a drop 1600 meters, excellent sensations.

January 16, 2022, 09:45:34 AM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-177 Personally, I'm happy the Far East brands are hopping on the bandwagon to produce more "long and low" bikes. Granted I know this geometry does not work for everyone, but having to run a 130mm or even a 140mm stem just to achieve the optimal bike fit (while being low/aero enough) is not ideal.

It's getting to the point that 54cm frames are almost more so traditional 56cm.

January 17, 2022, 10:47:27 AM
Re: Recommendations for a carbon saddle? Shame more brands don't offer 128mm saddles...

Having gone from using 143mm width short-nose saddles, to a 138 traditional saddle, it turns out a 128 width carbon rail saddle from Prime Bike Components is the most comfortable for me.

January 18, 2022, 08:09:43 AM