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Re: VeloBuild VB-R-268 frame Really wish velobuild designed the 268 with the same seatpost as the 168 so they could offer the option for zero setback or setback and existing 168 owners could order a zero setback
May 03, 2024, 09:42:34 AM
Re: VeloBuild VB-R-268 frame Double 268 build coming up (when I get the groupsets (105 Di2) and wheels). One 54 cm in Silver Chameleon (for a friend) and one 56 cm in Blue Chameleon (for me), both with black contrast color on the inside of fork and rear triangle. Really pleased with the quality of paint job, no air bubbles, trapped dust etc.
To be continued  :)

May 04, 2024, 03:54:39 AM
Re: New frame: Longteng RD301-D I bought one black matte and one black gloss. I recommend the black gloss. Didn't entertain custom painting.
I bought airwolf bars via AliExpress because wanted 36cm width. Very happy with the bars. They're the T1000 or T1100 (allegedly) cockpit. Costs 75 EUR plus shipping so you will find it on AliExpress at around 100-120 EUR. From the airwolf store. Very stiff, look very nice. They also sell a carbon Garmin mount but these are standard sizing.

I designed and got car vinyl decals cut locally. To me the frame looks a lot like a Factor, so I hacked their font and in trolling Factor with tractor and facteur on either side. I've washed the bike many times now, those decals aren't going anywhere but they're reversible. Very happy with the format. It's fancy vinyl, forgot the name, any car nerd will know. It's outdoors resistant. Cost me a whopping ten euro to do the whole bike.

May 04, 2024, 06:37:15 AM
Magene QED 12spd groupset showcased in Shanghai It seems that more Chinese manufacturers are interested in penetrating the groupset market, which is dominated by Shimano and SRAM. After Ltwoo, Sehsah, and Wheeltop, Magene is a new player. They showcased their QED 12spd road groupset at Shanghai's China International Bicycle Fair. I got this info (and pictures) from a person attending the fair. So, there might be some discrepancies. Anyway, here is what I know:
- 12spd semi-wireless groupset
- looks like Shimano 105
- it will have hidden buttons on the inside
- hoods/shifters compatible with rim + hydraulic disc brakes

The price or the release date is unknown. What is your guess?

More details and pictures at:

May 05, 2024, 06:26:11 AM
Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
Really wondering if these increased prices are because of the contractions in the industry so they have to raise prices, or they think their product is equal to west brands so they want to price the same?

Keep in mind that retail price in china is 11500rmb(usd1600) and 14500rmb(usd2000), not pandapodium prices

And i think a lot of these chinese brand's target market are in china, not overseas so theyre priced accordingly to the market there

May 05, 2024, 11:16:15 AM
Re: Magene QED 12spd groupset showcased in Shanghai
My source sent me this photo that Magene told him about the shifter disc + rim compatibility. But I honestly have no idea how it works.

According to the Chinese conversation in the cyclisthub video, the hole on top is for mechanical brake cable. The hydraulic brake hose goes to the traditional location below.

It's one single design that accepts both mechanical and hydraulic braking. Neat.

May 06, 2024, 07:13:16 AM
Re: Tavelo Aero Frame The chris miller podcast from a day or 2 ago was interesting, giving the perspective of experienced racers with regards to expensive chinese brands with western backed aero claims. Among other things, the old "if it's expensive it's got to be good" was mentioned, and as cringe as it may be to some, it often rings true to many, and that's how some brands manage to command a premium for no tangible / dubious reason(s).
May 09, 2024, 08:23:29 AM
Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
Their exorbitant markup for non-chinese market is because..

Just to be clear, its not exactly tavelo's markup. Its pandapodium's markup

As i stated above,

Tavelo arow retail price  is 9800rmb (USD$1360) and Pandapodium's price is $1880

SL is 12800rmb (USD$1770) and PP's price is $2380

And i would guess Pandapodium are getting the frames for wholesale price(less than retail)

If Tavelo wanted to sell their frames internationally, they could sell them for closer to domestic retail and still be making a profit(they already make profit selling at their domestic retail price). But PP's gotta make money too hence the 'exorbitant markup'

May 10, 2024, 01:14:55 AM
Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets
There might be some R&D costs that went into electronic group sets they are still trying to pay off, even if manufacturing should be cheaper than mechanical

That's wishful thinking unfortunately. These companies have been patent trolling for years, it's been the new rule of the game for many years. A friend used to be an intellectual property lawyer in London, representing the likes of Amazon. It is impossible to imagine how cunning these companies are at preventing competition. Amazon for example has patented so much shit related to conveyor belts that it's almost impossible to achieve their efficiency without tripping patents. Is it fair? Absolutely not.
SRAM and Shimano do essentially the same thing.
At these price levels, it's pure price gouging. Especially when you consider the price difference between OEM pricing and retail pricing, especially on Shimano.

May 14, 2024, 02:12:11 PM
Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets My ER9 is still going strong. When it works, it's f**king great! Though I'm not ignoring the problems. Hence why I don't ride my ER9 bike in the rain & don't wash it with a hose, I rotate my bikes to minimize wear-n-tear and I don't do things like shifting both the left/right shifters at the same time.

Also I'm theorizing that some aftermarket batteries might be an issue as well. That's the one variable that differs between all the working/non-working units. This is probably why Shimano uses their own proprietary unit and SRAM insist on only using their OEM batteries. I could imagine a sh**ty battery could potentially toast the ER9/X RD electronics.

Even with all the issues and the non-existent LTwoo support, I'd probably buy another ER9 groupset when it's on sale. The performance-price-risk factor is still worth it for me.

May 19, 2024, 10:16:49 AM