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Re: WheelTop EDS TX Full Wireless Groupset (Chinese SRAM)
What they are stating is fair. As far as in Europe (and maybe in other countries as well), it's the store who needs to provide warranty cases with the consumer and not the company of the product. So if you claim warranty, you need to contact your seller rather than directly Wheeltop.
well, it is the cheapest way for them to sell..they do not have to cope with any european law!
If a dealership would decided to sell the product would immediately trigger alot of costs for this company, to fulfil the law.
Ce certification, no fake one
ANT+ license has to be paid
The brand has to be registred in europe in several systems, if not it is illegal to sell and the distributor/dealer will be held responsible.
The ce certification is pretty tricky with having involved wireless, batteries charging etc..
all these products must be tested..
We have been trying to persuade ltwoo, but they do not care and sell via aliexpress.
so with all these costs involved we end up having loads of costs to cope with laws....all this with seller on Alixepress selling cheaper than we bought our er9s directly...

so the rather sell without any problems via china.....

May 27, 2024, 04:42:14 AM
Re: WheelTop EDS TX Full Wireless Groupset (Chinese SRAM)
Idk how it is to deal with Ltwoo directly. What i do know is that dealing with my reseller is torture.
they only respond if you order, otherwise, you are ghosted.
They basically do not care if problems occur..they fail sending me documents...we offered to translate the app to germany, no response.
They promised so many things which did not happen....
i am selling off my grt stock for low prices...if anyone wants a groupset, i will offer better than aliexpress prices including shipping, i just want to get rid of them..even mechanic groupsets work fine...

May 27, 2024, 11:08:06 AM
Re: WheelTop EDS TX Full Wireless Groupset (Chinese SRAM) toxin claimed on WW a while back the RD could clear 40T, but are there real world reports on this?
May 29, 2024, 03:45:24 PM
Re: LTWOO eGR Also going to write them about this topic! As more people might request this feature, chances will maybe increase that they implement it.
June 09, 2024, 09:58:24 AM
Re: WheelTop EDS TX Full Wireless Groupset (Chinese SRAM) Once I had got it installed and working I was really impressed with it. It cost me £445 and as I had a titanium 10 speed rim brake bike I wanted to upgrade it was the only real option. I'm really impressed with it and the minor niggles you have with most systems. The performance  and cost makes up for any minor problems.
June 14, 2024, 06:01:22 AM
Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets
I honestly can not imagine why anyone in their right mind is still buying these groupsets now... The failure rate is so enormous and the aftersale service is so horrible...
The low price is just not worth getting stuck somewhere (and the question seems to be when and not if this will happen) without any chance of repairing the groupset on the road...

I'd still buy the ER9/X over again even with the minor issues I've had. I've been able to figure out all my problems. Plus spare parts replacement for Di2/SRAM are still more expensive. If any major issues are going to occur, it'll be the RD. Protect the ports, get good batteries and make sure not to damage the cables. At least up to this point, ER9/X replacements parts are available and for reasonable prices.

Hi all, I'm considering purchasing either the Erx or the Er9 from ltwoo for a new build, but there are few points on which I'd like to ask about your experience:

1) indexing of the gear: from what I can read on the forum and bits and pieces of information from Ltwoo on AliExpress (I could not find a comprehensive description of the groupset) the indexing is done via the partner app. Is there a way to use and index the group without the need to install any app?
Can you press a combination of buttons on the levers that will put the group into a "indexing mode" where you can go through each cogs and do micro adjustments just by clicking on the buttons and then memorizing that specific configuration or the app is the only way to go? (Opposite to what is possible with Shimano ).
My concern is that if in the near future the app becomes unusable (lack of support, new OS version of iOS or Android that do not supper and old app) I will be be left with an electronic for upset that I cannot index anymore

If that's a concern, then I wouldn't even consider an electronic groupset. That's probably why most bike tourers stick to mechanical + steel frame bikes for ease of maintenance. It's not like 10 speed Di2 is still properly supported. Plus you could always put the Ltwoo app on an old device/ipad/tablet dedicated to tuning the groupset.

I have no particular bias with electronic vs mechanical. They both work. At this point either 105 or Ultegra mechanical are the best bang-for-buck groupsets available right now.

June 17, 2024, 10:27:45 AM
Re: WheelTop EDS TX Full Wireless Groupset (Chinese SRAM) Some findings about derailleur.
Looks like the FD battery is removable, but there is sealant between the battery and the derailleur body (pic 1) and I found a report of water ingress through that gap between the battery and body (pic 2). And some device insides as a bonus.
Additionally, there is a report of PCB corrosion caused by condensation due to temperature changes (dew point).

June 17, 2024, 04:30:17 PM
Re: WheelTop EDS TX Full Wireless Groupset (Chinese SRAM)
Additionally, there is a report of PCB corrosion caused by condensation due to temperature changes (dew point).

Here's the picture of those PCB.

As an addition the picture of a shifter button and a report about shifter water ingress.

June 18, 2024, 01:24:37 AM
Re: Best and worst overall quality/value components/tools/gear from AliExpress?
I just put one of the all-steel monoblock cassettes on my road bike, this one from Goldix (cheaper than the ZTTO version and exactly the same):

I got the 12 speed 11-34 cassette. It weighed in at 252 grams, replacing a 105 cassette weighing 353 grams, so an easy 101 grams saved. I also like the black anodized finish, though I know it's going to wear off and probably not look super great, but that's a problem for future me. It shifts absolutely perfectly in the workstand; unfortunately I'm off the bike for at least another week due to road rash from a crash, so I can't give a full vote of confidence. But all the shifting issues I've experienced on the road have been very obvious in the workstand, so a total lack of such problems is reassuring. Will update when I get a ride or two in.

Just a heads up. I have the same Goldix 12 speed 11-34t cassette on my road bike and after a few hundred miles the anodizing still looks great. I thought for sure it'd wear off, but it's still totally black. Though I immersive wax my chains so that might help. I like the cassette so much I bought a spare one. Probably the best version of Chinese lightweight cassettes to date.

June 20, 2024, 10:42:48 AM
Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets Has anyone tried pairing an EGR RD with an ERX/9 setup? I wonder if it's possible to combine the two setups or has LTwoo software locked the groupsets?

If the EGR has improved weather sealing and more reliable hardware, I'd love to run a 2x gravel setup. I'm not fond of 1x gravel.

June 27, 2024, 04:02:32 PM