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Re: Best and worst overall quality/value components/tools/gear from AliExpress? XOSS X2 Pro heart rate sensor

Bought after recommendation from Chris Miller on YouTube

Cost less than 30AUD shipped, last sale

It is a sealed unit with rechargeable battery, so no possible sweat ingress.

Smaller and lighter than my Garmin or Wahoo sensors.

been wearing it for a couple of weeks without issue, both running and riding, paired to Garmin watch and Wahoo headunit.

favourite feature it beeps when first connected or disconnected.

April 13, 2024, 07:04:11 AM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame -build finally complete! Had to dig for this thread in the deep, with all the new banter about VBR-268, this poor little thread is getting forgotten.
April 16, 2024, 06:23:26 AM
Re: VeloBuild VB-R-268 frame
There is no standardization in testing here. He compares bike ABC with different groupsets, bars, and wheels (incl tyres type, size, wheel depth, spoke type) plus a whole bunch of variables with what looks to be minimal testing time (first impressions). Unless someone sets up bikes with exactly the same components and A/B tests them back to back in set conditions, then isolating and commenting on the frame's "performance" would be mighty difficult.

Correct. First impression video and then long-term video per usual. Even if I were to conduct standardized test, I would get called out for doing "bro science" as other YouTuber's have. Thankfully the support of this very forum over the years is what allows me to continue and make content. I'm very grateful.

April 16, 2024, 03:38:18 PM
Re: WheelTop EDS TX Full Wireless Groupset (Chinese SRAM) Today i saw this Twitter bikes catalogue, interesting that full carbon bike with wheeltop eds tx costs 950 USD, I wonder how much a wheeltop costs for a factory.
Rival upgrade kit I can find for around 1000 USD, 1525 - 905 = 620 USD difference between rival and eds versions, so 1000 - 620 = 380 USD for eds? Maybe lower, because rival also has a wholesale price.

April 19, 2024, 02:24:18 AM
Re: Interesting Aliexpress finds! - good deals, interesting stuff, new products etc!
does anyone know of any solution similar to 12speed garage door opener?
I expected to have seen something in Ali by now, but no sign... I find the product really well thought, but being outside the US and with exchange rates the 'original' option is not feasible
I have tried to make something similar a while ago. If you can solder a bit you can make it quite easily I think.
I bought one of those tiny universal remotes from Ali. Sadly enough it did not sync/connect with my gate so that's where my experiment ended...
You can open up the remote and you will find a small and narrow PCB inside. This will easily fit inside you handlebar. I then wanted to solder a waterproof push button to one of the buttons of the remote (with about 15cm of wire) and integrate that button in an end cap.

Should be doable if the remote works with your gate. I have a rolling code gate, so I guess that's where the problem is. But the reviews of the remote are fairly positive, so you might be in luck.

This is the remote:

April 22, 2024, 01:44:07 AM
Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets
I remember Trace Velo had problems with his FD not working since it couldn't communicate with the RD which was most likely the main receiver for the shifters. The FD itself doesn't communicate directly. Though it'd be interesting to know if you could mix shifters across various electronic groupset. Like using the LTwoo AE MTB e-shifter mechanism (not sure what to call it) with ER9/X shifters. That would open up the possibilities for other 1x drivetrains at least.

Ltwoo already have flatbar electronic shifters in their cazalogue, just dont seem to be selling them yet
these literally exist for this exact purpose page 27

May 03, 2024, 06:41:56 PM
Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets Another interesting tidbit from that catalogue, looks like (probably as expected) we should see new ER9 soon to match new ERX.

May 04, 2024, 01:34:02 AM
Magene QED 12spd groupset showcased in Shanghai It seems that more Chinese manufacturers are interested in penetrating the groupset market, which is dominated by Shimano and SRAM. After Ltwoo, Sehsah, and Wheeltop, Magene is a new player. They showcased their QED 12spd road groupset at Shanghai's China International Bicycle Fair. I got this info (and pictures) from a person attending the fair. So, there might be some discrepancies. Anyway, here is what I know:
- 12spd semi-wireless groupset
- looks like Shimano 105
- it will have hidden buttons on the inside
- hoods/shifters compatible with rim + hydraulic disc brakes

The price or the release date is unknown. What is your guess?

More details and pictures at:

May 05, 2024, 06:26:11 AM
Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
But this is way more expensive than any other catalogue frame from a Chinese brand. 

I don't see how they can sell these at either the PP or domestic Chinese price.  Disregarding the frame itself, just look at the paint jobs ... they look awful for this price.

look at this graph and think about all the people that complain about the price of high end western bikes and components increasing over the years, yet people are still buying them. Just because theyre chinese doesnt mean they have to be 'cheap' to sell.

Search 'tavelo' on 小红书(redbook) and you can scroll for hours seeing all the people that buy and post pictures of their tavelo bikes if you dont believe me haha

Dont forget china has a population of 1.4+ billion. 3.5x united states. There are bound to be some people that like the paintjobs that you think are awful XD

May 07, 2024, 09:23:07 AM
Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets
I had the GR9 hydraulic levers paired with the Zrace XG calipers, design, weight and color choice were attractive at the time.
My experience with the calipers was less than stelar... the back brake did never work, even after several bleeds. The brake feeling was always soft and not very assuring on steep downhill rides. Installed the heavier L-Twoo calipers and breaking feel and performance is now good.

This is funny, I just did the opposite. My LTwoo calipers worked fine, but the weight gain going with the ER9 was bugging me. I had ZRace XG calipers I bought on a whim awhile back and decided to install them. In the process I also opted to switch to 140mm rear rotors and cut a few extra grams. I didn't even do a proper bleed since I did a direct swap with the calipers. Brake feel is surprisingly good with the ER9 levers. The weight savings is quite significant because I cut about 100g from the calipers.

BTW - do you have a photo of your heat shrink cables? I'm using a coat of rubber cement + dielectric grease on my cables, but now I'm realizing it's a bit of a dirt magnet. I'd prefer a much cleaner application if possible!

May 12, 2024, 01:59:31 PM