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Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame -build finally complete! Had to dig for this thread in the deep, with all the new banter about VBR-268, this poor little thread is getting forgotten.
April 16, 2024, 06:23:26 AM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame Thanks. I had it ordered before the 268 was released. Had I known… the 4 hoses went through fine. A bit of work but doable.  Also routing through the integrated cockpit was a bit of work but again very doable.
April 16, 2024, 08:09:45 PM
Re: VeloBuild VB-R-268 frame
Based on the hundreds of messages I received over the years, the typical viewer of my channel isn't looking for VeloBuild to be an equal alternative to one of the major brands. What they want is assurance their money won't be stolen, and that their collarbones won't be broken from a random catastrophic failure. Basically is the frame good enough all things considered. I try to keep my videos light-hearted and sensible. Save engineering and race opinions for the engineers and racers.

Confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance is human nature. Whether VeloBuild or Specialized, we all want to believe we've made the best purchase. No harm in that.

9:10 in the video - "If you are expecting a $500 frame to compete with a 1000-1500 dollar frameset" Why not? As serge points out Latex moulding, t800/t1000 build up. Evolution of a frame that was well regarded to be punching above its price point anyway.

"If you're looking for a frameset to compete with a winspace or Yoleo, this is not it." Why not? In what regard and how do you know on your first ride?

Section at 9.46: " How does it feel in relation to 168 and 177?" Your builds are completely different, with too many non-standardized parts to differentiate between the frames. Esp on the 68, which is essentially the same geometry

"It's def stiffer than 168." Maybe so with the layup and tube size changes but again different bars, wheels, etc

"More refined" Again, different wheels, bars, tyres

On constructive note, I like the sections with how the build goes, the ordering process, the finishing quality, the service etc that's all really useful and as you say useful in letting people know that these companies are producing very good products.

The non-committal reviewer speak "caveatinging" dubious statements is a huge minus in the vids though.

I don't know what the solution is, honestly; many many people are seeing through all these BS cycle reviews at this point, they are sick and tired of it. These channels are kind of at a crossroads (GCN even seems to be completely swerving reviewing bikes at this point). Your going to get smashed for being to positive or negative or being to safe especially with the current statements and methodology but I and I doubt anyone else is accusing you of shilling like some of the others.  For me I'd be happy to just watch you showcase of these builds, let us know the ordering process, the issues, the finishing, comfort (position geometry) and build etc The builds look beautiful in your vids and the filming and sound is also great.

Frames are the trickiest but don't stop featuring them, i don't think anyone expects you to set up the frames with exact same components and A/B test them, your not a science based tester or someone who pretends to be so and its def not practical for a small channel to build bikes that ways (sucks the fun right out of builds). For frames hold off on the unquantifiable statements I highlighted above and more on that showcase of the product or comment on "this build" and caveat it with stiffness, aero etc is an amalgamation of the parts. For wheels, tyres, bars, tape, seats etc they can be popped on and off one designated test bike to provide a more standardised testing platform with more objective observations which I would enjoy hearing.

April 17, 2024, 01:07:14 PM
Re: Lightcarbon: New LCR017-D (or Yishun R1058-D) Clear coating over the color usually helps with durability which I wrongly assumed was included with the cost of painting
April 23, 2024, 02:34:13 PM
Re: Lightcarbon: New LCR017-D (or Yishun R1058-D) Another build day, today was BB and cranks.
So, I confess to being somewhat @n@l when it comes to alignment, so the LCR017-D gets a treatment.

April 28, 2024, 10:15:02 AM
Re: 3 years warranty Carbon Speed Gravel frameset Found a quick review:

May 02, 2024, 02:56:27 PM
Re: VeloBuild VB-R-268 frame Update on my 268

-I love the Mavic thru-axle system. It's quite convenient actually. Being able to keep the axles in place when both transporting the bike and working on it on a mechanic stand is great.

-The bike is both stiff and nimble enough. I can't say there really is any discernible difference in stiffness compared to other bikes. Unless you are truly sprinting or climbing, there will be plenty of other variables in regards to maintaining any set speed.

-Visually I appreciate the frame design. Obviously because it looks like an SL7/Venge. Well rounded proportions. The sloping top tube gives the visual impression of an extreme saddle-to-handlebar drop versus a more horizontal top tube. More exposed seatpost (should?) also means more comfort as the seatpost has the ability to flex. 32c GP5000 tubeless fits no problem.

-Zero setback seatpost. It's not fully problematic for me, but I had to move my saddle back far more than I'm accustomed to. If this was my only road bike it would most likely be a deal breaker. A non-issue for most folks however.

-7x9 saddle clamp for carbon rails. On my particular clamp when using my AliExpress carbon saddle (7x9 rails), visually it does not appear as if the clamps are fully engaging with the rails. Other 268 owners with carbon saddles have not experienced this, and so far the saddle has stayed put. However, the saddle clamp bolt is now slightly bent from trying secure to the rails. Also a non-issue if you're using 7x7 rails as VB also supplies clamps for that too. Just something to be aware of.

-While the bike as a whole rides better than my previous VeloBuild frames, it does still suffer some from road chatter at the rear triangle. Rough pavement can upset the back end. Thankfully though still far better than my Dengfu R12 and TanTan x38 in this regard. This is completely subjective and anecdotal of course. Over the past few weeks I've made an effort to rotate riding each of my bikes everyday day to get a good feel on the differences and overall riding dynamics.

It's a great DIY bike at the price point so far. As always, wheel selection and bike fit/position will do most of the heavy lifting. If I could change anything it would be adding more reach to cockpit to offset the zero setback seatpost. Dear VeloBuild: Please make one for me thanks!

May 02, 2024, 03:06:12 PM
Re: WheelTop EDS TX Full Wireless Groupset (Chinese SRAM)
I could swear that for a short period of time around the Anniversary sale, an Aliexpress store sold a EDS TX-RA6100 kit that had Aluminum shift levers, rather than carbon, and used cable brakes. This was the inexpensive kit I saw that could be purchased for around $400, but they were all sold out.   When I look up these listings,  it says "page can't be found"

In Japan, I see this kit for sale, but my computer wont translate the page, so I can't read the details to confirm aluminum brake levers.

Edit:  There are TX-RA6100 and TX-RA6000 kits listed I am failrly sure one kit has aluminum brake levers.

May 03, 2024, 01:38:30 PM
Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets
Yet another problem with my er9. So, 2 RD died for no reason, that's being sorted.
But last night I put the er9 on my road bike to charge ahead of a mountain ride today. Battery was over 70pc when I put it to charge, I just wanted to make sure I wouldn't run out. In the morning, I start the ride, two bars as per be Garmin unit. And it wasn't a fluke. I did the whole ride trying not to shift and the battery died at the very end of the ride.
I plugged it in the wall. It was blinking green. It's not exactly the first time I handle the stuff.
So wtf happened this time? How is charging overnight actually draining the battery? Like wtf?
I am losing patience here. I really want that stuff to work, but man... This is really testing my patience, I feel like I should be getting paid to ride that stuff and debug it.

Oh man! At this point, you should get honorary membership for their QA team.

On my last ride, I also seemed to have sudden shift when hitting small potholes. I thought it was one time thing, but then it happened quite a few more times. This was on my second eR9 set. I will keep monitoring this and raise concerns it keeps happening.

May 06, 2024, 01:27:16 PM
Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets
Yet another problem with my er9. So, 2 RD died for no reason, that's being sorted.
But last night I put the er9 on my road bike to charge ahead of a mountain ride today. Battery was over 70pc when I put it to charge, I just wanted to make sure I wouldn't run out. In the morning, I start the ride, two bars as per be Garmin unit. And it wasn't a fluke. I did the whole ride trying not to shift and the battery died at the very end of the ride.
I plugged it in the wall. It was blinking green. It's not exactly the first time I handle the stuff.
So wtf happened this time? How is charging overnight actually draining the battery? Like wtf?
I am losing patience here. I really want that stuff to work, but man... This is really testing my patience, I feel like I should be getting paid to ride that stuff and debug it.

I had exactly the same thing a couple of hours ago. Previous derailleur died of water ingress. It seems like one bump on the road fried the 2nd one.

May 06, 2024, 02:13:30 PM