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Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
If the frame FS-AM831 got the quality issue, anyone shows the picture we would be positive to solve it.

Eddy, all first versions of the 831 frames have the "quality issue" from the start, because the design is flawed. The quality issue is a bearing that is not held in its recess. The bearing is pulled in and out of its recess as the pivot is submitted to axial forces. As long as the press-fit holds, the flaw is not that visible, but eventually the press-fit will fade and the pivot becomes a ball joint.

Plus, the "issue" is not something you can show on a picture, because it's in the behavior of the bike, i.e. it's something you more feel than see. Unless you simply want a picture of the pivot showing that the bearing is not held, but that you know already.

December 17, 2021, 02:35:15 AM
Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread! Eddy. 220 dollars is a great price for a crash replacement. If you send me a perfectly functional bike and I crack it by crashing into a big rock, that is on me and I am happy to pay to fix it. If you send me a bike with a clearly documented flaw that is not capable of basic trail riding without modifications then that is on the company.  I even emailed you about the issue when you still had the frame. You assured me that my frame was all good with no problems and that the issue was fixed.  You may get away with charging for this, but the trust in your company will take a huge hit. Haideli may save a few thousand in the short term by not taking responsibility for their mistake (deception?), but will probably lose in the long run by losing all consumer trust.  I understand that you are probably not calling the shots but this is bad bad business. No one should by buying frames from Haideli until they step up and take care of all of us who trusted them with our business.
December 17, 2021, 10:13:38 AM
Re: cybrsrce AM831 build Yesterday was not a great day to forget the rear fender.  Weather was nice, trail not as much.  Benefit is that you don't notice the frame flex when the whole bike is sliding all over the place!

December 25, 2021, 12:20:43 PM
Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
Ah, good!

I believe you are keeping the bottom link. Let us know how the axial clearance in the pivot between the bottom link and the new triangle is handled. Do you get a set of washers of different thicknesses? Is there a torque spec on the through-bolt?

New upper link bolts with .5mm shims, no torque specs on the bolts.
Lower link stays the same, only change is the new through bolt.  Also no torque specs.
Haven't taken any measurements yet but I'm hoping that doesn't need any washers with that new bottom bolt.

Some more angles of what is included.
Triangle glamor shot gallery.

January 26, 2022, 11:38:10 AM
Re: Tideace 2022 FS-AM831 Groupbuy C order with new Triangle
Im interested in a frame like this but as I remember there were countless problems with these frames beyond the flex issues including problems with hardware and frame bearings so Im still not sure...

Good choice. Think about it this way. If it was selling he wouldn’t be here trying to get people to buy it with a discount.

February 18, 2022, 08:32:30 PM
Re: Tideace 2022 FS-AM831 Groupbuy C order with new Triangle
Of course, if you got any quality issue, feel free to contact me via email.


I have. You ignore any emails mentioning a warranty issue I send to you even after I provided proof. You said you need to talk to “engineers” and didn’t respond for 3 weeks. Then instead of replacing the damaged frame due to factory defects, you said you will give me a discount on the new rear triangle but with your “discount” and shipping I will be paying more than another member here who purchased at full price and paid shipping when it was more expensive. It comes out to $260 total with no paint. I checked and the other member stated they paid 270, with paint.

Also please stop acting like there was no issue. Otherwise you wouldn’t develop a new rear triangle. Moulds and production cost money and you are clearly very money hungry , so I doubt you would waste it on a new rear triangle if it wasn’t needed. The rear seat stays flex and the bearing has too much movement connecting the rear triangle to the upper link. If you want to keep pretending like nothing was wrong , feel free to read through the last half of this thread to learn more about it. I’m sure you will also come across the comments of people who you told would be receiving a frame with updated new rear triangle but didn’t,3172.0.html

Or here,3539.0.html

Just in case you miss it I attached a picture of a comment by someone who was injured and broke their bone because of the issue


February 21, 2022, 09:03:28 AM
Re: Monsuta x Snacks AM831 build
Sorry that Haideli and Eddy are taking that route. I haven’t ridden my bike either because there is excessive movement and clicking noise of the bearing moving around. When I reported this to Eddy all he did was offer to sell me a rear triangle, without addressing the defect. I am waiting to try the bolts JJJ has designed before I ride also.

Eddie actively invited people to contact him about issues in the Group Buy C thread. You could try him there and see if starts to ignore you there as well.

February 23, 2022, 06:45:06 PM
Re: Tideace 2022 FS-AM831 Groupbuy C order with new Triangle Hmmm, should we send out a search party? Someone seems to have gone MIA again.
February 24, 2022, 09:57:58 PM
Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread! After around 50 trail miles I have had to park the 831 , The movement of the bearings in the seat stays has become excessive so for fear of making the bearing housing oval or enlarged I've stopped riding it until JJJ's bolts are ready or the replacement rear triangle turns up.
The few miles I have done so far have been very impressive , Once the rear shock was set up the rear gives that endless travel feeling and the ride is fantastic , Its definitely more at home at speed and descending , Really stable over jumps and high speed corners but not so good in slow twisty single track where it feels a bit big and clumsy . I have fitted the Meg neg air chamber to the Rockshox super delux shock that I'm using and whilst it transforms the ride performance on the back it has made pedal bob worse when climbing so for long climbs I use the lock out
Just thought I would leave a quik   update on my impressions of the frame so far

March 02, 2022, 03:54:32 AM
Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
Its worth reaching out to JJJ, looks like there might be some stragglers not paying.

Everyone paid now!

March 24, 2022, 03:48:24 AM