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Re: IIIPRO E4 4-Piston Hydraulic MTB Brakes - Are they to be trusted? I have always understood that if the hydraulic lines are bled and the calipers are set up/adjusted correctly,  lever fade is usually due to the mineral oil becoming too hot and boiling/making bubbles.  When the levers stay firm, but the brakes fade, this is due to the pads/compound and/or the rotors.

I have had lever fade happen on occasion on my Scumano XT hydraulic brakes.  Usually when this happens the rotors are flaming hot, and the calipers are too hot to touch.   This used to happen more often until I replaced the rotors with heat dissipating floating rotors.

Lever fade has happened to me usually when I have been on very steep long fast descents where I have to keep the brake/s applied for a long period of time to keep my speed down.   When I am on technical trails where I have to brake hard, then release the brakes, then hard again and again, I have never had lever fade.

February 04, 2023, 12:02:20 PM
Re: Interesting Aliexpress finds! - good deals, interesting stuff, new products etc!
That fantastic Zniino gravel bar (Surly Cornerbar knock off) has dropped in price and is now $60~ with free shipping -
I got same for $90 about 2 months ago. No hidden cables but the design is clever and comfortable.

Unsolicited YouTube video of mine :)

April 28, 2023, 08:05:30 AM