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Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets
i was thinking about the additional bar tape, but then I would end up covering the CR2032 battery port of the shifters.

By the time you need to change cr2032, likely you need to change bar tape too.

April 16, 2024, 10:07:40 PM
Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets
I had a to get my shifter on my GR9 group replaced. 80 Designer store sent me another and I paid shipping. They had the typical timezone delay on responses.

Just received a reply from 80's designer on sending me a new RD and wanted US$15 for shipping. 

April 16, 2024, 11:27:48 PM
Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets
i was thinking about the additional bar tape, but then I would end up covering the CR2032 battery port of the shifters.

On my other bike with Ultegra shifters, I did switch to a -17° stem and while that extended my reach slightly, it put less pressure on my grip position. Though I'm not sure if it would help since my main issue is slim grip design that's causing discomfort.

I slipped two pieces of thin bar tape, each 1 to 1.5 inches long under the rubber hoods mainly to provide more cushion and beef up the height to transition the hoods to bar better.  Might help in your case too.  Used double-sided tape to secure.

April 16, 2024, 11:35:24 PM
Re: VeloBuild VB-R-268 frame
Correct. First impression video and then long-term video per usual. Even if I were to conduct standardized test, I would get called out for doing "bro science" as other YouTuber's have. Thankfully the support of this very forum over the years is what allows me to continue and make content. I'm very grateful.

Using the same wheels, could you do a NorCal kind of video on a loop you know well, swapping 2 or 3 bikes? You have to use the same wheels for any credible kind of comparison. Your times would be interesting, but equally interesting would be your impression.
I take issue with the "because it's 500usd it can never compete with a 1500usd frame", given the 268 is t800&1000, EPS moulded, proven geometry & shape: it's latest best practice afaik. Now yoeleo or the likes are, afaik, just taking oem frames and branding them for a premium, just less of a premium than western brands. Having looked at their specs sheet, manufacturing methods, reputation for QC, the reason why I don't buy them is because I don't see that my money would go into the frame.
I'd like to be proven wrong, because I can afford to pay 1500 for a frame, or 5000 for that matter, but i care about relative value.
Last, i saw you have a colnago video, any chance you would test ride that with your own wheels for comparison?
Colnago Vs velobuild video would break the internet :D

April 17, 2024, 02:00:09 AM
Re: Interesting Aliexpress finds! - good deals, interesting stuff, new products etc! I've broken chains but never a quick link of any brand or type. I reuse them without any second thought until I retire the chain.

If I break a quicklink tomorrow I'll be singing a different tune!

April 17, 2024, 06:48:07 PM
Re: WheelTop EDS TX Full Wireless Groupset (Chinese SRAM) Linsook.  Welcome to the club.   Weather permitting, I will start riding my gravel bike 100+miles a week.  Get yours going soon, so we can collect data, present it, and show those ltwoo er9 owners that Wheeltop has the better product!   ;D
April 18, 2024, 10:30:30 AM
Re: Interesting Aliexpress finds! - good deals, interesting stuff, new products etc!
Same here I've only broken chains, but I've never broken a quick link be it Shimano or even the cheap ones. The SUMC and Rider Ace quick links can be bought in bulk. They seem to have a shorter use life, but you can have like 50 of them for not much money.
I have been purchasing the Rider-Ace quick link 5 packs when they are on sale for $1.79 or $1.99.  I have a few in use, and none have had any issues.  This being written:  My usual chain routine is...   When I install a new chain, I use the supplied quick link (Usually KMC chains) to first set up the bike.  The quick link that comes with the chain gets installed and removed 2-3 times, but not ridden under load.   After the chain is the correct length, I remove the new chain, clean it, immersive wax it and then final install it on the bike.   Then I leave the chain on the bike, regularly adding liquid wax.   After it starts to look dirty, I remove the chain, clean it and immersive wax it again. (I do this 3-4 times a year.)  When I install the chain back on the bike, I use a Rider-Ace quick link.   On average, I end up replacing my chains about 1 to 1.5 years.  Therefore, I go through 2-3 Ride-Ace links per chain on a bike.   I've been consuming around 8 to 10 Ride-ace links per year. 

April 18, 2024, 10:48:00 AM
Re: Hygge Aero Carbon Frame Update on my handlebar issue... The seller did get back to me and acknowledged the paint problem and sent me a new handlebar. I received it today. 

For reference: The 380/80 handlebar weighs 350gr (without additional hardware)

April 18, 2024, 12:40:51 PM
Re: WheelTop EDS TX Full Wireless Groupset (Chinese SRAM) I couldn’t wait any longer.  Pulled the trigger on an EDS rim brake version 2 days ago.  With a discount I got it for under 540.00 USD (taxes included) and free shipping. 500-550.00 was my break point for purchasing this groupset. Looking forward to testing it out this summer.  I will be replacing a perfectly well tuned 105 R7000 group on my training bike. 

I will provide feedback once it arrives and I get some miles on it.

April 19, 2024, 12:09:01 PM
Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets Lol I’m sorry I do scribble but In essence the final drive gear that drives the arm that shifts had a tooth broken off, I’m not sure if this was my girlfriend frantically shifting without pedaling or something like that. She honestly doesn’t know yet how to shift because she is new to cycling.

For this problem you need to have a derailleur that is stuck in a biggest or smallest gear and still makes noise when you shift, or a rear derailleur that stops in a certain gear, for example 1-5 works but then 5-6 is a green flash and some noise but does not actually make the shift. If you diagnose any of those this might help.

But since that shifter arm only moves about 60° or so, I was able to take the derailleur cage off, then move the arm 120° around and then go in the app. Now here is where it gets sort of tricky. If it’s stuck in the smallest sprocket follow 1 if in largest follow 2.

1. Go to the rear derailleur in the app, then click calibrate, it will ask if you are in the 6th sprocket which you need to answer with “yes” ( even though you are not). This will offset the zero and will allow you to shift down 5-6 times (11-12 speed). Repeat this step until the arm has come around anbout 120° and you can mount the cage back on.

2. Go to the rear derailleur in the app, then click calibrate, it will ask if you are in the 6th sprocket which you need to answer “yes” ( even though you are not). This will offset the zero and will allow you to shift up 5-6 times (11-12 speed). Repeat this step until the arm has come around about 120 ° and you can mount the cage back on.

April 21, 2024, 11:18:32 AM