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Re: VeloBuild VB-R-268 frame Good night

After 500 km with the bike, I can say that I am very satisfied.
I leave some photos of the final assembly

March 13, 2024, 05:35:54 PM
Re: VeloBuild VB-R-268 frame Wicked @rga19071976 !

Assuming your paint color is silver chameleon, my frameset was shipped out yesterday in the same color. Hoping it delivers by end of March. I'm gonna be blinding mofos when the sun hits  8)

March 13, 2024, 09:57:37 PM
Re: VeloBuild VB-R-268 frame Size 56
Silver Chameleon Paint
Frame (no FD hanger): 1079g - I'm going 1x. FD delete saves 15g
Fork (uncut): 406g
Seatpost (with saddle clamp): 228g
TOTAL: 1713g

I'm going to assume the 950g advertised weight for a size M was unpainted, and the 180g seatpost didn't include the actual saddle clamp. The 410g fork weight however is accurate. No complaints to be honest. Both paint and facing surfaces look good too.

For Reference...

Giant Propel Size ML
Frame: 1071g (both hangers)
Fork: 361g
Seatpost: 198g
Total: 1630g

Tavelo Attack size L
Frame: 1041g
Fork: 443g
Seatpost: 156g
Total: 1640g

March 28, 2024, 06:14:39 PM
Re: VeloBuild VB-R-268 frame
Yeah, it's often like that. Why the hell would I be interested in the unpainted weight?

Because matte paint is lighter than gloss, that a single coat is lighter than several colours with decals? Factories either advertise unpainted weight, or matte black weight.

March 29, 2024, 08:33:04 AM
Re: VeloBuild VB-R-268 frame
1. You plan to route 4 housings through the bars & stem using this Having routed 4 VB bikes with keb-sl housing (full internal), i really dont think it's possible, so very curious to see how you manage that.

2. If i had extra spacers like that under my stem, i'd probably run an extra long plug expander to spread the forces over the widest possible area. Leverage is a thing, so if you hit a bad pothole, you're at a materially higher chance of cracking the steerer if you run tall chimneys like that. That's also going to add another sharp bend to the routing.

3. so the frame is 1060g and they advertise 950g. Did you ask if the 950 is a raw carbon weight? Primer & paint done by VB is going to add weight, idk if it adds 100g, sounds like a lot, but I'd say >50g. At which point a 50g variance is 5% of the advertised weight, i guess it's within spec? When you order rims, if it weights 460g, the seller typically says +/- 15g, and a rim is a lot less intricate than a frame.

My built is finally finished. At the end I opted for only twoo of largest spcers, one from my extra spacer kit (I know, its the same hight, but less hassle).
When I tried to assemble the handlebar with the 4 cables I quickly gave up the idea of using my used link cables. The thight space in the handlebar lead to gaps between the links, so I ripped it out and used the jagwire road kits instead.
I don't like how velobuild routed the cables underneath the stem. They dont run internally, inside the stem, but underneath of it in a canal. So there is a even tighter bend between the fork and the handlebar. I even had dificulties running the inner cables through the housing when reaching the bend. They got stuck, and I had to loosen the handlebar again.
It would have been better if the cables run inside the stem. They would have more space for the a bend with a biger radius.
It was a big hassle, but at the end everything is working well.
7,8 kg with Sensah Empire pro, onirii/iiipro cable/hydro disc brakes and elite edge wheels.

March 30, 2024, 03:04:56 PM
Re: chinese carbon saddles
It's my first time dealing with velobuild and doesn't look promising.

Did you run into the same issue? How long did they take to ship yours?

VB is a broker, they buy stuff from factories and resell it. It's a distribution channel, essentially. Their core business definitely isn't selling saddles. Before you order from Chris it's best to ask him what's in stock or not. The good thing is they can usually source anything you want. On my gravel builds i wanted non integrated flared bars with internal routing, and he was able to find that, even though it wasn't listed on the website.
If he took your money, he will ship you your saddle.

April 01, 2024, 03:20:04 AM
Re: VeloBuild VB-R-268 frame My first look video is live on the channel.

YouTube Search: Velobuild 268 First Look - My excitement for budget frames has returned

April 01, 2024, 02:38:47 PM
Re: chinese carbon saddles Pretty much everyone who has dealt with VB have similar stories. In my case they forgot to send bottom bracket and extra derailleur hangar. I didn't realize rd hangar was missing and only asked for missing BB to Chris who said yeah he will send it. Nothing happened for two weeks so I asked again and he says oh it wasn't shipped? Let me check. Then next day sent a mail saying it's been shipped. About a week later I got bb in the mail. Another week passed and I got another bb in the mail :D exact same thing happened with rd hangar a month later too.

There's a clear communication gap between who actually packs/ships and Chris. I received the updated C ring in similar fashion - no tracking, no proper response just one mail from Chris saying it shipped. They might be lousy with communication but they won't steal your money or at least that's how I feel.

April 01, 2024, 03:53:01 PM
Re: VeloBuild VB-R-268 frame
My first look video is live on the channel.

YouTube Search: Velobuild 268 First Look - My excitement for budget frames has returned

Thnx Pat! Not a great fan of the color, but really looking forward to your build, especially regarding the routing of the cables around the headtube/fork.

April 02, 2024, 08:23:49 AM
Re: VeloBuild VB-R-268 frame
i've built a VB168 with Sensah (4 hoses), the 268 is the same infrastructure, so yes you can run mechanical. It's a major, major pain though, and the FD shifting will probably suck.
I've installed 5 er9 groups, they're wonderful. The app is awesome, adjustments are much easier than mechanical (especially FD, i hate mechanical FD adjustments). Together, we've only put 3-3.5k km on them though, so they might turn to shit, although i dont see why they would.
I really liked the 168, the 268 should only be better. I would do er9 on 268 with nice wheels (not less than 500-650$ range before shipping), gp5000 tyres, and you will have a wonderful bike.
On the lcr0x-d, it's a bit old now; i wouldnt buy a bike that maxes out at 28C, and T700 is on the ghetto side now.

Thanks Serge, you answered everything I had and probably every follow up question i had to boot also :) Will go with the ER9 and the 268.

Build is something like this:

Frame 268 (Racing Green) Order process is really easy and Chis's communication is great so far.
Group ER9
Magene PES cranks/power
Pass Quest rings
Ryet Saddle
Gp5000 (probably 30 but 32 if it fits)

Just wheels to figure out 50 to 60mm with internet 21+ and under 700 dollars and under 1600g would be good suggestions welcome.... must have shiny finish preferably no decals as going no logos with the design.

Order this week but wont be building till first week of June so ill try to share some photos

April 03, 2024, 04:23:35 PM