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Re: Airwolf / YFM026 boost / santa cruz highball
Oooh, I like the white one very much!

Can you tell us the weight of the complete bike?
20.73lbs.  Not bad for entry level components with a dropper post.

February 06, 2021, 09:09:57 AM
Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts
September 13, 2021, 10:10:15 AM
Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread! There was some talk a few pages back regarding what a mud guard for the shock. I had designed and printed myself one a few weeks back that seems to work well. It's held on via a zip and i've attached it for anyone that has a 3d printer.

October 17, 2021, 02:40:29 PM
Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
On my frame, if I pulled on the seat stay there was very obvious movement so I made a washer to fill the gap under the bolt head and the carbon of the frame. This reduced the play but I didn't stop to look at the design and what was actually happening. Since the bolt is holding the bearing tight to the linkage, when the frame moved over the bearing was sliding in and out of the frame. The washer just limits the movement but between the bearing moving in the frame and the bolt rubbing on the frame or washer if installed, things are going to start falling apart pretty quickly.

Yes, I guess you're unlucky there. My bearings don't move in and out of the eyelet... yet. But I do have some traces of rubbing from the screw head.

I've attached a potential fix, using a second ball bearing on the outside. It does need crafting a custom screw, though.

November 29, 2021, 10:38:33 AM
Re: cybrsrce AM831 build Yesterday was not a great day to forget the rear fender.  Weather was nice, trail not as much.  Benefit is that you don't notice the frame flex when the whole bike is sliding all over the place!

December 25, 2021, 12:20:43 PM