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Re: Carbonda Gravel Carbon frame CFR707 The thin metal spacers are there to make up for imprecise tolerances in the headset, so that the top cap doesn’t rub on the frame. Typically you use just one, but by nature this will vary from bike to bike. The idea is to have a tiny, ~1mm gap between the top cap and frame but no wider than necessary.
August 03, 2022, 11:19:43 AM
Re: Carbonda Gravel Carbon frame CFR707
Do you know about the headset top cap and if i should use a spacer underneath or if i can clamp it directly on the handlebar/stem combo?

I always just clamp it directly. If you get your math right cutting the fork, there should be a few millimeters between the bottom of the top cap and the top of the expander plug that's sitting in the fork, so you can get a proper preload, and a nice clean look. However, many people put a small spacer underneath, for two reasons:

1. It's easier. You don't have to be as precise in cutting the fork and can just put a bigger spacer in case you need more space for preloading.
2. Technically, it's safer, as it better aligns the clamping force of the stem with the support given by the expander plug. Without a spacer, the top of the stem is clamping an area that's less supported. However, if you use a torque wrench, you should be fine. I've never actually seen this being an issue in real life.

August 03, 2022, 03:26:11 PM