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Re: Velobuild VB-R-218
Heyo guys,
long time no see.

I have been riding my vb-218 since last september pretty much exclusively.
I just got home from a ride yesterday and today I wanted to hop on and take it for a spin, but I observed the following: see the pic.

there is a small crack in the carbon near the lower seatpost screw. I have not changed my saddleheight in quite a while and tightened it with 3-4nm only. So im guessing the frame is gone then?

I rode in around 0 degrees c in winter and my bike made some weird noises in those very cold temps. But i thaught that was the saddle rails or something like that.

How did you repair yours sebastian? And would you mind giving me a crashcourse in your trades :D? Also you think this is a warranty claim worthy case?

I was wondering if that is just a crack in the clear coat? if all warranty options etc fail you may as well sand that little area and see if the carbon is compromised. If it isn't just cover the sanded area in nail varnish to seal.

January 25, 2023, 06:47:27 AM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-218
Heyo guys,
long time no see.

I have been riding my vb-218 since last september pretty much exclusively.
I just got home from a ride yesterday and today I wanted to hop on and take it for a spin, but I observed the following: see the pic.

there is a small crack in the carbon near the lower seatpost screw. I have not changed my saddleheight in quite a while and tightened it with 3-4nm only. So im guessing the frame is gone then?

I rode in around 0 degrees c in winter and my bike made some weird noises in those very cold temps. But i thaught that was the saddle rails or something like that.

How did you repair yours sebastian? And would you mind giving me a crashcourse in your trades :D? Also you think this is a warranty claim worthy case?

Un-Tighten an Re-Tighten the seat clamp screws slowly and see if you can make out any movement in the crack.
It's a bit of a weird spot because it appears to be below where the seatpost wedge actually expands. Also, examine the inside for cracks.

If you're sure that it's actually a structural crack, definitely make a warranty claim with VB.
Mine was replaced under warranty. Chris asked me to sand away the paint to expose the crack. But that shouldn't be necessary with yours.

January 25, 2023, 07:57:47 AM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-218 Once again it’s good to see that VB at least stand behind their warranty.
But I must say, all the issues in this thread do not fill me with confidence. Not sure I would buy from VB again, to be honest.

January 30, 2023, 12:22:00 AM