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Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame
Hi Everyone - tall rider question here.

I have spoken to Chris/Chris's regarding frame sizing (VB 168/199) - as i'm quite tall (1,96) with most of the height in my legs. My current bike has a seat rail-to-crank distance of 84 CM. With the VB 168 (56cm) frame the 40cm seatpost will have to come out to the max (10cm left in the seat-tube). It also means it will stick out by a good 30CM + saddle.

That might look quite odd but not technically an issue.

Any other tall riders on a 168? I might have to look at other frames that come in larger sizing/longer seat tubes.

Dang, I was looking at the 56 and slamming the seat post to the ground. and Buying the longest stem I can find hopefully 150mm or bigger. Actually this is my strategy for all the frames. Buy the biggest frame I can get away with slight adjustment in the seat.  then slam the seat and super long stem. I am 184ish.  I am all torso.

September 26, 2022, 03:13:19 PM