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Re: Carbonda FM909 Today was build day.  Combination of heatgun and scalpel and a bearing press dealt with extracting the painted-over bearings in all but one of the pivots.  It was a long, laborious process which the mechanic didn't enjoy, and it should not have been necessary but for the carelessness of the painters Carbonda used. 

Unfortunately we couldn't extract the double bearings in the middle linkage.  As there are two on each side I suspect it's not easy at the best of times, but per the photos, there was a large amount of clearcoat penetration of the bearing recess (worse than all the others) and they're completely stuck fast.  There's no way to remove them without using force sufficient to destroy the linkage. 

As such I emailed Carbonda requesting a new, painted middle linkage and bearings, to replace the current one when the bearings fail - which I can't imagine will take more than a season as we have fine dust like icing sugar here. 

Aside from all the time spent on that, things were relatively trouble free until it was brakes time. 

Titanium planet magura bleed screws refused to seal the caliper, despite looking identical to stock ones. Took ages to diagnose what the issue was as they weren't leaking visibly initially but all pressure was gone.   Then we discovered Hope floating rotor attachment points don't clear magura MT 2pot rear calipers. Going to have to swap the XTR one from gravel bike in.  Also forgot I needed a PM 160->180 adapter for the Manitou R7 Pro, which fortunately the LBS had.

Both the mechanic and I felt the Acros headset bearings were significantly worse quality than the ones provided by Carbonda. Also the IP seal that Acros provide to go between the bottom of the headtube and bearing results in play and won't work. Crown race they provide is also not split and won't work on the R7 Pro, or I suspect many other forks.    So we used the original  Carbonda bottom bearing and crown race, and the Acros upper bearing, cable routing insert and headset cover that I needed for integrated cabling with the Syncros Fraser bar. 

Hopefully finishing it off tomorrow. 

November 10, 2022, 01:33:22 PM
Re: Carbonda FM909 Finished.

Looks good I think.  Frameset appears to be very good quality.  Just a shame that the experience has been somewhat marred by the paint (clear) over bearings fiasco.  I'll update when I receive a response to my request for a new middle linkage to replace the borked one. 

First order of business, more shock and fork pressure.  Need to cut bars further and find the fattest grips available.  Also need a longer travel (and thus longer) dropper as I can't put seat high enough.  SRAManoruk and Shigura working well.  Also need to reduce saddle downward tilt as I can't get away with that on wide flat bars (vs narrow drops).  May ultimately have to change cockpit solution to something with rise and more backsweep.

Excited to ride it in the mountains and on the trails.  But god damn does lwb and wide bars feel like shit in the city.

Pics attached.

November 11, 2022, 10:35:59 AM
Re: Carbonda FM909

December 07, 2022, 11:27:01 AM
Re: Carbonda FM909 I keep seeing riders purchasing FM909s but when will someone post a decent review of how these frames perform.   Flexy? Stiff? handling?  I wonder how a large frame would hold up to a 210+ rider....
December 07, 2022, 02:51:30 PM
Re: Carbonda FM909 FYI

December 20, 2022, 01:22:01 AM
Re: Carbonda FM909
what is the current price for 909?

I have paid 950,00 usd date: Nov. 14/2022
Without shipping!

January 27, 2023, 05:16:16 AM
Re: Spcycle M016 hardtail frame builds I've finished building up the frame and hope to bring it out on it's first ride this weekend when things dry out a bit. There's two things that I wish I had known before ordering this frame.

1) the frame requires a crank with a 55mm chainline and is not advertised as such. This would be fine if I was purchasing a new crankset. Since I was using an existing SRAM X0 GXP crank, I had to get a new chainring with a 0mm offset to get the required chainline. Even with the 0mm offset ring, the clearance is tight with a 32t ring. More on that in item 2. For my daughters frame, I was planning on using an existing 3x SRAM Stylo GXP crank. It's a 1x drivetrain so I was able to put the ring in the large ring position which is roughly a 56mm or 57mm chainline. This set up has plenty of chain ring to frame clearance with a 32t ring. There was no chain jumping while back-pedaling in the large cog so all appears to be good.

2) a 32 tooth ring is probably the max that will fit comfortably. If you don't plan on going bigger than a 32t ring, or a 30t oval ring, you should be fine. I don't have an oval 30t to test fit so I can't say if that would fit or not. This is more of an issue for me as I'm trying to run the Philcentric EBB. A 0mm offset 32t ring still will not work when the EBB is in the aft most position. This will limit the amount of adjustment I have when getting the chain tension correct. Everything went together fine with the 32t / 18t gearing and the EBB has the spindle in the lower forward position. I could not get the 32t / 20t combo to fit but that is partially due to the limited adjustability of the Philcentric. This combo could work with a half link but then finding a 0mm offset ring that doesn't have a narrow wide tooth profile would be difficult.

I will say that while I was trying to work all of this out, the folks at SP-Cycle have been very responsive to my concerns on the AliExpress chat. I always expect the worst when dealing with some of these direct vendors so any type of help is appreciated. This frame definitely isn't for everyone as it does have some concerns, but those concerns will not apply to everyone. If the ride is as expected, I'll probably be ordering another one to build up for my brother. That will have gears and a new drivetrain so we purchase the correct parts in the beginning to save some hassles.

My other option would be a chain tensioner where a rear derailleur might go.

I think that would be a safer option with this frame as a single speed.

April 19, 2023, 02:35:15 PM
Re: Spcycle 2023 New Travel 120mm Super Light 29er full suspension frame
Any reputation information about Spyce?
I currently have an ongoing case with my SP-M05 frame. will report.

May 12, 2023, 01:56:27 PM
Re: Spcycle M016 hardtail frame builds
Can't find info about fork travel for mentioned frame geometry...

 I was told 505mm axle to crown length when I was ordering mine.

July 26, 2023, 06:57:59 AM
Re: Carbonda FM909 Updated geo chart attached. Longer wheelbase and front-center, higher/less bb drop. Still in production, may be done end of August.

Also, chart shows 46mm offset for the fork but Adam claims 51mm is fine. Fox is currently selling the 34 step cast for $200 off, but only 51mm is available, 44mm sold out.

August 03, 2023, 08:54:50 PM