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Re: Disconnecting hydraulic hoses You MAY be able to reuse barbs and olive if you can get it out and if you haven't tightened the olive too much but it's heavily recommended to cut and put new barb/olive as you likely lose some seal. This is why you are often advised to leave as much hose as possible in the bike. If crimped properly the olive shouldn't come off anyway
You can pick up a pack of olive/barb/hose kits for 4 bucks on ali, or for 30 at your LBS who will urge you not to get them from aliexpress as they might explode. The olives are universal afaik but the barbs and hoses are not, i think the standard Ltwoo uses is BH59, same as shimano road
You seal the open hoses with a toothpick
And yes both ends of the hose have a barb and an olive

May 14, 2024, 03:35:48 AM