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Re: LTWOO eGR The thread may be that old, but my experience is fresher than that  ;)   I've had it out for another ride now. So far so good. I think I'm hearing slight noise sometimes on some gears like it may not be aligned correctly. So I might to go micro adjust better or I might go back to zero and do it per instructions (I micro adjusted first like an idiot). But functionally it's good. It's hard to directly compare the 'feel' to my AXS bike because that one is a 2x with a road cassette so each click is a smaller, smoother change. On the giant 1x cassette, some steps are a bit rougher by their nature. But I think it's pretty comparable. And definitely more responsive and reliable shifts than the modified, cable-actuated Force 1 on there before. I have no hesitation clicking up or down one to 'feel' right where there was enough faffing before I often just didn't.
May 29, 2024, 08:25:49 PM
Re: Winspace G2 (Light Do it all bike)

Hi Trackar

Thanks for sharing this. How do you find the EGR? I'm keen to know if the problems of the Waterproofing and the RD swing stop has been resolved? The one that Luke from Trace Velo was having.
No issues with it at all so far. Will be getting a second groupset most likely. Also will begin to log quite a bit of miles on it soon, will update after 1000 miles.

June 06, 2024, 02:00:08 AM