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Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts My frame arrived!

Hope you all like the color, I think its fun!

Here is my clearance with the cheap ebay 165x42.5 2018 fox dps bottomed out. When its already bottomed out and I continue to bounce on it the frame doesn't budge. I agree with NumberZero and Medico, 42.5 seems bomber.

This build is looking better and better. No problems so far. Quality is great

August 04, 2020, 01:43:46 AM
Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts

A few questions:
1. What is the max rotor size the rear will accept? hoping to go 203mm up front and 180mm out back.
2. Are most people ditching the headset that they include? I opted for it as it was pretty cheap. Not sure about quality.
3. Does the frame come with hardware bushing required for the upper shock mount (8mmx22.2mm).
4. I've seen people saying you should open up all the bearings on the rear link and grease them. I think I'll be doing that (not a question I guess..)

Concerning #2 - I used the ultra cheap headset that was included with my hardtail in 2014.  I still use it today and it is fine.  Admittedly I live/ride in a very dry environment, but I have not recognized any issues with it.  One thing I did do was apply a thin coat of silicone water-proof grease to the frame where the bearings sit to make sure there was no creaking.

August 24, 2020, 11:57:29 AM
Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts
Looks SO good!! Congrats!! Have you got a link to the oval rings? What dropper did you go with! Thanks :)

Thank you! I like the look a lot too. Great looking frame.
Chainring is indeed Garbaruk -

Dropper is a OneUp v2 210mm. Works great and does give that all important confidence on the steeeps.

...only had to get used to the geo. Handles great ones you get a hang of it...
What is so different compared to your previous bike ?

I come from road cycling and cyclocross so a MTB feels significantly different. Big volume tires, long wheelbase, slack front end and geo that 'changes' in corners is something different. :)
I have several more rides on it now and it is very confidence inspiring. You have to think a little further ahead because of the wheelbase when you are threading the needle through the trees but it is so smooth and efficient over rooty terrain.
Im gonna get a slightly longer stem (40mm now, will probably try a 60mm with a little drop) and slide the seat back 10mm. Should i have gone for the XL?.... maybe. Hard to say since i dont know if the wheelsbase would feel to long.
I dont feel awkward on the bike but its probably not far from the limit.

Looks like a very light build. Wonder how much you did spend on components.

Why you did take size L? Your seatpost length looks enormous!

Bike is weighed now - 11.8kg - not that light but OK considering big tires, almost 600g seatpost and non-SL frame. Im happy! :)

I have not calculated the price to the Euro but 3,5k is probably not far off (good guess theirishrider...). Might be a bit over unfortunately...

I took an L because my Torso is short compared to my legs AND my local woods are quite tight and twisty. I was a bit worried about the overall length of the XL. I like the low handlebar on my L so an XL would have needed negativ rise stem and flatbar to get the same position. Its all compromises!  ::)

September 08, 2020, 10:33:49 AM
Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts
Roby13 has some really good points. He wants to maintain the saddle to BB position due to knees: 'Already tested with different saddle positions and if I go to much over the BB, on long races my knees start hurting.'
I personally like my position where my knee is infront of the pedal axle (gives me less pain on the patellar)
I've not had issues with rear traction or front wheel lift on super steep tricky rocky assents but also I've not ridden a Scalpel so I don't have a point of reference. I can tell you that the slightly lower steep turn performance is offset by a greater degree by the descending ability.
I'm riding national XC points series on this bike next summer so I guess that will be the proof. If it's any guidance, Michał Topór was riding it seems like M at the world cup which seems suited for his height. You might get best of both worlds with the M with a slightly longer stem, but I don't know. What length would you have to run to get the reach you want?

If it's any help, would you like some images of me mounted on the bike? with 2 stem positions? - ive no idea if that would help

I would have to run a 70mm stem on the M which I find right for a xc modern bike. (same as NS is mounting on the M an L sizes).
The only thing I would need is to have more seatpost outside the frame and this would also compensate the actual seat tube angle.

I don't want to upset anybody here or deviate the threat so I'm going to try for the last time to explain my point.
Let's say I'm going to buy a new xc bike with modern geometry. In terms of HT angle, ST angle and wheelbase the closest a I could find are the BMC, Unno and Mondraker. On any of this brands I will take hands down the L size which is the one I have always ridden and I don't think any of you would advice me to by the XL. Well, if I take the L from Carbonda it would equal a XL from those brands.
Of course I can ride a XL just lowering the saddle on those and due to the long wheelbase it would be stable and planted on the downhills but it won't feel nimble or fast cornering or going up, which you really need on xc bike.

November 06, 2020, 06:51:25 AM
Re: Airwolf YFR068 - 2023 Gravel Frame
Interesting - what has made you switch away from the mullet setup? That's exactly the route I am thinking to go. And thanks for confirming 44T up front is max.

For the region where I live, the range a mullet setup offers is totally overkill (the Netherlands). Even when I ride gravel it's totally flat, maybe a little bump here and there.

March 06, 2024, 01:55:22 AM
Re: Airwolf YFR068 - 2023 Gravel Frame
Okay, I need some help. I know the BB on the frame is BBright. If I order DUB compatible BBright bottom bracket, can I run a crankset like this one? Sorry if this seems ameteur, I get overwhelmed by BB/crankset options and different standards. I plan to upgrade the chainring with a 44T one.

Just get a BBRight DUB bottom bracket and you should be fine, any DUB specific crankset will fit. BB is provided with spacers and a preloader is installed on the crankset. The latter will help you to remove play and to make it fit properly.

SRAM offers plenty of detailed installation guides online, look it up and you'll find out.

March 06, 2024, 01:13:52 PM
Re: Airwolf YFR068 - 2023 Gravel Frame
can anyone comment if the frame brake mounts are setup for 140 or 160mm rotors by default? I've ordered 160mm rotors and need to know if I need to get my hands on some adapters.

I'm running 160mm rotors with SRAM Force, no adapters needed.

March 25, 2024, 02:27:01 PM
Re: Airwolf YFR068 - 2023 Gravel Frame
I'm running 160mm rotors with SRAM Force, no adapters needed.

At least on my frame, it is a 140 rotor if you install a Shimano GRX brake caliper directly without adapter.
I would need to install a adapter to the GRX caliper in order to use 160 rotor.
Don´t know if Force and GRX calipers are different.

March 27, 2024, 03:24:51 AM